Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Letters from those finding their way in faith.
Paul & Victor

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Paul & Victor »

Forgiven, Del. You're right that we want good for you, and we know the only way that comes is by believing the Lord Jesus Christ Whom we preach. We're not here to speak our own words, or the words people want to hear, but the words He gives us to say.

“And I know that His command is eternal life. Therefore, whatever I speak, as the Father has said to Me, thus I speak.” (John 12:50 EMTV).

Paul and Victor


Re: Amazing

Post by Del »

Hello Paul and Victor.

First let me start off saying, that I know I wasn't sent to be a teacher by God. But I have tried to tell a few others that are heavey into orthodox Christianity about the teachings you have shown me through the way of Scripture, that God is going to save every single human being that has ever breathed. And how there is a punishment for the wicked, yes, but not some torture chamber of never without ending, as taught in most all churches today. Punishment is for the food of mankind for correction.

I've even pointed out the many passages of scriptures that show that the work of Christ, death, burial and resurrection paid the price for all. It is amazing to me how no one rejoices of this news but would rather believe God to be a god who wants to torture the wicked forever. I am so glad I found your site. I know we may disagree that I am a vessel of dishonor and thats ok. You may end up being right. God knows. This news is slowly being revealed as I continue to read and see that your giving proof through the scriptures themselves.

I also see that you both, even trying to show others that everyone will ultimately in the fullness of time, will be reconciled to God the Father, that you get persecuted more then someone who teaches about a large boiling pot for the wicked, with no end. Yours teachings are FAR more merciful then all other doctrines within the community churches, yet is most despised. I find it absolutely AWESOME! From the little old lady, who wouldn't hurt a fly, but yet never confessed Jesus Christ as Lord, to the most vilest person the world has to offer.

Most try and say that the person who is a murder can be forgiven, but it has to be done in this lifetime or else they are doomed to eternal, without end to fire that won't be quenched and yet the little old lady has to be put in the same place. I have tried to tell them that the lake of fire will destroy those works that they have done and won't be coming out of it the same person they were before going into it. Guys this has caused excitement to me knowing that there is hope for all.

Some things on the path of truth are still hard for me to digest even yet but I still feel like I'm at the right place to be reading. If God doesn't open my eyes completely, I feel as if I can take these teachings to move forward with. I am still a man of sin, as the flesh still fights me in many areas. But when God shows forth His mercy on me, I will be yet more prepared. I just kept falling away from the local churches as I tried to find Christ within there walls of teaching.

I appreciate you both for not writting me off and from the teachings of your news letters as I had fought with you in areas of teachings. Correct me here if need be, but wasn't Paul teaching those who he knew was vessels of dishonor when telling them not to ask God why he still found fault or why has He made me this way? I know He hasn't found me worthy to even have a hint of being one of His elect. Again thank God for the path of truth website, for even if I have learned that God will save all and nothing more, through use of scriptures, it has helped me TREMENDOUSLY. I am free from man's doctrine of eternal torture.


Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: Amazing!

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Hi Del,

Doesn't sound like a vessel of dishonor to me here now. God works and we'll see where He takes us; He makes lemon juice from lemons anytime He pleases. Who can understand His ways? I'm on my way out the door to the farm. I expect we'll write more later. Have a good day.


Paul Cohen

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Del,

The Scriptures (including Paul's letters, of course) are written for those who believe, not for those who don't believe. That's not to say unbelievers haven't been using and abusing them, as you well know, but that's not what you're doing here, is it? We don't see that.

Don't focus on yourself and your sinfulness, Del. That's worshipping the wrong god. Look to the Lord, God your Savior, and His sinlessness.

“Turn to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other” (Isaiah 45:22 MKJV).



Re: Amazing!

Post by Del »

I don't believe I'm trying to abuse the scriptures. Before responding to this email, I was reading from the king james and came across this passage of scripture: So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:49-50 KJV

This is still yet hard to define for me after reading it. This is the Lake of fire, correct? Or is it the destruction of this world by fire? I remember you had told me in a previous email that sin would be able to enter into the world to come. I had always thought the next world was where all people would live within the peace of God and sin could no longer be part of it. This is error on my part? It's easy to see how one can misinterpret this passage of Scripture to a furnace of hell as the orthodox churches teach. It appears as I red on, that only the disciples understood it's correct meaning though. Is it clear in the bible, how many worlds there will be? Or should I even be asking such a question?

If it's ok to ask, could you please help to shed some light on the subject? Is this more symbolic as to a fire we know of in this world? I have no one else to ask questions from of the bible. I have tried, believe me. You both are knowledgeable of the Scriptures and make it more understandable. I thought the lake of fire was the final judgment and what would turn unjust men into just men. I have to be confusing some wrong here.

Thanks Paul and Victor

Paul Cohen

Re: Amazing!

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Del,

I recall when I first came to believe and heard people talking about eternal torment and related doctrines of hell. Rather than trying to understand it all, my reaction was, in essence: “Lord, I know You are just and merciful, sovereign and mighty to do whatever pleases You. I trust You and know that You'll do the right and very best thing.”

I remember thinking in particular of my brother. What would happen to him, I wondered and was anxious to know. God assured He would take care of my brother as needed and would be good. I needed to believe Him and let go.

That's where you need to go. That is faith. Faith isn't blind - it sees the One Who laid down His life for all and trusts Him. Does it matter how many worlds there will be, when we're called to believe and follow Him today in this one, joined with Him in Heaven?

As for your other questions, I'm sure most are answered in principle in The Great Promise of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death.

