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More on House Pets

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:54 am
by Alan Agnew
Last night, I was about to tell someone that cross-dressing is abomination to God, but I also red Deuteronomy 7:26 MKJV: "And you shall not bring an abomination into your house, lest you be a cursed thing like it. You shall utterly hate it, and you shall utterly despise it. For it is a cursed thing." The question that arose to me is am I an abomination for suffering to live with my dad's two cats, or my mom's two dogs that she sometimes brings inside? Thus, I held off on telling him that the law against cross-dressing still applies.

I'm not sure what to do if that is the case. Still, it has been unclean, so I desire a better place to live, but having fluoride-free water, showers, and cooked organic food is already in this house I am in (and the pets are the only issue, as far as I know). Maybe some better job will come up so I can afford an apartment while paying off an investment loan, and it could be a fluoride free spot. Or I just move because I do have the savings to pull off a move, but where to? Could be anywhere in the USA... Or maybe hold off for now and stay in place.

Perhaps I need to tell you more of my situation? Or maybe I'm overreacting to things again?

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:30 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Alan, I believe the Scriptures speak of idols, objects of worship or things pertaining to other gods. Those who entertain them become like them.

It certainly isn't a clean thing to have cats and dogs running freely in a home; however, I don't see that you should be reticent to speak truth to those who need to hear it, regardless of your situation, which for the moment isn't an issue of your heart that I know. The Lord will show you the way.

Does anyone else have anything to say here?

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 4:19 pm
by Alan Agnew
Ah, I worried about the scripture because my parents do treat the pets like family. That made me worry that they are the idols that would make me an abomination.

However, I have told them the pets are unclean, but they do not want to keep the pets outside all the time. My mother and I seal our bedrooms off from the general house and ban the cats. I give her credit that she tried and she cleans a lot, but I can't force her to keep her dogs out, too. Mother professes to believes in God, but keeps her distance from TPOT. Dad does not believe.

Well, we will see where the Lord takes me. Probably it is a long term solution and not rushing a move out. Things are rather good despite the bit of uncleanliness

Thank you.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 4:46 pm
by Susan Herring
IS it an abomination to have a pet in the house?

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:49 pm
by Paul Cohen
Susan Herring wrote:IS it an abomination to have a pet in the house?
Hi Susan,

The word "abomination" came up in this Scripture quote from Alan:

"And you shall not bring an abomination into your house, lest you be a cursed thing like it. You shall utterly hate it, and you shall utterly despise it. For it is a cursed thing" (Deuteronomy 7:26 MKJV).

Regarding which, Victor wrote:
Alan, I believe the Scriptures speak of idols, objects of worship or things pertaining to other gods. Those who entertain them become like them.
For what the Lord teaches about pets in the house, read: House Pets

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:14 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Alan, Paul will have something more to share with you on pets in homes. For now, I'll say that holiness is not an external, but an internal thing. Man isn't defiled by what goes into, but what comes out of, the mouth. As you walk by trusting the Lord and His Sovereignty over all, you'll be changed within and that inner new nature will be manifest outwardly in due time.

Those pets won't hurt you as you seek the Lord; it's where your heart is at, and when your heart is right and you're in a position of authority and power to do what must be done, it will be done. Right now, you're in your parents' home, not yours. Don't worry about it.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:55 pm
by Paul Cohen
As Victor says,
Those pets won't hurt you as you seek the Lord; it's where your heart is at, and when your heart is right and you're in a position of authority and power to do what must be done, it will be done. Right now, you're in your parents' home, not yours. Don't worry about it.
I was reminded of these verses describing how Naaman the Syrian spoke to Elisha after the LORD healed Naaman:

2 Kings 5:17-18 ESV
(17) Then Naaman said, "If not, please let there be given to your servant two mule loads of earth, for from now on your servant will not offer burnt offering or sacrifice to any god but the LORD.
(18) In this matter may the LORD pardon your servant: when my master goes into the house of Rimmon to worship there, leaning on my arm, and I bow myself in the house of Rimmon, when I bow myself in the house of Rimmon, the LORD pardon your servant in this matter."

