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Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:06 pm
by Rolande
Anecdotal report since my conversion / August 2013

After my baptism of water

1. This is not a dream: I took my Bible to my sister’s place and her dog eat my Bible (totally destroyed by the dog) no more Bible gone. They are telling me it is a sign from God to eat the scripture. I wonder about that because I did not think that at all.

2. Dream: Again at my sister’s place, I’m sleeping and I feel during the night touch of hands over my body (on my private parts and over my body) … I can’t open my mouth or move, hard for me to take my breath. I’m so scared. Finally, I find a way out, I called on the Lord Jesus-Christ that stop right away. When I got up in the morning I feel like a truck run over my body…told my sister that and she is saying that is Yarkkk and this is happening to her also once in a while and she is telling me that she prays when that is happening to her and she bind that in the name of the Lord Jesus-Christ. Again, I wonder about that too.

3. Dream: I’m at home, and I’m hearing a car parking in my garage. Thief. I get up and I go in the garage even if I am scare. As I arrived in the garage, I see a red car with curtain. A voice is telling me that there is 4 persons in that car. Could not see their faces but I know there is 4 persons. I want to knock in the window so they open the curtain (yellow color) but a voice is telling me not allowed to do that so I obey.

4. Dream: I ‘am at home, I have a dream, but I see like an image on a TV screen, in my dream a black form is spying on me at my window. I see that black form looking through my window and that thing is spying on me. I can see it clearly. Suddenly that thing is at my feet and climbing over me. Cannot move again, cannot speak at all, hard to take my breath, I’m paralyze. Again I manage my way out of this by calling on the Lord Jesus-Christ. That thing goes away. I really wonder what is happening to me. I’m starting to think I am under attack by something I do not know.

5. Dream: I’m seeing a commercial center where I live; I enter the auditorium where the pastor goes for preaching. I enter the place and as I walk in, an odor of blood was coming from the walls, and I hear people praying, weeping and crying, lamentations. I look around if I could see people but nobody was there. Blood was dripping from the wall, from the top of the celling to the ground.

6. Dream: I’m at home, my back door is open, I wonder what is going on, why is my back door open. I get up and go see what is going on. I see like a very dark Wolfe and suddenly that thing entered in my house and it goes hide in my basement. My son is there and he says to me mom “ I will go get that thing and kick him out of the house.” I said to my son do not go there but it was too late he was bitten by that thing on his right leg and that thing went back out. I want to put a bandage on my son leg I see the some light marks but no blood.

7. Dream: I’m at home, and I’m sleeping and something wakes me up. I feel that someone is sitting on my bed so that wake me up. Without opening my physical eyes I see a women dress in black and she is observing me with the corner of her eyes. I am seeing her; her face is hidden by a black veil. I still can see her eyes she is watching me, observing me with the corner of her eyes. I’m so afraid. Again, I manage my way out by calling on the Lord Jesus-Christ. She disappears and she never came back.

8. Dream: I’m at home again, I am listening to worship song in my bed and above my head I see kind of a mist (white color) coming down from the sky and little bubble like crystalline water. I’m on my guard and I pray, “If this is not from the Lord Jesus –Christ I pray God to intervene right away”. After that I feel a complete peace and as I was laying on my right side to fall asleep for the night, I feel something behind my back (really don’t like it) and in my left ear I am hearing: “ I am leaving you” and that thing left and never came back.

9. After that I started dreaming different dreams; From the sky a huge white (right hand) hand gave me two glasses of water and the water was clear but I was not allowed to drink it yet.

10. Dream: I was flying in a yellow rocket with fire and as I was in the sky I observed the earth from the sky and I was seeing the earth in very dark color (black color) it was not beautiful at all from that angle. I was saying to myself it this the real world?

8. Dream: I was teaching 4 persons in a classroom.

9. Again, dream of a big white hand (right hand) from the sky gave me a scroll (gold color). I put it on my heart but I did not open it.

10. Dream my last one: I was sleeping and I hear something moving upstairs in my kitchen. I go upstairs and I observe a little white puppy is sitting there. I approach it and I look into his eyes and it has blues eyes. The sun is coming on it through my kitchen window. I am looking at that puppy dog and it must be at least 4 months old. I look again at it, and I go in my fridge and I see a huge lamb bone with a lot of meat on it and I give it to the puppy and I left. Then, I come back to that scene and the puppy eats the whole meat and the bone. As I approach the puppy something is stuck in it throat, I approach more and I can see the bone stuck in the puppy throat. I put gently press my right index finger on it and as I’m doing this I’m saying “to be remove in the name of Jesus-Christ. ?” The bone disappears. The belly of the puppy was touching the floor.

Dreams have stop now!! I’m more focusing on reading the scripture; the book of God to built a good foundation with His Words. I’m not very good to memorize the scripture!!



Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 3:04 pm
by Paul Cohen
Hi Rolande,

Is the sister you mention here the same person from your testimony and the incident with your son?


Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 10:13 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Hi Rolande! There was no message in the dog eating your Bible. God doesn't speak that way. Don't you think He can come up with a much better, a holier illustration? The interpretation your sister gave you hadn't even entered your mind, you say, but you also don't say you believe the interpretation, which is good; it is not a true interpretation.

