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Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:52 am
by Alan Agnew
Amen. I'm done with him, too.

When Dan Long did not reply to my posts to him, and he rejected others', I figured he was not worth more replies. Still, others like Brandon came later with lessons to Dan, but we recieved them while Dan rejected them. Such messages were helpful (at least for me), nonetheless, and I thank you all for them.

I do wonder about the mental image I had of Dan as being an unclean priest. I got to see his state and smell it, just as others smelled dead bones. What value is such an image and where did it come from?

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 2:13 pm
by Dan Lysthauge
Hi Michael,

I hope I didn't make it sound like I found Dan Longs website, I got the addresses from Ronnie.


Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 4:11 pm
by Michael Demerling
Thank you Dan [Lysthauge],

For the clarification. I want to edit my previous post in this thread but that does appear to be possible with the new moderation rules in the forum. The edit icon is no longer present. Without the ability to edit posts, I am going to have to be more careful with my grammar and such.

Thank you Ronnie for finding Dan Long's web site.


Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 4:36 pm
by Lori Reneri
Victor although I know you put an end to this guy, I feel a strong need to just respond to one quote from Dan Long... Quote: "Do you know that Victor can become a hindrance. I tell you why, because
the man (Victor) can take the focus from the Lord. People make Victor to
be the genie in the bottle, after all The Lord has spoken to Him"... Dan Long, Victor cannot take the focus of the Lord from us because WE are believers in Christ Jesus Who know the difference between Victor "being a man of God" and God himself. We here at TPOT are thankful that God has brought us to Victor and TPOT. You on the other hand are not able to see that because you are in unbelief. Dan, The truth will set you free if you find it...All Glory and honor to you our Lord and Savior.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 12:38 am
by Beryl Knipe
Hi Terri

Good Scripture. Thank you.

Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 10:14 am
by Mark Pearson
Hi Victor and others:

I felt anxious when I read Dan Long's communications, and felt such peace when I read the loving responses by the members, and your summation, Victor. Dan Long's communications sound similar to some others, who the Lord seems to be revealing to me as living in falsehood, who love to love themselves, believe what they want to believe, and staunchly refute Truth, because it goes against their truth. TPOT is such a blessing!


Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 6:26 pm
by Steve Beiler
Dear precious brothers and sisters in Christ,

Thank you Victor for words of Wisdom and also to everyone else who contributed to this thread!

Thank You Lord for Your Faithfulness !

Yes I'm done with Dan,

Victor, you ask if we have learned anything or if anyone has been adversely affected,

The Lord has used this correspondence to strengthen my faith , however I am a babe in Christ and I confess I struggled a bit after the post where he pointed out what the apostles required of the gentiles in acts 15, and also where he accused you Victor, of being a cult leader,

( I didn't know anything about Jim Jones so I looked it up and I declare, shame on Dan for saying you Victor are like him, I testify that is FALSE, I came here expecting to be told more specifically what I need to do and I find that you want us to receive from The Lord, (needing my own Oil) you laid down your life in obedience to The Lord to teach and correct that others might receive from The Lord as you have, not so people follow you, and for that I am very thankful!
Thank You Lord!)

pointing out Pauls updated testimony ( which by the way I hadn't seen before) but please understand that I'm not in agreement with Dan in any of these things, I just want to be open and honest with everyone, I see these struggles as the war between my flesh and spirit, please correct me where I'm wrong.

The Lord has given me to see myself as a small boat on the waves of the sea tossed to and fro,( my flesh ) but I have a sure Anchor, The Rock Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior , even if things appear on the outside like chaos I have this Hope in my soul!

Praise be to God, He is so Faithful!!!

I'm so thankful for what The Lord is doing in me, earlier with the Mike V posts I struggled at times, what if he is right and with the flat earth posts I really struggled, so I can see The Lord is strengthening my faith in all of this, Thank You Lord!!!

Just wanted to share this with everyone!

I'm so thankful to be here where The Love of God is, to be corrected and encouraged as The Lord sees fit.

God Bless you all!


Re: More on House Pets

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 10:16 pm
by Beryl Knipe
Hi Mark and Steve

All I have been given to share with you is: Amen!