“For our God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:29 KJV).

There are also several examples of what happened with some people after they died in Victor's Theo-autobiography.

You'll never figure it out, but you can come to a place of understanding by faith and obedience.



Re: Another Question of Scripture

Post by Del »

Hello again Paul and Victor.

Let me start this email, saying everyday I think on your teachings and see how confused I have been about scripture all of my life. Your site is ever so slowly, becoming a new truth to me. The one teaching in particular as you already know, is the reconciliation of all things, the promise of the lake of fire and the good news. It is such a JOY to see this reviled in your teachings along with the important scriptures that must go with it.

A lot of people that I know, are wondering why I no longer attend the church I once was. They are assuming I'm lost now to an eternal prison with no escape, ever. People just don't want to accept the fact that the hand of God is not to short to save all. We as people are so one dimensional.

I know you had told me that I can use the search engine on your site to find what I'm looking for. I've tried this, and yes sometimes get the results I'm looking for but several other times, I don't get the results I'm looking for. Please keep in mind that im using a tablet therefor i dont have a mouse to move over the areas to get a description. So if you could give me some links from your site or answers through email, it will be very much appreciated.

I've red ( I'll use the word red rather then read cause I know you both like it that way) in the bible that the saints are those who do not marry or give in marriage. This is confusing to me. I'm I once again taking this in the wrong way? Now from what I can tell from scriptures, is that the first to enter in the kingdom are, of course, the 1st fruits, then those that are His at His home coming, then all enemies will be brought under subjection to Him. But the word of God is quite clear not to forbid marriage. Those that are saved yet marry, do not sin. Can you give me help on why it says that these are ones who do not marry or give into marriage.

On another note, I have thought about what you said about me not being one who has sinned unto death. I was thinking about when I tried to commit suicide. I took enough sleeping pills and insulin that should have taken me out of this world. I woke up extremely dazed of course, but I remember standing over the trash can, vomiting all the poison from my system, not of my own doing. I also noticed my insulin pump was not attached to me when I got out of the bed to vomit. I told you before that I had disobeyed God and what He had told me to do. After this, I nust wanted to die rather then be without His Spirit and the direction I should have listened to. It wasn't my choice to end my life.

Its entirety up to God when I take my last breath. I believe thats why I now have ended up at your site, to gain truth and see how all that I have been taught is so messed up and wrong.

Now I'm not a completed work as of yet. I'm still diabetic and dependent on synthetic insulin to survive, telling me that my sin(s) still remains. At this point I believe all I can do is continue to read at your site and wait on God. I can't will it of my own self. I have asked Him already. He knows what He is doing with me. He is the author and finisher of mine and everyones faith. Maybe I will have to move on to the next world before this happens, but if this is His will, then so be it. After reading much on your site, I do believe He will save me in His time appointed. This I DO believe. I'd like to hope that it will happen within this life but God knows. I never would have thought in a million years before reading at your site, that God is going to be so merciful with ALL. He really is a loving God without doubt.

If my diabetes has to remain intact on my flesh due to my sin as an area for learning then let it be. I believe for once in my life that God the Father knows exactly what He is doing with me for my own good. I use to think to myself as I looked at the world in such chaos, where is God in all this? Thanks to your teaching from the scriptures, I see He's very well in control of everything, me included.

I know your not at all looking for a pat on the back for doing what is an acceptable and reasonable service for God but would like to offer my encouragement for what your doing on the path of truth. Thank you!


Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: Another question of scripture.

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Thank you, Del.

You're right - as you spend time soaking in the truth it starts to dawn on you. You're made clean by the washing of the Water of the Word. You get to know the Truth and the Truth makes free.

I'm not sure where you got the notion that saints don't marry. We teach no such thing, nor does the Bible, but the apostle Paul did say that if one can contain himself, better not to marry but to serve the Lord single-heartedly with less distraction and preoccupation that normally comes with marriage.

I was wondering if you might want to share at our Forum, likely in the Private section, where others might relate their experiences and knowledge to help? There's also the morning and evening Bible readings nearly every day on conference calls, and the Sabbath meetings. However, I think we've mentioned these to you already, not sure, and there is a time for everything.



Re: Another question of scripture.

Post by Del »

Hello Paul and Victor.

I believe the scripture I was referring to is after the resurrection of this mortal body, once a true believer is pasted from this life. I went looking for it and yes I misinterpreted again. There is no marriage when a true saved believer passes from this fleshy vessel to be where those who have passed on that believe and follow in the footsteps of Christ. The natural death.

It is interesting how I was taught to believe that once we believe we are believers of Christ, that some how we think grace means something it isn't. Most are taught that His sacrifice and resurrection some how makes us excusable to sin a little here and there but are now covered by His grace to do so.

You have helped me through your site to see differently. Christ did after all say that anyone who practices any thing against the law and teaches others to do so, would be called least in the kingdom. How did I not see this before?

As far as your question of joining the chats online, you had indeed asked me about it before. As of right now I don't want to commit to it due to my working evening shift into late night. But in saying that, I again ask that you don't write me off on it altogether, as I know you wouldn't.

I still would like to receive the email news letters. I enjoy them and also reading at your site as well. Many of these who write you are often those of my same errors due to my church doctrines I was raise in to believe. It's interesting to see how you use scriptures to tear their man made doctrines apart, my own included. Thank you yet again for all your replies.



Hello Paul and Victor.

