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Dreams facing evil

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:48 pm
by Henk Lendor
I had quite a few dreams where I have to face evil. Sometimes I even felt the need, and braveness to approach the evil.
I will feel frightend, yet not, as I know the Lord is with me. I would then try to rebuke the evil entities in the Lord’s name. In the past dreams I could’nt really opened my mouth to speak the words. Now it felt more easier to speak the words of rebuke, but I would still be weak and the evil will then overpower me.
It seems as if I’m in training through my dreams, though it pertain to my usual struggle with people (unbelievers) more so then with circumstances.
It also seem that the evil knows my position of power over them, yet I’m not able to fully utilise it, due to lack of something. (faith?)

I have quite a few dreams which I somehow recorded, of which one came to life shortly afterwards.
A forwarning of my eldest daughter’s miscarriage, which I told to her and her boyfriend in hospital, while also witnessing to them the reason of, and consequenses of their sin. I felt the dream comforting to me in advance, and had to forward it to them, for their comfort, because we all had hope on the life of the, about 6 weeks old fetus. The miscarriage happened a few days after that.
I witnessed to her some times before and after this situation occured. Not to convert her, but to sow a seed for the Lord to work in her.

So, though some dreams are difficult to understand, some become more clearer and easier to discern.

Yesternight (Friday) I went to sleep relaxed as normal at around 11pm. I do feel tired in the mornings (as is normal for those working for a boss I guess ;-) , but this morning I woke up more tired as usual, as if I never really slept well, though I know I did.
I thought I woke up in the dark hours of the morning, and that my girlfriend somehow fell asleep with the lights switched on. When I stood up in an agitated mood to "switch off the lights", I noticed it’s clear daylight outside.
Puzzled and tired I tried to figure out what’s with my bio-clock. Then I recalled the dreamlike state I were in, as if I attended a religious or spiritual type of gathering. I cannot recall what it was all about and couldn’t really sense whether it was evil or good. Only that it was quite active, hence my tired state, though only at that moment.

Now I come to the realization that the exhaustion were more in my mind or spiritual rather than physical, as I went to work, feeling energised as normal. I didn’t felt the urge to meditate on the "dream’s" content or the meaning of it, like I would other times. Though it felt weird.

I know the dreams are not just related to one self, but also for others. Thus as the Lord leads, may dreams be shared amongst each other.

Re: Dreams facing evil

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:20 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Henk, I'm not clear on your dream and application. Are you saying you had a dream that needed to be communicated to your daughter and her partner as a warning? Did you receive an actual dream warning in advance, give them that warning, and it served a purpose in that they were able to respond to that warning? Is that the sequence of events?

Exactly what was that dream? Can you describe it precisely? How did it specifically apply? And did you receive an interpretation of it before its apparent fulfilment or did you receive understanding of its meaning when it came to be apparently fulfilled?

Re: Dreams facing evil

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:50 pm
by Henk Lendor
Hi Victor. Here is the dream and everything that I think is of relevance to it.


Me and someone male (daughter's boyfriend?) with me, rush past a hospital window, seeing my daughter, as if in labor, with support from nurses.
As we move around the building we find them in the opposite, outside of the room we saw earlier, in some kind of big empty store room.
In it were two women standing by a table with a mincing machine as if they operate it. One woman was the mother of my oldest daughter. The other, maybe my partner. My daughter was standing on my right, away from the table. On the table stood a little baby girl. Whether her legs were in the mincer or behind it (it wasn't clear). A lot of minced meat were already coming out and lying in the bin in front of the mincer.
The little girl just stood there smiling at me with a innocent, most beautiful little smile, almost as if to say, "Dont worry, Ill be okay."
(End of dream)

I then knew I had to stay strong, for my daughter's sake.
What I later realized was that the wardroom signified the physical, and the storeroom the spiritual side of it.

My daughter, although 17 years old now, went through much, of which started with sexual abuse by a neighboring boy in her pre-teens, while living with her mother and grandmother.
I didn't come to know about it until she went to court a few years back. I confess I didn't have the heart to attend the three or so times the trial were held 'in camera'.
At least I encouraged and try to strengthen her through those times. It seems that she lost the case, because she didnt know what the latest outcome was when I asked her. I didnt ask her mother about it.