Is this the same sister who, with her husband, prayed with your son?

As for your dreams, none are from the Lord. There has been much demonic activity in your life, but you needn't fear at all. Trust the Lord; He's showing Himself mighty to you and will redeem and cleanse you as you humble yourself and walk in the truth by faith (trusting Him). He is LORD!

You have said that as you spend time in the Scriptures, no more dreams. That's good! Peut-être spend time reading the French translations at our site, and if you feel like communicating in French, Ingrid would be willing to do so, I believe. She is at Harvest Haven. Ingrid Benson:

Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 10:11 pm
by Ingrid Benson
Bonjour Rolande,

As Victor mentioned above, I would be glad to talk to you if you feel like communicating in French (and in English too, for that matter!) Don't hesitate to write if I can help in any way.


Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:24 am
by Rolande
Hello Paul, yes it is the same sister. I invited my sister to come here but the answer is no. :o

Hello Ingrid,

I do not really have question in regards to these dreams and as Vistor said : God is HOLY. He is right when he is saying my dreams were not from God. At the same time, i come from a family where there was a lot of " wichcraft" and native healing medicines... so at this point in my life ( since 2013) the Lord Jesus is cleansing me. I feel at time i am like an onion ( Jesus is removing the peel one at the time) with a lot of gentleness and Love. One thing for sure i know now Ingrid, you are on this website and thank you for sharing with me . :D

I did read the posting on the website ( baptism, music, etc) which actually is very straight forward, no blablabla, no confusion, no doublemind messages. The website is clear, i believe this is done in honesty and very helpful not only that " the Presence of Holy God is very high ".

The Lord Jesus Christ is renewing my mind, my heart, my family, and i am very grateful because He is LORD not me. AMEN.

Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 5:03 pm
by Rolande
Paul Cohen wrote:Hi Rolande,

Is the sister you mention here the same person from your testimony and the incident with your son?


Yes it is.

Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:26 pm
by Paul Cohen
Okay - thank you, Rolande. I agree with what Victor told you before about your sister and her husband. It's true according to the witness of the Lord, which is shared by His Body. I quote:

"They have been overcome by a religious spirit that has license to deceive them because they have sought to be spiritually heroic. They are not hearing from the Lord Jesus Christ, our Risen, Living Savior. They follow another Jesus."

If your sister was of God, she would want to come here, and would. But now we see in her the Lord's words fulfilled:

"For everyone that does evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his works may be revealed, that they have been done in God" (John 3:20-21 EMTV).

Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:28 pm
by Rolande
I am so glad to be here in this forum. Thank you soooo much taking the time to explain. Still reading ... it is gonna take me a while but i thank the Lord i ended up here on this forum. Im so happy and grateful ... i am overwhelme by this form of teaching ....
I think you people are saying loud and clear no pampering ... just Shaback .. that is word that the Lord gave me... can not find what it is ... I hear the word in my ears " Shaback" . I may not have the right spelling but I really hear that word SHABAK

You are bless.


Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:09 pm
by Brandyrenae Williams
I understood it to be LOUD PRAISE....please correct if wrong :-)

Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:56 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
I have no idea what the word Roland hears means, but I do know this: God does not toy with people by tossing single words to them to ponder. Devils work that way; God does not. And Rolande has had her experiences with devils.

However, let us for a moment assume He might give a Word in another language to someone such as yourself and have others interpret it, in which case there will be a witness and confirmation. These are not happening here that I know.

Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:25 pm
by Brandyrenae Williams
Hi Victor :)

The word shabach is in a song that was sung often in a church I attended when I was a child. I also remember a pastor (when I was in my early 20's) speaking on words such as: el elohim, el shaddai, adoni, many of the jehovahs and giving the meaning of them. He ended his sermon with 'give God a loud shabach, means give the Lord a loud praise'.
If I was out of line, I'm truly sorry and ask if you would forgive me?

Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:42 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
No, Brandyrenae, you weren't out of line at all, not that I can tell. And you're right - that is a Hebrew word for "loud praise." And now I see the meaning and application, considering the circumstances. I wonder now, could it mean that she was finding the essence of our site, TPOT, as one of loud praise unto the Lord?

Perhaps Rolande would like to shed more light on the circumstances and even tell us what this might mean to her? I concede it may be from the Lord, after all, given the context in her words:

"I think you people are saying loud and clear no pampering ... just Shaback .. that is word that the Lord gave me... can not find what it is ... I hear the word in my ears " Shaback" . I may not have the right spelling but I really hear that word SHABAK

You are bless.


Not only are you not out of line, Brandyrenae, I thank you for your input because now I believe the Lord has brought you to give this to us and particularly to Rolande.

Knowing some Hebrew, like the word, "Shabbat", for example, I should have pursued the meaning further but failed to do so. Thank you for your patience and information. I do hope this helps Rolande. Bless you, Brandyrenae!

Re: Anecdotal report : Dreams

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:29 pm
by Brandyrenae Williams
Thank you for that.

Endeavoring always to Matthew 6:33-34