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Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:52 pm
by Brandon LaBerteaux
I’m sorry, Martin, it was carelessness, not that it matters, like you said.

And while I’m at it, both Victor and Martin by the Lord have pointed out, rebuked, and corrected me for my complete carelessness, irresponsibility, unreality, self-righteousness, pride, idiocy and sheer stupidity in even the most basic things. I’ve trashed everything the Lord has given me.

I’m not only in need of a change, I need to be annihilated.

I wasn’t trying to conceal this from people here, I didn’t think straight. Which is my problem. I am not an authority, I am not an elder, and I have been and am the enemy. I can only look to the Lord and ask for the grace to obey in even the smallest matters if I am to hope for mercy for how I have been.

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:47 am
by Steve Beiler
Good Sabbath everyone,

I'm thankful to The Lord for His Mercy and Grace. Judgement, rebuke, and correction hurt, but is that not the only way, do we not all need it?

Victor, I'm thankful The Lord has removed Paul and has raised Martin to walk with you in ministry. Martin, I'm thankful for the Word spoken by The Lord through you, I needed to hear it, I confess i talk to much. This is what came to mind, especially verse 26 and 27.

Heb 12:25 See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape, those who refused him that spoke on earth, much more we shall not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from Heaven,
Heb 12:26 whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, "Yet once more I will not only shake the earth, but also the heavens."
Heb 12:27 And this word, "Yet once more," signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that have been made, so that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.
Heb 12:28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear,
Heb 12:29 for also, "Our God is a consuming fire."


Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 7:25 am
by Isaiah Dillard

It wasn't my intention to glorify self, but to relate and share the good things The Lord has done in my life recently that may be helpful for Nicholas. I can see I was wrong in the manner I presented and spouted off. I overstepped the boundary being as if authoritative, long-winded and putting the focus on me and not The Lord.

I'm sorry and appreciate the instruction and correction given to reel me back in.

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 10:28 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Nicholas, of course, this isn't the issue but don't you think you need to clean up your language?

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 3:27 pm
by Nicholas Carpenter
Yes I should Victor. I didn't think about it at the time but I will in the future.

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:09 pm
by Martin Van Popta

John 9:41 (WEB)

"Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, 'We see.' Therefore your sin remains."

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 7:37 am
by Michael Vavases

I have some observations and some things you might want to consider.

First, I think this JLP character you’re listening to is somewhat telling. I admit, listening to the segment you called in on didn’t give me much an impression on the man one way or the other, but I figured that since you were listening to him that maybe he was worth listening to myself. I listened to what you had to say and it sounded good what was happening; I was thankful to hear it.

However, I will say that I kept expecting you to speak more on, or at least mention, The Path of Truth, seeing as how He has used this ministry to open up your eyes (or so I thought, not saying this isn’t the case). You had an opportunity to reach potentially tens of thousands or even more people, and you didn’t think to mention what is perhaps His only true ministry on the planet? Why?

Listening to it again later, it sounded to me like you were more interested in patting Jesse on the back, and receiving a pat yourself in return. Maybe I’m wrong about that, but checking out more of the man’s material, he struck me as quite self-righteous. His might be a show, but it’s really a ministry, with him professing himself as free of sin while he has a picture in the background portraying himself in an iconic sort of pose/light. Is this what you were doing in calling in, portraying yourself similarly? Seems to me to be the case, in light of what Martin has said to you.

There were a few different problems I found with JLP’s show/stances/beliefs, but I won’t get into to those. Suffice it to say, I believe the man is a huge hypocrite; others can judge this to be correct or not, if it’s even necessary to determine (could be a good false teacher for someone to write about). I think it’s more what your involvement with his show says about you.

Something else you might want to consider: if you’ve been blind to your own state this whole time, might it be that you mishandled the situation with your mother? You mentioned having a lot of bitterness and hatred toward her, but then you speak of forgiving her and not being in need of forgiveness yourself. I could certainly be wrong here, as I’m not familiar at all with your relationship with her, but it sounds like she apologized to you (even being somewhat surprised at your enmity), yet you don’t see yourself as needing to apologize to her at all. Why did she seem to think you should apologize yourself? You mentioned in the show that “that’s not how it works,” but how does it work in your case?

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 10:20 pm
by Alan Agnew
This is Isaiah’s appearances on that show that Michael V mentioned:" onclick=";return false; (I do not know if he appeared again after that.)

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:27 am
by Lauren Santiago
When I listened to the full recording of the podcast and JLP's other media I was left with some of the same impressions Michael got, particularly regarding JLP's claiming to have "arrived". The man has his own church and Sunday worship glorifying his own god. He said repeatedly to you, Isaiah, "you got free" by forgiving your mother and I thought he was exhalting his own understanding of salvation. At the point when he asked you where you came from (you said the Lord had you on this "path") I hoped you would segway into the Truth. The Lord knows why you didn't.