Alan, I'm not using this Scripture as a direct parallel to your situation, except to show how you're under your parents' roof and it isn't your call what happens with their pets, just as Naaman knew it wasn't his responsibility to reform his master. If you have any duties because of the pets, like helping clean the house, it's not sin to you, or for you to be living there as the Lord has you there for now. It's all about your heart towards Him and man.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:17 pm
by Alan Agnew
This is comforting. I felt tempted to force my parents to remove the pets, but, I knew, as you both pointed out, that it's not my authority to do that. It's their house. The parents do a lot of the chores for the pets, so there's no burden on that side, either. Thank you for your answers, Victor and Paul.

Also, some spirit has been accusing me recently, which prompted me to write this thread and consider moving. Another example: I was going to work today after recovering from a cold. The thought went like, "Won't you hurt those ladies by sickening them?" and "Oh, you feel doubt, aren't you sinning?" Problem: Where was this spirit when I was working while being sick? Nevertheless, I asked the boss and she allowed me to work, and I used hand sanitizer a lot. That's weird. Some new front in a battle going on inside me.

It's an odd spirit because it uses "trusting the Lord" to make the case that I need to move out quickly because that is good to Jesus. This spirit came after sexual temptations died down a lot (and maybe the dandelion root powder helped with that, Martin).

Hm, trying the spirits isn't something I'm experienced in, yet.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 4:51 pm
by Alan Agnew
Well, I got an answer on what caused my issues above after praying last night. Some kind of OCD from my secular life that bleeds into my life today. Example: I would feel compelled to move a rock from a sidewalk and put it on a lawn at a specific spot with the correct angle. Sometimes it had no reason attached, sometimes it was superstition, other times because it looked nice and it had to be detailed.

The giving of too much attention to detail is key to the issue, for it easily allows spirits to accuse me over something that probably does not matter at all. That can also make it easy for me to freak out that I am not satisfying the Law -- legalistic perhaps?

Thank you for revealing this, Jesus Christ. I welcome others' feedback if they have experienced this or have instruction.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 1:13 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Alan, as you walk with the Lord in obedience day by day and step by step, you'll find your problems addressed and solved. That's how the Lord works.

God grant you the deliverance you need.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:28 pm
by Alan Agnew
Yes, thank you, Victor.

It's going to take time to clean up some things, but it is happening.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 5:12 am
by Dan Long
You've got to be kidding, you guys. Pets? Hate to break it to you but until recent times people slept with their livestock. The clean thing you speak of is idolatry, straining at gnats while missing the important things.

I raise grassfed beef cattle and drink only from the well, but also allow a little dirt so that the body can inoculate the way God made it. It looks like you need the repairs, not your parents. Instead of being an offense, fix your eyes on the Christ and your surroundings will speak for themselves.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 1:47 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Dan Long, here’s an article of many about the germs dogs have and how unhealthy it is to have them in your bed/house: ... n&src=wimp" onclick=";return false;.

No kidding here and you are grossly misinformed about people regularly sleeping with their livestock "until recent times." We're not speaking against dirt, but filth and disease. How do you "inoculate" yourself against E-coli, for example?

Furthermore, you have no stats on the effects on people who did sleep with their pets.

Try learning instead of knowing it all and throwing out dangerous and hurtful opinions.

And what ARE the "important things," Dan? Do you know, while speaking this way, jumping in with both feet in your mouth? Where do you walk before doing that? How good is that for you? I will agree, that what comes out of your mouth is far more dangerous and defiling than what goes in. You got that right. However, you're not immune from pathogens going into your mouth. Dogs can handle it; you can't, no matter how involved you've been with your cattle.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 3:52 pm
by Dan Long
How uninformed you are. Sorry, but we're not the UK here , land of fake information (have you outlawed knives yet?). Here you bring calves in if you have to, to save the calf. Cleanliness is next to godliness is a falsehood. You do realize that polio was called the richman's disease because poor, "unclean" homes inoculated the kids from the disease.