Post by Del »

I hope that my many emails are not becoming a burden to either of you. I just like to stay in touch and let you both know whats going on as I continue forward. Many things are becoming more clear as I think on the things of God. Today I was thinking on scriptures, and it began to become clearer to me why things have become problematic within my life.

I was thinking today of the passage of scripture, where Paul talks about partaking of the cup unworthly. He said for this reason many have become sick amongst you. It dawned on me that I have partaken of the cup of Christ unworthly off and on throughout life, thinking I was saved when in fact I wasn't there at all. I testified of my faith thinking I was saved. No wonder I am diabetic.

I have seen many within the orthodox churches suffer illnesses and some even leading to their death. I thought all along this meant communion that is practiced within churches, and partaking of the ritual that most churches practice. I red your article on eating of the flesh of Christ and drinking His blood. Your teachings continue to blow me out of the water.

I start to fight with your teachings as I first read them, but sometimes I have to re read them and it starts to dawn on me. I have tried to discredit you as saints within this flesh of mine but so far have not been able to prove other wise. As I continue to keep reading from the path of truth, I become sometimes confused but it starts to unfold little by little and it causes excitement, knowing that my redemption from Jesus Christ is coming. When? I do not know, but I know it is coming as sure as the sun sets in the west.

I have also decided to stay away from any other religious websites. I'm not at a state where I can't be decieved of their false doctrines. I have snooped around a few since coming to the path of truth only to find it has a drawing and makes me question again. Yours is the only website I have come to that has tore down any false fears that go with a man made doctrine. This is not good for me to go visit their sites. I feel that I must stay here. It is what I believe is going to prepare me for the day of the Lord Jesus Christ. I must carry truth with me so I can be ready when He calls.

My wife on the other hand is finding it hard to take on. She is still very much set on her home church that we both attended once together. How I became so in snared by it. She continues to say that many people interpret the bible differently. I say yes they do, and don't you see that as a problem? Did Paul writtings differ from Peters? Or did Matthew preach something different then John's writtings? No, they all are in line with the word of God. Except some of the falseness that has been added to the bible by man. I do not have any discernment on those that are false, only what you teach on your site. I can see it though, after all king James was a tyrant king from what I've red.

She said she was saved no matter what I think. I asked her if she was following all the laws of God? She said that was impossible. I told her she is right, only those who are saved have the grace given by Christ to stay within the law. I tried to explain to her that Jesus said that not one tittle or one jot would be removed. And anyone who practices any of them and teaches others to do so would be called least in the kingdom of God. I'm trying to help her see that neither her or I are worthy to say we know Christ. This is a difficult situation. Anyway just wanted to send a quick email and let you know that the teachings that your giving must be of God, as I am continuing to be enlightened by them.

It will be useful when the time comes, and we all know that His word will not go away void! Appreciate you both. One day, God knows when, I will be brothers with you. We all will!!!!!


Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: Hello Paul and Victor.

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Del, I appreciate the way you put this: “She [your wife] continues to say that many people interpret the bible differently. I say yes they do, and don't you see that as a problem? Did Paul writtings differ from Peters? Or did Matthew preach something different then John's writtings? No, they all are in line with the word of God.

Simply, sensibly and truthfully put.

The Lord has decided to be merciful to you and is showing you what few men have been given to see and understand. And as you believe and obey Him, He'll give you so much more. We're thankful for His decision and rejoice with the angels in Heaven, as we well ought to do.




Post by Del »

Hello Paul and Victor.

I was wondering if you could give me some understanding of the 144000? Is this the number to be sealed of God in this present world? Or is this referring to 144000 Jews?

Thank you.

Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: 144000

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

I think we have some material somewhere on this; many have asked us. The number is symbolic - not a real number.


Paul Cohen

Re: 144000

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Del,

A believer (Simon) who came from afar to see us this past summer recently wrote us about the 144,000, because his sister with whom he's been visiting and reading the Scriptures asked about them. Here's a portion of my reply:

“In what context was your sister asking about the 144,000? Where's she coming from? And what is her name?

“We don't have a writing on the topic, although we've talked about it along the way in our journeys. We believe above all that it's a symbolic number, speaking of the fullness of the firstfruit believers in Christ preceding the final harvest, those who've gone to Him without the camp, outside of the religious institutions and works of men, having been taken out of the world to worship Him in spirit and in truth. That's what this verse is talking about:

“'These are those who were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These were redeemed from among men, as a firstfruit to God and to the Lamb' (Revelation 14:4 MKJV).

“From this sowing of God's Seed (Who overcomes the adversary per Genesis 3:15) comes the great harvest of souls, the redemption of all of humanity. In Revelation 7, where the twelve thousand 'servants of God' of each of the twelve tribes are sealed, the Scripture says this is what follows:

“'After this I looked, and a vast host appeared, which it was impossible for anyone to count, gathered out of every nation and from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in long white robes, and carrying palm-branches in their hands. In loud voices they were exclaiming, It is to our God Who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb, that we owe our salvation!' (Revelation 7:9-10 WNT)

“Wonderful, isn't it?”

Here's what Simon wrote back:

Thanks, for your response, Paul

My sister's name is Delyse.

Delyse and I have been reading a lot from TPOT and the bible, and we have been talking in to the wee hours of the morning.

“Delyse has asked a lot of questions in regards to the new things she is hearing, and I can see the Lord is definitely doing a work in her. I can see the Lord is shining a new light, His truth on things, for her. She is pondering the things the Lord is revealing, and she is starting to question the nature of deception and the wrong things she has believed and been taught by Mystery Babylon.

