Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Letters from those finding their way in faith.
Paul Cohen

Re: Emails?

Post by Paul Cohen »

Any reason you haven’t signed up for the Forum, Del? We post things there along the same lines as our letters.



RE: Emails?

Post by Del »

Is this different then your sabbath meetings? If so, yes I'd like to sign up for it. As far as your sabbath meetings, I'm not sure I could commit to it. I honestly believe that at this time, God is showing me that it isn't my time. But then again only God knows. All I know is I'm not hearing anything from Him at this moment. We differed on our thoughts about if what I heard was truly from God before or not.

I think I came to you in a wrong approach before by saying I believe He was sending me to preach. I remember asking Him as I seen through the scriptures and being led by the Spirit, the errors within the churches, were or were their any true believers? I also asked foolishly if I amd my family, wife and son could sit with Him at His table.

I still yet thought when asking this, that it meant the life to come in heaven. But yet I started to understand that I was beginning to walk in the kingdom of heaven in the here and now. I knew that my sin was the reason for my diabetes the day I repented here at home. I started where the word said to seek 1st His righteousness and the kingdom of heaven. This was where things went totally differnt then any other time I had gone to church before.

The words from the scriptures were alive for the 1st time and it was as if those who wrote them such as Paul were talkkng directly to me. Before I read some but it just didn't click like it was this time. I believe God was leading me to a true believer who could help teach me.

I had told you too, that God had told me to leave my wife and son. I should have included that this leaving was not for divorce or permanent that I was told. All I know was I was overcome during the christmas holidays as far as being with my family, although christmas didn't appeal to me like it had before.

Now I'm reminded that the scriptures say that if they do not remain with us, they were never of us. This to me says that God was telling me I wasn't choosen. After I felt the Spirit leave me, I became an empty mess. I went from such a joy to complete emptiness in a heartbeat.

I do believe however, God did bring me to your website to take away my false doctrine of torture in a no ending hell. He has allowed me to understand some things but not all things. I'm a man of flesh, still sinning as before. As I had stated to you before, at this point all I can ask Him, is that He has mercy on me.

I'm understanding or seemingly to understand that even His wrath is something that can be thankful for because it will help bring an end to this realm and one step closer to His salvation. Of course I'm fearful of His wrath but also because of the path of truth teachings, it must be. I must be judged. I have really come to love your teachings and even though I do not know either of you, have come to have a love for you guys.

Anything I'm able to understand at this point has definitely come from your site. But as I said, I'm still a sinner and to say otherwise would not only be lying to you but lying to myself and most of all, lying before God. From here, I don't know anything else I can do but continue to read your emails and articles on your website.

Thanks so much for all your responses to my emails. I try to hold back on many that id like to send because I can see by your many emails you deal with, your quite bogged down, and many of my questions are irrelevant as to what I need to be learning anyway.

You both take care.


Paul & Victor

Re: Emails?

Post by Paul & Victor »

We’ve written to you about the Forum several times, Del. Yes, it’s different than a Sabbath meeting, which is a live chat. The Forum consists of posted materials that people can respond to, with our moderation. Just click on the Forum link on any page on the site and register your name and a password.

You often speak of yourself as a sinner: “I'm a man of flesh, still sinning as before.

Is this what you mean?

“If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Word is not in us” (1 John 1:10 MKJV).

Or are you saying you’re doing things presently you know you shouldn’t be doing? Are there present sins you know of that you need to confess and forsake?

To whom are you referring here? “I believe God was leading me to a true believer who could help teach me.

You do need to leave your wife and son, not physically, but spiritually, cleaving to God in obedience to Him in the things He gives you to know and do through His Word expounded at our website, like forsaking the heathen abominations of Christmas and Easter. What happened there on Easter weekend?

That said, we don’t believe your wife and son or the pagan festivities are the issue. Seek the Lord with all your heart. In due time He’ll make known the issue you need to face and deal with.

Paul and Victor


RE: Emails?

Post by Del »

Ok, thank you again for the information on the site forum.

Yes, there are still sins that I am aware of that I shouldn't be doing. This is what I've been trying to help you both to understand with my current situation.

As to whom I was referring to was when I was in a repentance state as I have written in some of my first emails to you. I was given a vision of a man I was to meet up with on my journey to Indianapolis. This was the first and only time ever in my life I had received a vision. I was being lead into truth by God, away from the beliefs I was raised in and also surrounded with at the church I was attending most recently. I knew, by God, through the scriptures, before ever finding your site, that the rapture I was taught from a child was wrong. I even discussed this with my step brother and a friend, using the scriptures to show them both, that the word never speaks of a rapture as we have been taught. Neither one of them would have any part of it.

