The Pearl of Great Price

Letters from those finding their way in faith.
Thierry Bwuzure
Posts: 37
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Location: Brussels, Belgium

The Pearl of Great Price

Post by Thierry Bwuzure »

Greetings everyone,

Here is a complete correspondence that I had with Victor. He asked me to post it so that others may benefit. I am gonna try to correct my part as best I can. I do not speak english very well. I hope it will be understandable.

4 décembre 2017 00:58

Hi Victor,

How are you doing? I just watched the video of the song "It's great to be somebody" on youtube.

I will try to be as honest as possible. These last days, I published on Facebook, it is compulsive now that I think about it.

I know I have to stop it but it is stronger than me. The song "It's great to be somebody" speaks directly to my heart and soul.

that attention that Judas was looking for, this social acceptance and recognition. Facebook is another form of it. And I am trapped inside.

I must apologize because I published one of the songs you wrote "Growing in Christ Jesus" without asking you. I commented status on Facebook with the teachings I read on TPOT, maybe more for me than for the Truth.

How is it possible that everything I do seems to be selfish ? I am ashamed.

Also one week ago, I have been reading the correspondence with Kelechi Ogbaa on the forum, it's like a confirmation for me and a warning, I think.
Sorry if I used your teachings and your testimony in vain.
May the Lord correct me and change this heart. I am so confused.

I don't know if everything I wrote here make sense.

Thank you,


4 décembre 2017 04:05

Thierry, show me where and how you published the song the Lord gave me. What was the result?


4 décembre 2017 14:39

Hi Victor,

I put a screenshot of the publication in the mail as an attached file down below. You can see the publication on my Facebook's profile.

Ronnie liked the publication, but no other reaction from the "friends" on my profile. The lyrics are so true, it is the way I feel now because there's so much debate and arguing online. But only Jesus Christ knows who He sent.

I was thinking of what I wrote to you in the last mail. Maybe I am overreacting sometimes, even if I believe there's some truth in it.

Sometimes emotions take over, but in the end the teachings has an effect on me. Even if I don't understand everything that's going on, I am thankful.

I pray The Lord Jesus to be free from bitterness, maybe it has something to do with childhood. My father left when I was two years old.

I have seen him only a few times. The last time, I saw him it was in Africa (Burundi) where he lives now. I took advantage of the situation. He was in jail for politics reasons. He gave me money when I was visited him. I thought he owed it to me. I thought I was over it, maybe it has something to do with the fact I need attention, and looking for recognition (hope I am not too psychological).

In the comments I wrote on Facebook, I wanted to share what I believe to be the Truth from the articles on TPOT.

Thanks again for your time,


5 décembre 2017 05:17

Thierry, you did nothing wrong to post that song at your FB. People are free to post everything we have published, provided they do it properly and not try to take the credit for it. We’re glad to have you share our instruction; that’s what it’s there for.


5 décembre 2017 05:22

Hi Victor,

I'm glad I did the right thing by sharing the song.

Thanks for your answer,


8 décembre 2017 05:16

Hi Victor,

Something really really unforeseen happened yesterday and today.
Like I said earlier at the forum I work elsewhere now.

I asked to work from Sunday night to Friday morning to keep the Shabbat.
I started last friday in the night. I felt bad because I could not keep the Shabbat that weekend.

I felt uncomfortable with the decision I made to work there with this schedule
It was easier for me to keep this job for material security.

Yesterday before going to work, I prayed to the Lord that He guides me and helps me to do His Will. I wanted ask to the manager to change schedules, but I didn't have the opportunity.

In the meantime, a colleague offered me a drink Actimel (milk). Normally I don't drink milk, I accepted to be nice.

At the break, I ate the dish I had prepared and another colleague gave me the french fries he no longer wanted to eat. I felt that I had eaten too much but everything was fine.

I go back to work and little by little I felt the need to throw up. I just had time to go to the toilet to throw up.

But it was not finished. After finishing work I vomited a second time. Nobody noticed.

I left work, I took my bike to go home. I had to stop and I vomited again.
The first thing that came to my mind was that I no longer had to work there.
It may be the Will of Godl. I had time to think about it because I was unable to ride my bike.

This morning I called the manager of my previous work (I am still under contract) to say that I don't want to work there anymore.

He told me he was going to take informations and contact me later.

Next, the manager of the second work call me and I explain to her that I don't
want to work there anymore. She tells me that I have to work two more weeks before I can leave because of the new contract I signed.

I told to her I didn't sign a new contract. She couldn't keep me working there ! How can it be possible but by Lord's Hands !

I believe that Jesus Christ is doing this. 'Cause I had two others confirmations (if I am not deceiving myself)

1- At the forum, there is a new topic "When you obey, you will have nothing to fear."

Bartlomiej Junga has shared a correspondence that you have with him. He just quit his job, I can really relate to his story (problem with lusting after women). By the Grace of God I cannot watch pornography anymore since three months but I still have some nightmares. I was really touched by this correspondence.

2 - I read the article "The star of David". (The Lord has giving me another subject of repentance, before I was against Israel.)

Somewhere in the article you say this:

"There are twelve sides, eight triangles, and seven spaces to comprise the whole of the Star of David, the total being twenty-seven, a number derived by the three cubed.Three signifies the will or purpose of God and the testimony from Heaven."

I was really in shock to read this but in a good way, because the fact I vomited three times really caught my attention.

I am so thankful for what the Lord is doing. I don't know where I am gonna be in one or two months but I trust Him even if I can be weak.

One last thing, when you posted the video "I am that prophet". At first, anxiety came, but deep inside I knew and believed that you (and the elders) are a man that The Lord has sent.