“In regards to the 144,000, Delyse asked a specific question about it because of our conversations on the falsehood of eternal punishment and the good news of salvation for all men. Delyse spent a lot of time reading and listening to false teachings in the eighties and early nineties, about “end times”. Hence, among the truth she is now hearing, she wanted to know about the 144,000, as against her understanding, or lack thereof, from belief in the false teaching of men. I don't know her motive for asking me the question, but because I couldn't give her a clear cut answer, and I certainly just didn't want to answer her with opinion only, I believe she asked me, or maybe I volunteered, I can't quite remember which, to ask you guys if the Lord had given you something on it.
I don't know the importance of the question to her. I don't think it's a big deal. But, because I couldn't answer it, and I couldn't remember ever reading or coming across it on TPOT, I believe that's when your names came up, for a possible answer.

“Paul, I did read Revelation 14, and what you wrote covers anything I was thinking, plus a little more. There are parts of the bible, used to be nearly the whole bible, that when I read them, including great chunks of the book of Revelations, where my head still goes to mush. Confusion comes through a blur of what I am not understanding, and if I try to continue and try to understand, a quick fire headache will follow. I used to feel bad about this, in front of the Lord. But now, I take it as the Lord telling me to move on, that He is not revealing those things to me at this time, and that it is ok. I don't dwell on it anymore. There is so much more that He is revealing to me through His word, both the Bible and the teachings on TPOT.

“Thank you, Lord, for what You are revealing, and thank You that Your timing in all things is perfect.
” [END]

I think what Simon says in the emphasized portion at the end of his letter is the most important thing for you to hear, Del. Walking with the Lord isn't about gaining knowledge - it's about exercising faith in Him. That's what we're doing here and teaching you.



Another passage of Scripture.

Post by Del »

Was thinking of the passage of scriptures in revelation, where it is referring to those who have mixture in the cup ( mystery babylon) within the church systems. Many of which are where I live, the United States. It says that she will receive double. Could, or is this saying that she will have to go through destruction of this life and also the next to come for her mixture?

We know that anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit has not forgiveness in this world or the next. We know that Christ warned those who accused Him of casting out devils in the name of beezabub (miss spelled). But if one was also saying that they were casting out demons in the name of Christ but, as the scriptures point out there will be many that come to Him saying, "didn't we cast out demons in your name and perform many great miracles......" Wouldn't this also be a form of speaking against the one true Spirit of God if in fact it wasn't of God at all?

I know many of my questions may be irrelevant but I do ponder on them as to know the scriptures. I am starting to be firm through your site, that one is better to stay far away from orthodox Christianity and realize I have not known Christ like I once thought I did, through the scriptures. Repentance, yes but not to full knowledge and full death of myself. I have come to believe even if I'm not chosen of God as an elect, then I must accept what He has for me and not what I think I can make of myself.

If I am suppose to go on into the next world before Christ redeems me fully then that is how it will be. I know not the hour or the day. Maybe still within this life? If God is willing but nothing I can do of my own self. You both have used scripture to help open my eyes. Christ will redeem me in His time for me. The scriptures have to be fullfilled. Many will go on to a different world for more correction. Few will go on to be with God the Father in this lifetime.

Thanks you two.


Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: Another passage of Scripture

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow; for tomorrow shall be anxious for its own things. Sufficient to the day is the evil of it” (Matthew 6:33-34 MKJV).

1 Corinthians 15:22-24 MKJV
(22) For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all will be made alive.
(23) But each in his own order: Christ the first-fruit, and afterward they who are Christ's at His coming;
(24) then is the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He makes to cease all rule and all authority and power.

Continue to study what the Lord's given us to share with all. And, we have Bible readings daily, mornings and evenings, and the Sabbath meeting to learn and be edified. The walk of faith isn't about doctrine and knowledge, but of faith and obedience:

“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8 MKJV).




Post by Del »

Hello Paul and Victor.

I still continue to read and learn much at the TPOT. I read a little from 1 John 2:2 yesterday at work. This was the proof in the pudding as I read it. For if we say we know Christ, we ought to walk as He did. Not one tittle or jot did He break, yet pretty much every body I know within the church systems are not keeping the law to the letter but rather preaching grace different then that of the Scriptures.

I have a few comments which I'd like to ask. First off, the word says that there are those who continue to learn but can't come to the full light, avoid such (This may not be exact on wording but with the knowledge you both have I'm sure you know the verse) Is it ok for me to even be coming to either of you for help? I am one who seems to be learning through your site but haven't come to the fullness of His light.

Also, is it wrong for me to tell others about what I have learned through your website and how most of us have not been found worthy to say we know Christ as we thought we did? Is it wrong for me to tell others that we need to get out of the church systems and realize we aren't saved and never have been? I'm speaking of those I know who are in the orthodox christian churches.

I understand now how important it truly is to count the cost. Most of us didn't or don't really know what that means. I guess I just assumed before that it mean I'd have to give up smoking pot, committing adultery and so forth. Maybe even get laughed at by a few people here and there.
I do believe Jesus meant what He said, that He would rather us be cold or hot as apposed to luke warm. Now if I'm understanding this scripture correctly, He either wants all of us, 100% in or none of us, 100% out.