From young her mother was quite bitter towards her, accusing her of theft and the likes. Her older stepsister advanced to being a qualified teacher. Thankfully they as sisters had a good relationship with each other.
Because of her and her mother's differences, her mother demanded that she come live with me, my partner and our two daughters (her other two sisters) in my garage, which I converted to a living space, on our family premises. (Currently I have a building plan drawn up and handed in to the town council for extra rooms, but it still need payment and consent from neighbors, as it is graded as a second dwelling)

That were in her puberty stages, and one day my partner found two or three of her used menstrual pads in a plastic shopping bag under her bed. She, my partner, told her of the unhygienic conditions, seeing her two baby sisters could have got hold of it. After she got warned, we conclude that she was just uninformed on the proper disposal method, and let it go. But another time when my partner was cleaning, she found it again like before.
Because of her unforgiving and bitter attitude she embrace herself, my partner demanded that my daughter be send back to her mother (who had her own home).

So she went back and later rather stayed at her great-grandma who lived just a few houses away from her mother's.

She later went to high school in another town, traveling by bus, where she, with friends, rebelled by using alcohol on the premises and bunking classes. Somewhere outside school premises likely, she met the boyfriend and went to stay with him.
She later got expelled from school, as we never received the letters of her conduct and hearings,, which she probably withheld from us.

I used to take my sister to town for shopping, found out where they stayed, and visited her. I met the boyfriend and could only ask him to rather take care after her, seeing her circumstances back home.
I assumed that she was at least nearer to school.
He is about three years older than her, and she later told me he doesn't drink alcohol, only smoke weed. She also told me of his dad committed suicide and he somehow blames it on his mother.
I never met his mother because she's presumably staying and looking after her dad.
I only once or twice talked to her on the phone after an incident where he pulled a knife on them, over a feud he had with his mom over inheritance money, and my daughter hastily had to took a taxi home.

That same Sunday evening, she came to my home when she told me his history. I then witnessed to her, by telling her the Purpose of evil, The Reconciliation of all things and how she must see herself a perpetrator rather than a victim in the eyes of God.
The next day she came to my work with him (he probably hitchhiked). He begged me with tear filled eyes, to let her go back with him as he loved her, and he didn't know what went on with him the previous afternoon. I told him that I know about his drug use and that he first has to get past her aunt, who were also staying with her great-grandma. I didn't want her to go with him against her will, but they went anyway without consent.

Again I managed to get her back in the school by the Lord's favor. But after a month or two she phoned me of a pain in her kidneys. I told her that it may be pregnancy and told them to get to a clinic.
They went and got confirmation of possible pregnancy.
She once again got expelled for poor attendance seeing she didn't hand in a sick certificate to the school.
I believe the school board had it with her as I could notice from the previous conversations and visit, the attitude of the principal and his secretary towards her. Even though they were aware of the sexual abuse case she had that caused her social misbehavior.
So I didn't waste my energy in trying to get her back in school.

Again I went to visit my daughter on occasion, but when I saw how weak she looked, I got concerned for the unborn baby's sake.
I told the boyfriend to get her to eat more, but they scarcely seem to have food in the house. I gave her some change I had on me, as the visit was unexpected.

The next day my concern grows and I felt it necessary to call the social services and did. They confirmed her sexual abuse case on file, and I let them in on her current situation. The female social worker visited them and gave her boyfriend a hard lesson of possible persecution, because of her illegal age. She then brought my daughter back to her mother's house.

After a few days after fed regularly, she was taken up in hospital for pains in her abdomen but was sent home the same day.
A few weeks later she was taken up again. It was just before this time that I received the dream.

Some days later (we didnt expected her to stay that long), me and my partner went to visit her in hospital, (in the same town her boyfriend stayed) and brought her some toiletries and pads.

When we enter, my daughter was standing with a drip on her arm, and her boyfriend sitting on the hospital bed.
The room had about two other patients also receiving visits from loved ones.
My partner left the room for a smoke and couldn't stomach the bloodiness of the drip, as my daughter may have been moving too much than is recommended, for one carrying a drip.

At this time I informed them of the dream, and told them their part in the cause, and consequences leading to this. I spoke of past sins, unforgiveness, honor of parents, all in almost one breath, so to speak. I told them to accept the outcome of the sonar tests she still had to undergo; maybe the Lord will be merciful to the little child.

The next week, an older female patient we know, who stayed with her in the room, text me to say she had the miscarriage.

She had to stay a bit longer to clean her womb. The female patient also later informed me by phone, of the boyfriend who wants her to go with him when she got released from hospital. I felt their loss and know they needed to mourn, but I struggled whether to let them.

