Try not to strive or indoctrinate; don’t scold or criticize

Letters from those finding their way in faith.
Brian McDonald
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Try not to strive or indoctrinate; don’t scold or criticize

Post by Brian McDonald »

Victor asks,,,,,,,“At any of the sites you may visit, try not to strive or indoctrinate; don’t scold or criticize, but inform and simply share that there are answers for their quandaries at TPOT.
Share what you have and not “what they don't have.”

These days I try not to scold or criticize online or anywhere else. I especially don't criticize the catholic church to my Catholic friends. I learned that in doing so I only made them more stubborn and they got so offended they would plug-up their ears. What I do now is tell what I believe/know to be the truth and only when asked, that way, they can't accuse me of “preaching.”

I was talking with my so-called friends Joe and Bernardo on the phone the other day and they asked why I left the catholic church and what I was doing for God. Bernardo does works of charity for the homeless in a shelter here in Belfast. (Ireland that is, not the one in USA) Most of the folk who go to the shelter are alcoholics and for the most part they live there full time,,,so in some ways they are not really homeless. Homelessness is not a big major problem in Belfast though there are some, but I digress. Bernardo invited me to join him. I asked him what he does in the shelter. He said he helps serve dinner and be there if they need an ear. He said they also pray a rosary with the men. Bernardo told me that doing these things gives him a feeling of peace and serving the Lord and “our lady”. Of course, he goes to mass and confession and so on. Joe can't see how I worship the Lord if I don’t go to mass. He said, “what do you do for the lord, what about church.” He seems to think that because I no longer spend hours praying the rosary or sitting in adoration that I am somehow defunct of works or spirituality or whatever. I no longer pray for the dead or have masses said for them or pray to the “catholic saints.” Everything for then revolves around the catholic church and “our lady.” (I should know, I did it for long enough) I tell them, “That’s your problem, you serve the catholic church and the “queen of heaven,” “Jesus doesn't get a look-in” “You have faith in everything but God,” I tell them. They are not amused at this. Of course, they are not meant to be amused. They are so blind they can't see or understand or have the slightest inclination what I am talking about. I could go-to-town on them with a few truths but they think I'm mad or confused or deceived by the devil. My wife thinks the same. She thinks I have become a Jew because I told her about joining the Sabbath meeting. (maybe I am a Jew)

However, there is this little twinge I get when asked what I do for the Lord and I find myself without any of these “works” they glory in and I used to glory in. Its almost like as if I should be out feeding the hungry and giving the thirsty a drink of water and clothing the naked. Yet, I feel that Christ may have been talking more in a spiritual sense. That is to say,,,,are we not already feeding and giving water and clothing if they receive the “Truth”? Does the truth not feed and quench and clothe, or am I wrong????? Besides, all these works are mostly for self esteem. Joe ask me about these things and I said, “Why would I go running after the dead to feed and clothe them, they will still be just as dead after I did that, so whats the point.” He sees this as a duty of all Christians and I told him that Jesus told His Disciples to go out and proclaim the Good News, not to feed the world, physically speaking. Did He not say, we would always have the hungry with us, words to that effect. I really don't know what to say anymore, so I say nothing unless someone asks me a question, which they end up being sorry they did for they no longer get the answers they are looking for. As for works,,,,,,,,for me its a bit like

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10: 41-42

I seem to be sitting still, listening and learning, while all those around me are busy with their works,,,,but of course, I am not sad because of this for the Lord said it was the better part. Others can't see this though. Things are getting tight for me hear. I don't fit in anywhere or with anybody. I am not really worried about it,,,,just don't know what I should do, if anything.

I see now that these things,,,spiritual eyes and ears and understanding come from the Lord and without Him, it is impossible to know. I have been greatly blessed by the Lord to have been “called out” of her. (mystery babylon) May His will be done in me.

“Share what you have and not “what they don't have”

Yours in Christ.


Dan Lysthauge
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Re: Try not to strive or indoctrinate; don’t scold or critic

Post by Dan Lysthauge »

Hi Brian,

Ronnie and I touched on works this evening when we spoke with each other. I ask for correction if I am "off base."

The Lord has freed me from many bonds by His work, I do not do these things anymore, such as, drink, smoke, chew tobacco, play with myself, go to church, celebrating traditions of men, lust, covet, the list goes on. I do the works He has done in me. Lord willing this makes sense.

Dan Lysthauge

Victor Hafichuk
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Re: Try not to strive or indoctrinate; don’t scold or critic

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Dan, it makes good sense. In due time, the Lord proceeds to do a work in us whereby we not only refrain from doing what is not appropriate, but what is good and productive in His sight for His Kingdom's sake. All good. We are delivered and cleansed and disciplined for His service in His army to do battle with the usurper and to take the land back which he has subtly stolen. We come to dispense with the thief and destroy his works.

Victor Hafichuk
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Re: Try not to strive or indoctrinate; don’t scold or critic

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Brian, I very much appreciate what you have to say and the simple wisdom the Lord has granted you to express the Truth of God. It is so refreshing. I'm thankful the Lord is giving me friends to speak to the world and bless the Lord. He is placing His soldiers, each in their places to fight as one, granting them the victory of victories.

Let's all continue to work while it's day that we may rest in peace when the night comes.

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