God, through your site has not brought me salvation, but I do believe He spared me of my suicide attempt and brought me here to the path of truth for reason. I still believe with all my heart that He allowed me just a glimpse in the Kingdom of God to allow me to see His love He has for ALL His creation. Never in my life had I ever experienced such a love that He has for All people. But I wasn't in the proper attire to stay there.
As I told you before, when He told me that I needed to go to Indianapolis, He allowed me to have a vision of the person I would meet there. Now in the past, I told you that I thought He would be sending me there to preach, but now I believe that was the carnal side of me that was still intact. As I had told you before, I started to notice by His grace that things were not right within the church I was attending along with other church beliefs as well.
I believe He was sending me to be with true believers who could lead me to truth. I remember when He said to go to Indianapolis, I said to Him, what about Richmond instead? It is a smaller but somewhat a lager city then where I'm from. Immediately He said NO, Indianapolis. As you already know, I didn't heed the call. The Spirit left me and I felt so empty. The compassion that He had given me was gone.

As I told you before, the false doctrine of eternal torment had not been revealed yet to me. So now back in darkness, that lie haunted me and I thought that it was to late for me and this was now my last and final destination.

I kept seeking answers from so many different websites just to dind myself even more troubled. I did come acrossed a few universal salvation websites that seem to comfort me somewhat but just didn't add up completely. After reading from some of their doctrines, I did ask, God will you really be so merciful? I still felt like I'd have to pay some type of punishment for being disobedient though.

Then I found TPOT, and started reading. At first I thought like many do that I have red from your site, that you both are nuts. Then as you use scripture to back up all you say and and see how you both get persecuted at every angle, I thought wow, these guys are so ridiculed. Then you pointed out about how Christ said the world would hate you because it first hated me. I have never been hated like Christ was hated. As a matter of fact, most churches ive been in shake hands, pat backs, hug and accept anyone to join them. They don't throw anyone out if they continue to sin but rather say just ask for forgiveness and go on. Most of the time they don't care to begin with. They love that attendance record, it was better then last weeks attendance. And the offering was outstanding. Woo hoo! With much clapping after that announcement.

Since reading much at TPOT, I am at least learning that God will ultimately save ALL of mankind, not one will be left out, myself included. Also I've at least learned to stay out of the orthodox churches. There is no true bread from heaven there. One last and very important thing, is that since coming here to read, it has given me a reason to live and not want to take my own life! God still has a reason for me to remain. Although, other then learning what I have here, I still don't know what His reason is. I honestly don't think I'm one of His elect, though I speak from the flesh. But whatever He has decided for me and how He will bring me into His salvation is entirely up to Him.

I see that I must not be grievous toward Him for His choice for me. Just as the scripture states weather it is life unto salvation or sin unto death. He is in full control of all things. You both use scripture in a way that has truly blessed me.

Now going back, is it wrong for me to try and warn people that we take His name in vain when we say we know Him, when in fact we truly don't? Or try to tell them to come out of the churches so we don't become even more deceived? Or should I just take what I believe the Lord has allowed me to see and use it to learn for myself?

Thank you both for every single reply. Even if it's hard for me to accept at the moment, it has helped as time lets it soak in.


Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: Greetings

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Hi Del,

2 Timothy 3:1-7 KJV
(1) This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
(2) For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
(3) Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
(4) Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
(5) Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
(6) For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
(7) Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

This passage you ask about speaks of those who think knowledge will be sufficient while they don’t really have faith or care about God’s righteousness. They study, yet keep God at arm’s length.

Share the truth as you have the freedom and opportunity to do so. Give those with whom you have to do here and there specific articles for specific subjects at our site for their reference. More importantly, continue to read and learn; avail yourself of what the Lord has given us for all. Learn the Truth and obey. Believe the Lord. He isn’t asking any more than that of you right now.

It would also be good for you to participate in the Forum and phone conferences and Sabbath meetings where we minister to several at a time. The Lord has made us to fellowship with one another. Paul and I are pressed so that we can’t be continuously working on an individual basis with many.

What is it that withholds you from attending, Del? As you say, the Lord requires total commitment:

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12 KJV).

“So because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth” (Revelation 3:16 MKJV).

Matthew 12:19-21 KJV
(19) He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear His voice in the streets.
(20) A bruised reed shall He not break, and smoking flax shall He not quench, till He send forth judgment unto victory.
(21) And in His Name shall the Gentiles trust.



RE: Still sending out daily emails?

Post by Del »

Thanks for forwarding them to me.

As far as how im doing, I just cope the best I can. I don't really know how to put my inner thoughts into words. I've basically come to the conclusion that I am just a sinner, not living by the Spirit of God, and still live yet in the flesh. I still don't attend church anywhere and because of your teachings, have no intention of ever going back to one anywhere. I'm still unsure how God is going to work this all out for me, because I feel like I've committed the worst possible offense to Him by calling on His name and then putting the very fire out that He started to kindle within me. Your site is the only one I've come across that gives me some hope though.

I remember reading where Paul was wishing he was a cursed by Jesus for the sake of his kinsmen. That, amongst some other verses, plus your website has made me reevaluate my teachings from my youth of eternal torment. There's no way one of God's annotated ones would wish he was cursed by Jesus if he knew his last and final destination would be torture without end. The only thing I can do and still do is ask for God's mercy on me in the day of judgment. I never really understood how I was taking the Lord's name in vain before until I started reading at your site. It has been both a blessing and yet a curse, if that makes sense to you. I just have to go on and go to work every day and try to provide for my family and do the best I can till God says its time to be in line with Him. I still do not know if that will yet happen in this lifetime or not.

I believe i had told you that I suffer from type 1 diabetes, and the long term effects aren't getting any better although, being as stupid as I am, when I was learning from God through His Spirit before, I was recovering and started to feel better each day, but as stated, I was just to stupid to realize it while it was happening until it was taken away.

