
Letters from those finding their way in faith.
William Woeger


Post by William Woeger »

Lord, I failed.
I am ashamed of You God.
I do not know You, Lord.
Father, I am blind. I can't see.
I am deaf, Lord. I can't hear.
I am dumb.

How will you break me, Lord;
To be one who fears You
To never be ashamed and fearful, but able to stand and speak
to be obedient and true to You, oh God?

How will I believe?

Simon Mwebaze

Re: Miserable

Post by Simon Mwebaze »

I am not sure what you're going through, William, but it resounds with me. The walk with God hasn't been as I expected. It's difficult and turning out to be impossible because of who I am (in enmity to God by nature reflected in my ways and works).

Sometimes, I think it's hopeless for me but I believe there's hope in God since He's keeping me. If He won't save, we have no hope at all. He has brought us, given us to see who we are (evil and vile) and who He is as well, our Hope, Lord and Savior! He is over all.

Thank you for sharing, William.

William Woeger

Re: Miserable

Post by William Woeger »

Yes, Simon.

Honestly. I often feel this way. I am troubled much with myself. I sometimes don't know what its going to take.

I heard about Trevor and Mark, but I think I am perhaps more troubling to the Lord than they. I can't be the judge of this though.

I'm a hypocrite. I compromise. I try to repent and I fall back. I feign the loyal committed faithful walk...

AAAHHHHHH..... I could cry.

But yes. I do know that there is only One Overcomer. His Name is Jesus. He's the Savior. I can't save myself. He is Almighty!!! I am all nothing.. He is a Lion!!.. I'm a scummy worm.

But, oh Lord! I can't walk with You!! I am sssoo much a sinner. I just can't do right. I can't think right. Nope.. my heart ain't right.

There is something though. I really don't believe I will ever walk away. I don't want to go back where I came from. I just want to get further than where I am at. I don't feel I am all that far from where I cam from, but I am thankful the Lord has brought me some distance from where I was at.

Thank You Lord.

Beryl Knipe

Re: Miserable

Post by Beryl Knipe »

Hi William and Simon

Thank you for sharing your deepest feelings.

Psa.79:9 "Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Thy Name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for Thy Name's sake." Amen.


Paul Cohen

Re: Miserable

Post by Paul Cohen »

I'm reminded of two Scriptures. The first one has to do with comparing yourself to others. You can guess who you are, William.

Luke 18:9-14 MKJV
(9) And He spoke this parable to certain ones who trusted in themselves, that they were righteous, and despised others:
(10) Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a tax-collector.
(11) The Pharisee stood and prayed within himself in this way: God, I thank You that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax-collector.
(12) I fast twice on the Sabbath, I give tithes of all that I possess.
(13) And standing afar off, the tax-collector would not even lift up his eyes to Heaven, but struck on his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner!
(14) I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself shall be abased, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.

The other Scripture is this:

"All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will in no way cast out" (John 6:37 MKJV).

Have you fallen back into bad habits and sins, William? Get back on track and keep going. The Lord will see you through. He knows what He's doing and He is faithful.


Simon Mwebaze

Re: Miserable

Post by Simon Mwebaze »

Yes, amen, on where the Lord has brought you from and the rest of us.

I have considered what you've thought on what's happening with those at HH. I know am guilty of most if not all they've done toward the Lord. I could be worse too. He hasn't let us walk away for which am thankful.

I have had many days where I have considered leaving and I know I'd prefer to but to where will I go? I can't go back to the churches and doing the vain traditions of men that He has given me to put away...that would be hell on another level after what the Lord has shown me. More so, the Lord is in hell and heaven, where can I hide?

The only choice is to go on which is a good thing. Our righteousness didn't bring us here (not advocating for people to continue in sin, we must repent). He's faithful. Hasn't He been already when we obey? Even giving us the will and ability to obey?

Amen, Beryl and Paul. As per the first Scriptures Paul posted, I am the Publican as far as I know. The Lord promises to abase such and He is.

Ronnie Tanner
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Re: Miserable

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

As I read this thread, I identify with both the crippling misery that comes with darkness and the glorious gift of life in the light. The words "look to Him" came to mind and I was then reminded of the song, as if I had forgotten about it. I listened to it last night and this morning again. I didn't have much going on, things being rather quiet, uneventful, feeling a bit alone, a bit tired. It is always a good time to look to Him.


Jason C Lee

Re: Miserable

Post by Jason C Lee »

Ronnie Tanner wrote:As I read this thread, I identify with both the crippling misery that comes with darkness and the glorious gift of life in the light. The words "look to Him" came to mind and I was then reminded of the song, as if I had forgotten about it. I listened to it last night and this morning again. I didn't have much going on, things being rather quiet, uneventful, feeling a bit alone, a bit tired. It is always a good time to look to Him.


And what does it REALLY mean to look to Him?

Terri Cabreros
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Re: Miserable

Post by Terri Cabreros »

Will, you said, "But, oh Lord! I can't walk with You!! I am sssoo much a sinner. I just can't do right. I can't think right. Nope.. my heart ain't right.

There is something though. I really don't believe I will ever walk away. I don't want to go back where I came from. I just want to get further than where I am at. I don't feel I am all that far from where I cam from, but I am thankful the Lord has brought me some distance from where I was at."

A resounding "AMEN" to that!

I have been so horrid...abominable...the worst of the worse and yet amazingly, the Lord is keeping me. And though I know there are and will be consequences for my actions, I know also that I DON'T want to go back from where I came from and I am VERY THANKFUL for His mercy and grace!

Brian McDonald
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Re: Miserable

Post by Brian McDonald »

Cheer up William, you could be like me, then you really would have something to worry about. :(

William Woeger

Re: Miserable

Post by William Woeger »

Whats wrong with you, Brain???

Amen to all said. Thank you. Bless the Lord!

Amen Ronnie, when you said, "Look to Him". I am thankful for the song. I think it would be good to start another topic regarding this.

Brian McDonald
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Re: Miserable

Post by Brian McDonald »

Much the same as yourself William but you know how it is, we think ours is worse. I feel angry a lot with myself and everyone around me. Not sure where its coming from. Family thinks I need my head looked at. I don't fit in any more, not sure I ever did. Maybe I do need my head looked at. I'll be fine God willing.

Beryl Knipe

Re: Miserable

Post by Beryl Knipe »

Amen, Brian and all

Your words ring true, Brian: "...I don't fit in anymore; not sure I ever did...." It's worse this time of the year.


Lynn Farris
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Re: Miserable

Post by Lynn Farris »

I can relate to what you say, William. Sometimes I wonder if I am not just fooling myself. But Victor said something last Sabbath meeting that gave me some hope. He was talking to someone else, and I'm saying this from memory, will have to look up in the transcript to be exact. But he said something to the effect that if we are aware of something about ourselves that needs changing, it's because the Lord wants to change it and is in the process of working to do just that.

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