Before coming to your site, God revealed, by scriptures, that women were not to have authority over the men to teach them. I know you had stated in a previous email months back, that you didn't believe I was twice dead but this I would most definitely disagree with. There are other truths along with these but will leave it with these to keep email somewhat short.

I was raised heavy in church, even thinking I was saved and rededicated a few times within the churches I was attending but this was the first time in my life that I ever started to become alive from within, nothing like before. My repentance was true in heart. It came out of no where. I wasn't watching a gospel network or being told from anyone I needed to repent. I called on the Father and He was faithful to hear. I was laying on the couch in my living room. I hadn't been awake long nor was the TV on. I cried out with all my heart to God to forgive me of so many of and all my wicked ways. I cried out down to the deepest part of my soul.

As the word says, I received it with MUCH joy but as soon as trials and tribulation came, I was over come by the things of the world. I can remember asking God to help me with some confusion I was having as far as being taught about dinosaurs in our school systems, and how could they have lived millions and billions of years ago when that exceeds time of creation in the word. Well, I wasn't long before I ended up at Job 40. After reading it, I was astonished, a tail as a cedar, I looked out the window up in the sky I said, "Oh my God, you are real!!!!!" I knew the science of mans teachings were nothing more then a lie. He revealed this to me.

As far as Easter Sunday, I stayed home. It was just another typical day for me. Of course I know this doesn't make me saved. I didn't make it to the end. I burned out like a shooting star. I know you both have many that come to you proclaiming they are of God due to their up bring and being deceived. But when I came to you, I knew I had fallen in a backwards spiral away from the One True God. There is no justifying myself. My biggest fault in my first few emails was that I came off with the wrong attitude of how I was called to be an elect. I was being ignorant in how I was wording my letters.

I have still yet learned much after coming to your site but yet still not quite understanding why I'm here. I wonder within myself if God allowed me to find you guys for one reason or a few. One being that maybe He was teaching me not to take His name in vain and that this world isn't my time. Another that I must say I believe was very good possible reason, was to take away my nightmarish man made fear of eternal torment, because that's exactly where I thought I was going with no possible escape. He had not yet revealed this truth to me while I was entering in the kingdom. Since I have come to TPOT, this belief is behind me and for that I'm extremely greatful for, not only for myself but for all people as well. I have done the best that I know how to be honest with you two as the man I am, still with lust of the flesh.

I honestly believe that I am not accepted by God in this world. Like I said above, maybe this was the reason I ended up at your site, to take away the false doctrine of never ending torment in hell, so as to give me a better understanding of not taking His name in vain just in order to dodge such a place. Because thats mostly what I had been doing before when going to church except for this last time.

I do realize that, had I been one of His elect, then failure would not have been an option. If I had been one since before the foundation of the world, then falling away would not have been possible. How can His work fail if He had choosen me to be a vessel of honor before I was ever conceived? It couldn't. This is something I have learned through TPOT.

So no, 1 John 1:10 is not what I'm referring to. It's the latter. This is not being anything of boastful about it but rather just being honest. I plain and simply I'm not worthy. So unless God does something yet to come in this lifetime that I'm not yet aware that He might do to get me back on the straight path, I'm under His wrath. Without Him one cannot tame the flesh. I wish He would reveal to either of you what His plan is for me but I'm not sure if that's wishing wrongfully, such as seeking a sign isn't right to do.

I do however love what I read on your site as I have told you before. I never knew before I came Here that God would ultimately save all mankind. This is something I do find joy in. Yet I still have to tell myself that He is not willing that any should perish, but come to repentance unto salvation, because the guilt I carry from my failure, I don't feel worthy to receive His forgivness again. So yes, I have to remind myself that this includes me somewhere in His time, but I don't feel worthy to even live again after death comes. Your teachings have been the only hope that I have had since my suicide attempt. I'm afraid that I am twice dead. Knowing what God had started in me and now how I am now, it is hard to deny.


Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

RE: Emails?

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

I can only say what we may have already said; not sure: You are what and where you are now, be it never dead, once, or twice dead; be it a vessel of honor or one of dishonor. Do the best with what you have, trusting your fate to an All-wise, All-loving, Almighty Creator. What more is there that can be expected of anyone? What more would He expect of you or any of us? I can think of nothing more.


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