I've tried to talk to a few people, my aunt being one, which happens to be a Jehovas witness, that in God's time, He will bring restoration to all mankind. This is really difficult for many to believe. The word does say though that Christ told the pharisees that they would not see Him again until they say, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Funny in a sense that I never seen this before myself. One person asked me, so do you believe your saved? My response to that question is now, no. This person also asked me if I believed in Jesus and that He was crucified on a cross and rose on the third day? My response to that is absolutely. They then tell me I'm saved. Well the demons believe and tremble as well so are they also saved? A profession of faith in Christ isn't what makes one saved only the start. I was calling Him Lord but didn't do what He said.

The scriptures are true when saying its better to never have known His way of righteousness, then to have known it and turned away. God was slowly starting to reveal the truth to me and I had such a peace I had never known before but when the real test came, I was a fool. But there has to be a reason some how that I understand this better now.

I still thank Him for even allowing me to be part of His creation, even though I do not deserve it and have hope that He can turn things around for me. I also ask Him not to let His grace fall on me in what I think is my time but when He knows it's His time for me and a time that He will not let me fail. I couldn't go through any more of that. I hope this email makes some sense. I've never been good at putting thoughts into words.

Thank you for your response along with the forwards.


Paul & Victor

Re: December 30th Letter

Post by Paul & Victor »

Hi Del,

It occurs to me that you should read our entire correspondence from the time we first heard from you. Do you have it all?


Hi Del, Paul here. Have you red God Heals Today, His Way?


Re: December 30th Letter

Post by Del »

Hello both Paul and Victor

I really wasn't sure to write here again or not with my past letter. I know you both have many emails and I don't want to become burdensome to either of you. I know that you said I needed to sign up for chat online on sabbath meetings, etc because you were not able to help one individual through just the two of you through emails.

I am trying to tell you that it is to late for me or atleast I believe so to turn back to God in this lifetime. As I had told you both before, God gave me STRONG warning to listen to His direction and I did not. You both seem to have made it all the way, according to your testimony. I on the other hand did not. It is the most miserable place to be. The conscience eats you up at every angle. I am once again at emnity with God. I quenched His Spirit through disobeying His voice.

I have red the article you are reffering to and I believe His healing power is still happening today. We both agree that it isn't through a Benny Hinn crusade. The problem is for me, that God told me all these things, He would take care of for me, smoking cigarettes included, if I would heed to His call but I didn't. I am cursed now and I do not see forgiveness for what I have done. At least not in this lifetime.

My flesh and the lust of my flesh remain still very much intact. I was entering into the kingdom but didn't endure till the end. Because of this happening to me and then coming to your site is why I now understand what entering into the kingdom is, as apposed to what I thought it meant before. I understand even more so now what the spiritual condition of hell is as well because I live farter in hell then I did before I cried out to God for repentance.

Paul said to keep the faith not only for fear of God but for conscience sake as well. I understand this more now then ever. My mind will not let me rest. Not a day goes by that I do not think on what I had, through God and how I was a fool. I do not seek to take my life by my on hands anymore but sometimes pray for death but yet it doesn't find me. I do not know what life after death has instore and that scares me but living here scares me too and is miserable a lot of the time.

I read at your site and emails, in hope that I can take it with me to learn so maybe, God willing, I can go to the next world and know what I have to do in order to be completely redeemed through Jesus Christ. If God is still willing to forgive me in this world, He hasn't made it known to me yet. Maybe I just need to be patient and wait for Him as the wind blows in its own time.

For one to call me wicked in times past, would have been such an offense to me but now it is what it is. Anyone who is not abiding by the word of God is wicked. That's where I am. Maybe I'm in a spiritual prison and won't come out till I've paid the very last penny. Much goes through my mind everyday. Yet, as I said, your site has been the only thought of hope that all men will eventually be reconciled to God in due time. I see this truth as you use scripture to help me understand.

When I tried to commit suicide after my fall and didn't succeed, the last thing I thought I heard from God was, "I didn't bring it to completion." I still do not know if it was from God or not.

I decided to just stay away from emailing either of you and just continue to read the emails you send out and different areas of the site. God hasn't yet revealed to me, you two as His elect nor has He not. He isnt revealling much of anything to me at this moment. All I know is, that your site seems to give me a hope when there seems that there really isn't any hope.

I can only wish now that i had stayed cold in the Lord instead of getting spewed out of His mouth from luke warmness. It is total hell on earth at this point and its been a year now since I seen and felt the Spirit leave me. If this email can help any of the believers you know that haven't yet come into His rest let this be warning to them of the hell they will encounter if they do not continue in the faith. No one would want any part of it.

As always, thank you for your reply and kindness of trying to help me.



A couple of questions please.

Post by Del »

Hello both, Paul and Victor.

Let me first come to you stating that you are conversing with a carnal man. I do not come to you in the name of the Lord because I am not walking as He walked. So please take this into consideration as I go on here.

I have a couple questions, the 1st probably not so relevant but wanted to ask.

1. As I have read on your site of the mark of the beast and believe what you say. It isn't some computer chip as the world believes but a spiritual mark on man that God places on them. The word does say that it is in the formof 666. What i have wondered is there any link to John 6:66 And many of His disciplines followed Him no more. As far as I know all the numbers contained in scripture were put there by man.

