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Re: 25 years deceived

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:26 pm
by Shawn
Hello, my name is Shawn.

I light of the complexity of my history and the present hope of salvation some of your writings have provided, would it be possible to speak to you directly?

Thank you,


Re: 25 years deceived

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:24 pm
by Paul Cohen
Hi Shawn,

I've put you on our mailing list, as mentioned yesterday and am sending you a separate email with instructions for joining the forum.

The only thing we ask about the letters you'll be receiving blind carbon copy is that you don't reply to the recipient. If you have any questions or comments, send them to us only.

Any thoughts about our conversation yesterday? I'm sharing this with Victor, who wrote the paper you were talking about, How One Is Saved, and many other writings on our site.

One thing I wanted to mention that helped me when I was despondent and struggling with hopelessness, along the lines of things I told you yesterday, was recognizing that I could choose to do what's right and that was reward enough. God hadn't abandoned me as I thought. Do what you know is right because it's the right thing to do and you'll be on the road to better things instead of the hopelessness of self-analysis and self-absorption.

I've talked to Ronnie Tanner, whom I mentioned to you yesterday, and include him here as well. Your story reminded me of his in several elements. Perhaps you two will talk.

The Lord's will be done. That's all that matters, Shawn. He is in charge. Thank Him for everything that's happened to you and for the place He's brought you to now. The gods you served haven't served you well, but the Lord Jesus Christ Whom we preach is faithful, the Redeemer of all sinners who look to Him - without fail.


Ronnie Tanner replied:
"Do what you know is right because it's the right thing to do and you'll be on the road to better things instead of the hopelessness of self-analysis and self-absorption."
Amen to that Paul! The Lord is faithful to provide what we need when we give to Him what He has already given us to do, regardless of how seemingly insignificant it might appear at the time.

It's good to hear whats happening there with you Shawn. The Lord is ever faithful. Be faithful to Him.


Re: 25 years deceived

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:07 pm
by Shawn
I would ask for prayer to be delivered from unclean spirits. It is my experience that these spirits have been in me for many years and are now manifesting.

Overall, the shame of my nakedness is present with me and has been made manifest for all to see.

Presently I possess nothing of value to the world nor the church and am seeking newness of life from The Lord, yet none comes.

I want to do right, but find that sin and death continue to rule.

I am currently living with my father and seek to honor him, and yet I see in him what is deeply present within myself, and that, not simply that lies and manipulation abound, but that I myself am a lie, and need to be converted unto the truth Himself.

I pray for deliverance from the father of lies and for Jesus Christ to save me from this most wretched and tormented state.

It is not my intent to communicate such doubt, I am attempting to be as honest as possible with God and with those who will hear, in hope of real change and deliverance, for those that received such change and deliverance, as it is testified in the scripture, certainly experienced something powerful and tangible. This is my need, not just more head knowledge of the scriptures.

Thank you for hearing me.

Re: 25 years deceived

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:53 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Shawn, I believe you're being as honest as you can be at this point and that with such indications, we can consider that the Lord is working with you. Your kind of inquiry is not something men do on their own.

The Lord is not far from anyone who earnestly calls on Him. Neither is anything too hard for Him. His arm isn't shortened, as the Scriptures plainly declare.

“For everyone, 'whoever shall call on the Name of the Lord will be saved'”
(Romans 10:13 MKJV).

“Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened so that it cannot save, nor is His ear heavy so that it cannot hear” (Isaiah 59:1 MKJV).

“Is anything too hard for the LORD?” (Genesis 18:14 MKJV)

I know that when I began to earnestly call out to Him, He began to hear and in due time, He answered.

He promised, “All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will in no way cast out” (John 6:37 MKJV).

Are you being given to the Son by the Father? You're here and He said no man can come to Him except the Father draws him. You're not here on your own. So the Father is drawing. If drawing, He's drawing to His Son. And His Son says He doesn't reject anyone who comes to Him.

If you are called and received by the Son, the unclean spirits can't remain in power. Sin and death must make way for Righteousness and Life, like darkness must make way for light.

As you turn to the Son, your unrighteousness must give place to His Righteous Spirit. As you believe, the Word of Truth cleanses and makes free:

“Now you are clean through the Word which I have spoken to you” (John 15:3 MKJV).

It's irrevocable Law.