I said in my heart, before going to sleep and after watching that video. If I dream of Victor, I will be sure that he's the prophet he says.

I had a dream it was kind of blur. I only remember that it was telling me that your guidance is good for my darkened soul and spirit, that you were leading me.
And the last image I have is the snow that is on high mountain, the snow that never goes away with season.

Hope it was clear. I don't know how to express to you my gratitude and support in words.

Thank you Lord Almighty for all, and for keeping Victor and the Elders in the good work of your Kingdom.

Thank you for your time,


9 décembre 2017 05:56

Not sure you’re asking for anything here, Thierry. Trust the Lord; obey Him.


9 décembre 2017 17:14

Hi Victor,

Sorry for the last mail. I was talking to myself, trying to convince me of what I think to be true. This introspection has to stop, yet I don't know the difference between true work of God and vanity. Wanting to go fast in growing.

You keep telling me to trust Him and obey Him. Is that where is the problem ?

Thank you


9 décembre 2017 18:00

Always send me the context of former correspondence to save me having to reference. Yes, you do need to trust and obey.


9 décembre 2017 18:21

Ok next time I will keep the context of the former correspondence.

The song «Walk by faith» is relevant to the situation I am in.

When you mean «obey» , it means that everything I am convinced is the right thing to do, I have to do it. Like confessing to people involved in my sins and forsaking everything against the Lord. And not expecting a sign or a wonder?

Thank you for your patience and disponibility.


9 décembre 2017 19:54

You’ve come to the site of God, the Pearl of Great Price. Let him who has ears to hear, let him hear.


10 décembre 2017 13:15

Hi Victor,

Your last words toward me were:
"You’ve come to the site of God, the Pearl of Great Price. Let him who has ears to hear, let him hear."


Now, I understand what you mean about "the Pearl of Great Price" that The Path of Truth represents.

I read the Scriptures about it, in Matthew 13:45-46

“Also, the Kingdom of heaven is like this. A man is looking for fine pearls, and when he finds one that is unusually fine, he goes and sells everything he has, and buys that pearl."

I have received the answer of all the questions I could have in one sentence. I am so thankful.

I can say that I get more the meaning of "Trust Him and Obey Him".

In the forum, The Lord gave me this scripture:

James 1:22-26

" 22 Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to his word; instead, put it into practice.
23 If you listen to the word, but do not put it into practice you are like people who look in a mirror and see themselves as they are.
24 They take a good look at themselves and then go away and at once forget what they look like.
25 But if you look closely into the perfect law that sets people free, and keep on paying attention to it and do not simply listen and then forget it, but put it into practice—you will be blessed by God in what you do.
26 Do any of you think you are religious? If you do not control your tongue, your religion is worthless and you deceive yourself."

That is exactly what you are saying, and what TPOT is teaching.  For now, that is what I need to do.

Also, the song "What Will be Will be" has showing me the state I am in. I realize that walking with Jesus Christ is simple and rejoicing.

Like the song "His Yoke is Easy" is telling too. I am in His hands for Good.

One last thing, when I woke up this morning it was snowing. I read the scripture in Isaiah 55:10-12

10 “My word is like the snow and the rain
that come down from the sky to water the earth.
They make the crops grow
and provide seed for planting and food to eat.
11 So also will be the word that I speak —
it will not fail to do what I plan for it;
it will do everything I send it to do.
12 “You will leave Babylon with joy;
you will be led out of the city in peace.
The mountains and hills will burst into singing,
and the trees will shout for joy.

It is so encouraging. I am more in peace even if I know it is not gonna be as easy as I thought.

Thanks again, God Bless you and all the Saints on The Path of Truth


By reading again this correspondence, I realize that emotions are really an obstacle to be in the Will of God. I pray that we keep our thoughts in His thoughts.

Thank you all for your contributions by the Grace of God.

Brian McDonald
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Re: The Pearl of Great Price

Post by Brian McDonald »

Thierry Bwuzure said

“These last days, I published on Facebook, it is compulsive now that I think about it.” And also... “that attention that Judas was looking for, this social acceptance and recognition. Facebook is another form of it. And I am trapped inside.”

Thierry it is good that you are sharing the songs and teachings at TPOT on Facebook, as Victor said, you did nothing wrong. I don’t use Facebook myself. I can understand how addictive these forms of social media can be, not justifying it, just saying. I got hooked on a silly online game last year. Struggling to remember what it was even called now.....which is a good thing. Clash of Clans, that was it.

Anyway, the thing was, I was wasting my time and God’s, spending hours each day playing this bloody game. My consciences was pricking me. I was dying a death and prayed to God about it. I was so ashamed of myself and rightly so. Thank God, He gave me the wisdom and strength to grow up, act my age and put it behind me. It’s all to easy to get hooked up in these things.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, just be careful. If you are struggling to keep things in perspective, ask God to help you with it. Better to get a “like” from God than some fly-by-night friend on Facebook. If you can keep it just for spreading the Word and teaching at TPOT all the better. The social acceptance and recognition on Facebook is all self delusion and will not add a single cubit to your life.

Try not to get to anxious about it. The more we worry about these things the more they tend to pull us in via the back door if they can’t get us in the front. Ask God to help you with it and have faith that He has already done so and things will get better.


Thierry Bwuzure
Posts: 37
Joined: Sat Oct 07, 2017 7:18 am
Location: Brussels, Belgium

Re: The Pearl of Great Price

Post by Thierry Bwuzure »

Hi Brian,

You said:

"Better to get a “like” from God than some fly-by-night friend on Facebook. If you can keep it just for spreading the Word and teaching at TPOT all the better."

Amen. It is the most important.

And as you say further, "I don't have to get to anxious about it."

Thank you so much for your reply,


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