2nd question. How is it that I see your doctrine as truth? Can one believe on such doctrine and yet still not be saved? I literally love the words I read and the emails you send, daily. But I am not a man of God. I am a man who believes in God but as I stated above, I am not walking as Christ walked and I am none of His. As a matter of fact, your website has taught me not to partner myself up with Christ as I had falsely done in the past just because I made a profession of faith.

I know we have exchanged several emails in the past. I know you had told me I needed to repent, and this I have done on several occasions, but I feel as if I am only repenting within myself and that God is not honoring the repentance that ask for yet. Could it be that God is trying to teach me that it isn't yet my time? Or is He using the words on your site to further teach me before His grace finds me? Or maybe both? Are there those that you know that do believe but yet are not saved? I am speaking of those in your sabbath meetings. I am reminded of the scripture where the certain man sent his soldiers to Christ asking that his servant be healed and Jesus said to take Him to the place but the message given to the soldiers was this man was not worthy for Christ to even step into his house because he was a man of authority. He was still very much a part of the world if im understanding correctly.

But yet as I read at path of truth, I see truth. By reading here, my old belief of eternal torment-gone. Walking in the kindom of heaven-is a spiritual condition that only God can give within the flesh. The second coming of Christ is within the flesh and not some man made doctrine of the so called rapture. I literally get joyed by your teachings but still know that I'm no saint, not even close. I understand now what Paul was saying to those who know the law. If we try to battle against the law with our flesh, we can never make it. It is only by the grace of Jesus Christ, a gift from God that one can live according to the law. There are other areas on your site that I'm still in darkness on. Not all things have been revealed to me. But why does it seem that God is drawing to your site but yet I am very much still a carnal man? Can a carnal man be given understanding when he is not saved?

Is He telling me through your site how to equp myself for when He calls on me again? As I sated in a previous email, God's Spirit was drawing me and He was leading me into truth. I seen clearly when reading the word, that women are not to have authority over the man. The word takes it all the way back to creation and the fall, not because there were problems with the women in the corithian church as many orthodox churches teach, now claiming it's ok. As I went to church on Sundays, I started seeing that something wasn't right with those claiming Jesus as their Lord as to the walk they were showing as being in opposition to the word of God.

Is God telling me to back off, that my time has not yet come? I can't force Him to do anything but it's the other way around, which I've also come to see as a false teaching of man. They say we must come to an alter and accept Him. That we have some sort of power over God's if we choose to do so. Its totally up to us. That isn't true at all. It's totally up to Him. Always has been and always will be. The scriptures must be fullfilled. And they are very clear that in this day and age most will not be choosen.

Could it be that I will have to go through this lifetime without redemption? And that His salvation for me will not come until the next world? I believe your doctrine is true. Ive seen through your many emails how you battle against spirits of men and I see how you undeniably over come them through the word, always using scripture. My main focus right now is to stay as far way from the corner street churches of the world.

I kind of got into a topic with a baptist guy I work with about how the scripture confirm that God will have ALL men be saved. It didn't go well. I tried to tell him that we must not say we are of God unless we are walking as Christ walked. We take His name in vain if we do. He still believes in eternal torment and claims its a just thing for his god to do. Thanks to your site I'm free of that doctrine.

Were do I go from here guys? Do I wait on God to restore me again? I suppose there is really no more I can do then that. Is there anyway one can know when their true redemption will come? The redemption that will once and for all set the soul free from the bondage of sin for good?

Thank you both so much for your time that you take to reply. I can honestly say that I love words here on the path of truth website. There is no other like it that I have seen!

Del Brewer


In response to my previous email.

Post by Del »

Hello Paul and Victor.

Was sitting here thinking how sometimes I'm so fast to put my thoughts into and email and send it off before I really think about it first.

I know in times past i had told you that God had not revealed to me that you both were of God or not. I think He is somehow showing me that I'm looking at it in a totally wrong stance. A stance of the flesh. Let me try my best to put this into words and hopefully it can be understood.

God is showing me that I am not to look at either Paul or Victor as good men, the way I would have in the past with some of the so called men of god within the churches. As I hear others do and have been guilty of myself. Saying things like, pastor Bob is such a great man of God. I like others was lifting up men over God, thinking they knew so much. No different then Christ didn't want those to testify of man, which is pretty much what we see in the church systems. I see it happen through many of your emails as people try to defend people like all those on your false teachers list. They, and ive been guilty of this myself as well, testify of the men not of the One true God. But as I read through many of your emails and read at your site, I see truth and nothing of which I can argue with.

We began this whole email exchange a good while back and I remember you telling me in one of your emails, that God doesn't allow things to happen to us without the sole purpose of learning. I'm seeing this also as true. If you remember around the time when I first started emailing you, I had told you that God was allowing me to start to enter into the kingdom, but my walk was cut short. This is true but now im starting to understand now that I was still bringing with me to many false teachings of man as I walked. He had to show me that what I was asking for wasn't my time. Had it been then I could not have failed, He wouldn't allow me to fail. He does the work not me. Who am I but a stupid foolish man.

I was thinking AFTER I had sent my last email on scripture. I had asked you if there was a way to know when one will truly be saved one and for all. Please allow me to apologize yet again to you both. Paul and Victor plant and water but it is God that brings the increase. Therefore for me to ask you such a question is stupid.

I also was thinking of the scripture when Jesus told the pharisees to first clean the inside of the dish. What He was telling them to do was impossible to do as a man. God does the work and no man can make clean his own inside no more then a man can perform his own heart transplant surgery. The master physician schedules when the surgery is to take place. God decides when a new heart will be given to each person not us.
I was also thinking how even a master potter would never put his clay into a firing furnace to make it complete while it still has flaws in it. It must be perfected before it is an honorable vessel. This is what I'm learning through the teachings from here on the path of truth as brought out in the scriptures.