I will add that I wasn't there for the comments made on the original clip on Facebook, but when I saw Victor had responded and the post had disappeared I thought maybe He had corrected you for wandering into a different pasture.

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:57 pm
by Steve Beiler

Have you asked Victor if he would have you spend your time on the JLP show? I watched one you had posted on Facebook once and thought he had some good things to say but I wasn't convinced that he speaks The Truth, I could be wrong, but is this really where you want to spend your time? And like others here, I thought you would speak of TPOT when you were on the show. I don't want to make any assumptions , can you explain?


Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:22 am
by Isaiah Dillard
I listen to many conservative voices and appreciate what they have to say, particularly black conservatives who talk on the issues of the black community, as this hit homes having grown up in the environment. I have a job where I’m at my desk 8 hours a day completing audits, and listen to the radio, news and Youtube while doing so.

Most conservatives have some type of faith in/about God and tie Him into the fold, and JLP talks on spiritual matters about God. Does everything he say 100% correct? No, but does this mean I should completely shun him, even when it’s talks on spiritual matters? There are good things he says that I can see is wisdom given from God on and has said things that lines up with doctrine taught at TPOT. I enjoy listening to Matt Walsh as well, who has some good things on spiritual matters, but I don’t write him off because he’s Catholic and in error in doctrinal beliefs and practices. I listen to Infowars and Alex Jones who proclaims to be a Christian, and says things that are wrong and is very emotional, but he also has good things to present and say. I try to focus on the message and not so much the messenger.

I grew a hatred for “liberal Christians” and my family would come to mind, as I demonized and judged them for supporting evil, so I would avoid. I’ve had a hatred for my mother for awhile and didn’t realize it, until Jesse described the symptoms. I’ve heard what I need listening to JLP shows regarding forgiveness and dropping the anger, which shined a big light on the hatred for my mother and resentment for my grandmother: both liberal supporting Christians.

My mother is extremely manipulative, controlling, religious and full of bible knowledge. She has ruled my dad, my 3 siblings and myself basically our whole lives (all in the name of Jesus). She knows how to say the right words, tone and quote scripture. A part of her wants to be free, but she isn’t willing to let things go and so her nature is to stay controlling. I learned this because I was her and had been her.

When she was saying sorry, it I accepted it because I already forgave her for the reasons I resented her, as I confessed I was wrong in harboring these things and she did the best she could. The next day, instead of talking to me, she sent a plethora of texts beating around the bush trying to force me to beg her for forgiveness, without telling me any wrongs I’ve done. I had already confessed the wrongs I’ve done the day prior, and forgave her whether she forgave me or not. She was using it as a method of control over me.

I was freed from the hell I had been going through for months of hatred, anger and fear. I called the show to express my gratitude for God using Jesse to speak on forgiveness and a brief testimony of what happened to me. I also spoke on the doctrine of Christians not sinning, which he believes and is proclaimed at TPOT. Should I have promoted on air? I didn’t predetermine it and went with the flow of the call and it didn’t seem right to do at the time. Was it for selfish reasons? I don’t know, I wanted to share what I had at the time based on the recent happenings. Once a video was posted on Facebook and YouTube, I shared what I knew and gave links to the teachings from TPOT on the subject. I remember one person being thankful for the comment I shared with a link to the site and others scoffed.

I also came to realize I needed to confess to Victor that I had idolized him, looking to him as God instead of a messenger of God. I viewed Victor as the green pasture instead of the messenger being used to lead towards the green pasture. I previously had fears of calling and talking to Victor about these things, due to my fear of man. I appreciated the conversation had.

I do recognize I still have blind spots, such as being self-centered as pointed out by Martin in my reply to Nicholas, which I am sorry for.

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:54 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Satan has come and found plenty of himself in one here.

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:29 am
by Thierry Bwuzure
Hi everyone,

Isaiah, I think we should be careful and pay attention to what we give credit.
I subscribed to Jesse Lee Peterson's Youtube channel about one or two months ago. I don't exactly remember. It is true that on a social scale, he has good things to say. Especially on the black community issues. I watched many of his interventions.

But this said, after a while, I couldn't watch more videos. When it comes to God in his material, I feel that something is wrong with his approach. There's something dark there, I cannot point out what it is. He has a kind of mocking spirit. He has a Sunday church service. He records everything and puts it online. And he also sells social and spiritual books on Amazon. Is he worshipping Mammon?

When I came across the "Silent Prayer" video, I didn't watch it. Today, I watched it because you said in your call that you did this particular prayer. How can a man of God teach prayer by pointing the "third eye"?

Here's the link:" onclick=";return false;, skip at 5:30.

Maybe I am wrong, but this is not good. I share that with you because two or three weeks ago, I fell in unbelief. I made a really bad choice. I was injured and couldn't walk, only with crutches (today by the Grace of God things are better).