I then called to make arrangements with the matron, to personally pick her up by later that afternoon, and not to let her go with anyone else.

When I arrived there, the matron informed me she gave him a good lesson, had to threaten him with the police, and the security had to let him leave the premises.
She also did the same with his mother after she was send by him to try and convince the matron to let my daughter go with them.
Heck, she even gave me a needed lesson, if not rebuke.
All the nurses on shift had words of courage and warning to say to my daughter when we left, which they expected her to take heed of.
The matron describes to me the new tube implant they put in her arm for birth control, which is effective for three years.

We then drove home and she stayed at her mom for a few weeks.
Then another aunt phoned me to say, she and some guy were spotted, walking on the road outside of town.
I wanted to report her as missing to the police but felt confused whether I should or not. I rather waited to personally hear from her.
My prayers were answered and she called.

She said she was in another town staying with a lady friend and need money for sanitaries.
She was calling from her newest phone, apart from the dozens she had before, which got lost or stolen.
I saved this number on my phone.

She told me she had a fight with her younger stepsister of which happened before, that's why she left.
I deposited some money for her to withdraw at a supermarket. I waited for her to call again and now, almost a month later still no word. Usually it would bother and burden me to not hear from her, not even for this long. But this time I somehow felt at peace.

I had sowed to her, and I prayed to the Lord for His protection over her, and still do. And I believe that He will change her circumstances to His glory. I feel I may have done what I could for her thus far (Until I can build her own room).
I think its His way to test my faith, by me leaving matters in His hands, rather than to burden myself.

Till He leads me again, I rest my case in Him.


Re: Dreams facing evil

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:10 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
I've red your report. All I can say, Henk, is that you obey the Lord in what you know; put away your sins and gods, and He will guide you every step of the way. As for the others, it's His business and if you're to be involved, the Lord will move you to be so, not according to your will and wisdom, but His.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and don't lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Don't be wise in your own eyes. Fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It will be health to your body, and nourishment to your bones.
(Proverbs 3:5-8 HNV)

He is Almighty, Faithful and True.

Dreams facing evil

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:46 am
by Henk Lendor
In a dream earlier this year, I visited my daughter in a beautiful and safe living environment, almost as if in a villa or housing complex, where she stays with her mom. She were with her younger stepsister and they seems quite happy, as they walk with me to their house, to greet their mom.
After the visit, they then escourted me towards the exit, which seems to be over a neighbour's lush green lawn as he wetted his garden. Not that it bothered him, as if they were family looking out for each other's welfare (maybe they were family, living in the complex).
From afar off I saw my daughter's boyfriend, walking on a bridge, possibly on his way towards her. I felt concerned, not wanting her to make a run for it, again. (End of dream)

A few weeks later she come by to where I work. I was surprised to see her back in town, but relieved. I asked her about her wellbeing and we talked a bit, but I didn' t find it relevant to ask, as to what the reason were of her return. Whatever it were, I knew it were intervention through the hands of the Lord. She said she are back to stay and wouldn't return.

A few days later as I was hand-cutting a patch of grass in our yard, I looked up and saw the boyfriend. He probably hitchhiked.
He said she broked up with him and rambling some unrelevant senseless stuff. I said it was for the best, he should let her go and that I shall pray for him. He asked for a glass of water. After that, he greeted and I walked behind him to the gate. I could feel his loss and hurt as I prayed for him while he walked off. According to my daughter, he didn't get to see her when he was in town.

My daughter has changed since. She and her mom has reconciled. She told me she asked her for forgiveness and they wept. She is now obedient towards us, and I can see how she is humbled. She enjoy staying at home and doing the daily housework and fetch her little brother at school, which were unlike her before. I can observe the freedom in her. Something I wanted her to have, which would made me at peace.
I lately didn't felt the urge to "preach" to her. I thought it may be too "over-burdened". I chatted to her via phone and supply some links and topics from Tpot. She said she were reading the poems often.
We are looking to further her education, as there's a few options available.

I prayed to the Lord for His gift of faith and repentance towards her. His will be done.
Through this all, I can testify of the Lord's Supremeness in her life thus far. I knew I had to put my trust in Him to see His Goodness and Faithfullness shines through darkened circumstances.

Blessed be the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who's mercy is everlasting.
I thank and bless Him with all my soul.

Re: Dreams facing evil

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:15 am
by Beryl Knipe
Thank you for sharing, Henk. As you say,
Blessed be the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who's mercy is everlasting.