More then anything and the most important that I have learned by reading at your site and how you use scripture, is that I must stay away from denominational chruches and wait on the One true God. You have helped me understand, by the way of God's word that I habe been building my own tower of Babylon if I call myself a saint of God all while taking any sin with me. Scripture of firmly declares so that the grace of Jesus Christ, the true One, will give those being choosen, the power to walk as He did. Not a false grace that says we can do as we please and His grace takes care of us. This is what I have been falsely taught pretty much most of my life. That we should try to avoid sin but if we do, then just repent and go on. This is nothing more then a lie.

So what I had stated in my last email about me not knowing Christ is true. And in my sinful condition, to say that I do is total blasphemy of God Himself. I do nothing but take His name in vain. I had always thought that this meant swear words with His name attacked to it, which is true to, but now I see there is more to it then just that.

Now I see because of God's work being done at the path of truth, that I can no more make myself a man of God then a thorn tree can make itself a fig tree. If God can make children of Abraham out of stones then He can make me into a fig tree but not before He decides to do so with me, and He will. If God says it's not my time in this lifetime then what can be done other then nothing.

I love what I read here at your site. The words here are ever so slowly turning but me away from the false teachings I was raised to believe. I am developing a love for what you are doing at the path of truth. Such a merciful doctrine yet so appalled by many. Restoration for ALL and yet so many hate it. We as people really are so evil to think someone else deserves such a terrible fate of never ending torment but we are selves deserve to be in total bliss with God. So so sad that we can believe such heresies.

Thank God for you both and the work He is doing through your website. I love it.

Paul & Victor

Re: In response to my previous email.

Post by Paul & Victor »

Amen, Del. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; they who dwell in the land of the shadow of death, on them the light has shined”
(Isaiah 9:2 MKJV). Keep going.

And you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free…

And when the Son of man makes you free, you will be free, indeed.

- Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior

Paul and Victor


Thank God for truth!

Post by Del »

Hello to you both.

Just wanted to write a little note and tell you how much your teachings, and forwarded emails are continuing to help me. No reply needed. As I meditate on the word, your teachings become more clear and continue to bless me. I don't come to you as a man who is righteous. But what you, through God, have helped me to do, is stop and examine myself and see that I'm not worthy of Christ. I am not walking as He walked. I do not have the mind of Christ. But that doesn't mean I'm forever lost to a torture state without end.
The doctrine of ALL men will be saved is wonderful. I hear all the time in many churches and within then so called christians, that we have only this life to get right with God. Then I came across the scripture where Paul said, If we have hope in this life only in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. Bam! Smacked me right between the eyes. Man, this has changed my whole outlook at how I view others. Not that im condoning homosexuals, amongst others, but they were the very ones I was casting into a never ending torture of the false hell doctrine. Little did I know that by doing so, I would recieve the greater condemnation by making unrighteous judgement.
I am so glad I found your site and decided to to continue to read here. At first, I almost said no way, this is not how I was raised to believe. I'd really love to hug you both. If you remember, I said I was raised in the heavy pentecostal movement. I never did understand it completely from my youth.
Many years back, I attended a pentecostal church and the congregation was told if anyone was seeking the baptism of the holy spirit (making that lower case for reason of the false holy spirit) then in faith to step out in the Isle. I stood out in the isle, thinking this was what I was supposed to do in order to receive in faith. But I did say, God, if this is not of you, then don't allow me to recieve it. Nothing happened, although, people of the church came flocking around me, shaking me violently, and smearing oil all over my mouth. What praise I did offer to God was totally gone at that moment. This was God doing the work, not allowing me to be sent strong delusion. He has been here my whole life, even while I'm yet a sinner.
As I looked in corintians, I later came across the correct use of tongues given by God through Paul. Tongues are a sign to unbelievers. If an unlearned comes in and someone speaks in tongues and there is no interpreter, then won't they say you are surely mad. I've seen this many times as a pentecostal church goer. People who were never raised in it would pretty much run out of the church, stating, those people are crazy, and I'm never going back in that church again! And they didn't. Best for them, no doubt.
Then in church, you would hear preachers say that those of Sodom were burning in hell. Then I seen an email you sent out showing from the book of Amos, how they would be brought back to her former state before the religious people who were judging her unrighteously. How are we so stupid to not see this?
You guys, and I believe this has to be from God Almighty, are rewriting my bible through your teachings, as to what I use to believe. I know now that I have to wait on God to restore and renew my strength. I openly admit, at this point in my life, I am a man of the world, therefore I can't make judgement on anyone. God, may have them entering in, in an order before me. It's His call. He's teaching me, through your website. No man makes judgment against another but its the Spirit that judges. As Christ said as a man, He judges no man but the Spirit that was working through Him was judging.
I thank God above, that He will not always be angry with me or any of His creation and will bestow His grace on us ALL. Thank the Lord! And thank you both for doing His will and helping folks like me, who believed in the many myths that men teach, as the scriptures said would happen. There is no doubt that we are in that time now. There is still much more that I need to learn.

P.S. I'm asking that you do not put this with your forwarded emails to those on your list. I'm not looking to seek any glory There is nothing good in me to glory about. This letter is meant strictly for you both and maybe a chance to do what small amount I can at encouraging you both to do what God has given you to do.


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