Your fear is unnatural and ungodly and yet you back it up with a simple anecdotal filled post.

I find it most amazing, even more than your penchant for put downs, that you want me to believe the post below from lifeaspire:

"What We Do:
Our top priority at LifeAspire is to share happiness...lots of happiness.
We explore, design, and manage quality digital experiences for a diverse global audience that has become our communit
This means that behind the scenes an experienced team of writers, editors, and social media managers work around the clock to create and distribute informative, feel-good, warm and fuzzy content that our community loves to talk about and share. "

Yet you call Glynda Lomax a false teacher by virtue of her byline allegedly" using smooth deceive"

Victor Hafichuk wrote: Furthermore, you have no stats on the effects on people who did do sleep with their pets.
neither do you. Your little blurb only pointed out some bacteria on an animal. Hate to break it to you but the level of bacteria and germs shared during human sexual love making would gross any dog out if he knew or cared. Or do you all deny that for godliness also?

You, as false teachers, are well advised to quit throwing these bondage's on folks who have been freed by the Christ Jesus blood. You've been warned.

Pastor Dan Long

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:07 pm
by Beryl Knipe
Hi Dan,

I really wish you (and others like you) would actually READ things correctly, with common sense, before presenting your "opinion."


Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:23 am
by Dan Long
Hi Beryl,

Others like you???? Read things correctly????? With common sense??? If your common sense is a predisposed ball and chain then you are correct, and I don't want it. I read the House Pets posting and it's nothing more than an emotionally charged diatribe by two guys that hate pets in the house, nothing more nothing less. As an article it rivals as a corollary to a PETA article (over here PETA means people eating tasty animals).

Here are some facts for you. In 63 years I have NEVER had an E Coli infection, even with a cat affectionately touching my mouth with her paw, nor has my wife or my seven children, add to that my eight siblings and their families, in fact, I have yet to meet someone who has. Now, in statistics, Student's T test only requires a sampling of 10 so statistically you are all off base, just recycling information of human fear, not Christ likeness. I guess, in Christ, doing His work as directed, without fear, I do have some form of immunity from E. Coli.

The so called statistic that Martin threw out about some cat parasite affecting 80% of the people in the UK tells me one thing for certainty, you people have a problem on your island and not just a physical problem. We had a problem here of a parasite called Obama, and the country still is reeling from it's toxic effects, but it has nothing to do with cats.

A side note for Martin, I would relish a racoon relieving itself in my yard as it would gain me time to encourage it to develop lead poisoning by way of .22 hollow point.

A note to Alan Agnew, if you are in Christ, and that's a big if, why are you worried about satisfying the law???????

As far as your exercise here, and the bondage that these false teachers put you under, leave while you can. Like me, you have freedom in Christ. And He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. Like Paul in Malta, shake that viper off your hand and move on. Because when it all washes out Christ is all that will be left, and no, Jerusalem won't be on your green shores......

Pastor Dan Long

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 8:39 pm
by Dan Lysthauge

Do you have an issue with the Law(s) of God?

A side note, my father grew up on a farm during the 30's & 40's in Denmark, no pets in the house, they lived in the barns with the other animals. I grew up in town, no pets allowed. I never liked it, thought he was an asshole about it, he wasn't, he was just right.

Dan Lysthauge
Lincoln, Nebraska USA

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:15 am
by Alan Agnew
Dan Long, E coli comes in many types. Some harmless, and some deadly as seen here ... index.html" onclick=";return false; But I don't know the details of what pet exposure does. I do know that God called out which beasts were clean vs. unclean, and I just can't see Moses sleeping with or having a cow ("clean" animal) in his tent. Sleeping with an unclean animal would be even worse!

Interesting how this topic comes up while I was reading the cleanliness laws of Leviticus. Yes, being clean was important and still is, contrary to you. Such laws help people, even if they don't know how it helps like we may see here in this topic. Thus, I find good reason to honor the Law.

