Faith in God, Patience with Men

Letters from those finding their way in faith.
Eric Courtemanche
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Location: San Tan Valley, AZ

Faith in God, Patience with Men

Post by Eric Courtemanche »

Hi Everyone,

Victor and Paul asked me to post my letter to them in the forum, so here it is.

"Hi Paul and Victor,

To add to what I said before. I wasn’t expecting a reply(this is in reference to the message Victor gave for Laurie in a recent Sabbath meeting), but I’ve patience to wait for one knowing all that the Lord has done so far.

I didn’t see the opportunity to share during the meeting, so I’ll share this thing on patience now.

When the Lord brought me to consider drinking raw milk years ago, Laurie scoffed and complained. After the last time in January losing the farmer who supplied us raw milk, Laurie found us our current wonderful farmer for raw milk.

When the Lord brought up seeking out CSA’s to go organic and seek local organic supply, Laurie scoffed and complained. After being unsatisfied with the last CSA we had in February, Laurie found us the best one yet.

When I first suggested a garden the same thing happened, and now Laurie is helping with that too.

There have been other things that followed this course and are currently following this course.

The Lord gave me the patience in trusting in Him to provide for us, and also to trust in Him to move Laurie to what is right and good even though she doesn’t believe.

I cannot help but be thankful for every day along the way, trusting in Him to do the impossible with me and everyone else.


Victor's reply was:

"This is very good, Eric. How would you like to forum it? I expect others would appreciate the encouragement to endure with their spouses, if not all adverse circumstances requiring faith and patience.


Beryl Knipe

Re: Faith in God, Patience with Men

Post by Beryl Knipe »

Thank you, Eric!

How wonderful are His Ways.


Terri Cabreros
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Re: Faith in God, Patience with Men

Post by Terri Cabreros »

This is so wonderful very thankful for this report.

I know when I first talked to Peter about starting our own vegetable gardens, the first thing he did was complain about the work involved because he knew that I knew that he would have to help me prepare the areas. Instead of arguing with him, I quietly started doing the preparations and asking him questions about planting (he grew up in the country and raised gardens/chickens before and I grew up in the city and didn't have a clue), and he became more involved and actually started enjoying it.

Then, when I talked with him about raising chickens, he complained about that also but then he ended up building the chicken coop and today we need to get going and build the addition for the next group of chickens we're raising.

It is truly amazing to see faith in action as we believe the Lord, taking the necessary steps in the things we must do without force or argument and seeing the Lord work in bring it together. The Lord is so good!


Diana Laumbach

Re: Faith in God, Patience with Men

Post by Diana Laumbach »

Thank you for sharing this Eric C. It is great to hear. I can relate to your experience as Blair has had the same behavior with me of complaining and then he ends up helping. It wonderful how the Lord works. Bless Him!

Marina Carnat

Re: Faith in God, Patience with Men

Post by Marina Carnat »

Amen Eric & Terri! I praise the Lord for His work in your families!

Ronnie Tanner
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Re: Faith in God, Patience with Men

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

I appreciate what you've shared here Eric. It continues to amaze me how the Lord is over all, hardening and showing mercy as He pleases, all the while forming His own to His image through the process.

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