Note that E-coli is the small thing. Other effects like baby miscarriages from cat litter parasites are devastating. Such parasites may have been affecting your mood and actions, and still do! Yet, I see you reject the House Pets paper. That's too bad. You could have listened and been helped.

Mental image: Before Long's recent post was approved here, I red Dan's three posts so far on TPOT and had a fitting image come to mind of a dark room. It was a priest in an old, brown robe preparing to anoint a man in front of him by using poop on his fingers. By that, I say there is nothing holy in the oil you have, Dan Long. After I saw your recent post, the image is more sure.

Also, Martin's in Canada, you ignorant man.

Why wouldn't someone in Christ be concerned with His Law? Are murderers and fornicators allowed in Him?

Lastly, I do grow tired with "Christians" like you that warn me and say to leave TPOT. It's not even a good temptation. Trust me, Dan, I have experieced a lot more "freedom" than you can imagine and it did not have Christ's Name attached to it like your "freedom."

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 5:29 am
by Michael Demerling
Hi Dan [Long],

I believe that living with pets is like financial debt - the longer the exposure the more likely is an unfortunate incident to occur.

The Scottish scientist James Maxwell died relatively young (48) of abdominal cancer, like his mother. James had a dog around him constantly throughout his life. The monument they erected of Maxwell in Edinburgh shows his dog (Toby) at his side.

I wonder if Maxwell's various dogs might have been an idol for him?


Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:49 am
by Dan Long
gain, Victor and Paul are promoting false teachings that run wholly contrary to the teachings of Paul, the Apostle to the gentiles.

God Bless

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 4:11 pm
by Dan Long
Hi Michael,

Interesting take on pets, a little twisted but you are entitled to your opinion. Don't you find it odd that these oddities and maladies happen on your island and you don't find the same in the rest of the world? By the way, my family lives into their late 80's to early 90's.

To answer your question, yes, many many false teachings. Go back to the Nicaean conference and the schyzm (I may be wrong on the timing) Mary the perpetual virgin, Mary the queen of heaven, archangels as saints, and that's one religion. Bring on replacement theology (which was responsible for fueling the holocaust), predestination, not eating meat, the circumcision crowd, fast forward to now, red letter theology, seeker sensitive, female bishops, homosexuals, transexuals and even fake hermaphrodites (ooops can't mention that, the boys here declared Glynda as false), mega churches becoming "less resistable" (according to Andy Stanley) and you have modern "christianity" (of which I refuse to be a part of). The list is much, much longer but I grow weary even thinking about it.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 7:28 pm
by Beryl Knipe
Hi Dan,

I'm simply going to reply to your "bondage" nonsense. I WAS in bondage, being part of the world's systems and churches and pastors and ministers and preachers and bishops and, and, and...
I do not cling to "those two guys" at all. I cling to Christ and I have more freedom now than ever before. I choose the narrow path - do you?

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:33 pm
by Dan Long
If you can't see the narrow way in my posting then you need new vision. I find it interesting and disconcerting for you that your false teachers removed the main part of my above post, leaving only this
Dan Long wrote:gain, Victor and Paul are promoting false teachings that run wholly contrary to the teachings of Paul, the Apostle to the gentiles.

God Bless
proving that they are no better than John Piper in their misuse of scripture. Note I didn't use their names, so their editing leaves nothing to be trusted. hmmmm I pointed out in Romans 11:28 ESVUK that Jews are called the enemy of God, the specific reference John Piper uses to justify the heresy of replacement theology, of course in the UK Bible. In fact, the entire dissertation showing that gentiles are not entitled to the law was removed, funny, even Abraham didn't have the law, he had faith and it was counted to him as righteousness.....apparently your false teachers are law promoters who need to emasculate themselves......

Again, Victor and Paul, you have shown your deception so deep you can't stand up to truth and I highly doubt you will post this.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 5:15 am
by Dan Lysthauge
Dan Long,

Have you ever been to Denmark?


Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 10:12 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Hi, Ronnie!

How was Long's message truncated? How did that happen? He thinks he knows.