I went out to buy bread. Two persons came to me asking what was my problem. I explained that I had an accident on a bicycle. The pain was really strong at that moment. He said that he could pray for me. I said to myself, let's give a try, maybe that's God's will. How wrong I was! When he laid his hands on my feet, that's only when I realized it was wrong.

It was witchcraft and allowing the enemy to take control. I wanted a quick fix to the circumstance the Lord has put in place for my benefit. It exposed my unbelief and rebellion. Not a thing to take lightly. I confessed all to Victor and the elders. The Lord has given me repentance, but I was grieved and not in peace at least for a weak. I don't know if it's the same here with you.

I said to them I was a believer but didn't mention The Path of Truth. It's quite similar to what you did there on JLP's show. Maybe you wanted a quick fix too.
I don't know, Lord knows.

It's like you are worshipping him, Isaiah, it makes me think of what you experienced with a previous preacher on the internet. You need to repent.
That's how Satan works. The enemy comes to enslave you by reaching your weaknesses. Like Victor is saying, the devil found something in you.
You called JLP twice, and you defend him in Youtube comments.

One last thing, on a last conference call you brought one of his doctrines. The one about the mother's anger and the female influence in society. Victor corrected you. I'll try to find it. My first thought when I heard you was that I could hear JLP teachings coming out of your mouth. I didn't think it was a serious matter. You should have shared the source of your arguments.

Hebrew 13:7 WEB
Remember your leaders, men who spoke to you the word of God, and considering the results of their conduct, imitate their faith.

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 1:00 pm
by Jenni
I think Thierry is right. What I hear from JLP is essentially banter about the things of God, to borrow Martin's words. It's like it says in the description of one of his videos: "Rather, take up your cross daily, relax in suffering and temptation rather than going with them and giving into them."

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 1:45 pm
by Alan Agnew
Hey, all, I want to make it clear that Brandon and I resolved.

In the second part of my comment, I detail my experience with Isaiah’s teachings in mu life. There’s also a final part about people whom Isaiah counseled.

First, Here is the conversation Brandon and I had, which started Saturday night.
Brandon: Hi Alan,

I just wanted to clarify that I wasn't trying to conceal Martin's rebuke from you, nor was I trying to posture as self-righteous. Doesn't excuse my errors, but it wasn't my intent. Your response and observations have been good, and I appreciate them. And I am sorry for being arrogant and an asshole.

[The next morning...]

Me: By the way, I got your message. I am waiting for Victor’s counsel before say more. Hoping for good!

[The next day...]

Me: Brandon, I forgive you, and I owe you an apology, too.

When you first messaged me, I suspected you flattered me, so I checked my understanding with Victor. Before he replied, I updated by saying I changed my mind after sleeping and saw your apology as progress.

Sorry, Brandon, I saw evil where there was not. Not sure why I did. I do know that I felt really good hearing your words, and that’s gross of me.

Brandon: Forgiven, Alan. But to be clear, I have been evil in the ways I laid out on the forum.

And my appearance of self-righteousness, even if that was not my intent, is a fruit of that evil, namely my carelessness.

I don’t think you are entirely wrong in being skeptical of mine or anyone’s intentions, I would simply do what you did if you don’t know: ask for clarity and understanding. It’s not evil to say you don’t know.

Me: Thank you and perhaps next time I’ll ask a person to talk it out right.

As for your evil, I see it as being taken care of, slowly, one day at a time. No magic wand, but it is progress nonetheless, to see all this happening.

Much more to come.

Brandon: It’s in the Lord’s hands. If He delivers me from myself, then He will have shown me mercy I don’t deserve. If He forsakes me, then it’s His will. I can only look to Him.

It’s no small thing to face yourself and see the enemy is you. But I think it is a necessary thing for us all to go through.
Second, I recall watching the JLP video and being thankful for what happened. If Isaiah’s way worked, perhaps it would help my parents and I, I thought.

Thus, I told my dad I forgive him for using white LED bulbs in the kitchen. (They hurt eyes.) He was unhappy that I was happy, and that was probably just his typical way of being miserable. The second time I used what Isaiah taught, I told dad I forgive him for making me pull weeds in the forest.

Well, that felt awkward because I knew there was more to say, so I talked about weeding some more to get more done in the forest. Thus, repentance, not just forgiving and doing whatever.

Did I do it right, Isaiah? After trying what I understood from you, it felt like eating half a meal. Not sure if I missed the point or if that was your whole point on the show. Maybe others know better?

Finally, I know that Isaiah’s given counsel to Michael Preston. Maybe he has for others. If Satan’s found something in him, wouldn’t it be good to review what he’s advised and check for poison?

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:06 pm
by Alan Agnew
Further notes:

In his recent reply, Isaiah did not consider Michael V on "Something else you might want to consider: if you’ve been blind to your own state this whole time, might it be that you mishandled the situation with your mother?"

Also, Isaiah did reply to Martin's last post in this topic, but he did so on the TPOT FB chat -- outside of the Forum:
@Martin VanPopta
After the last post in the forum referencing John 9:41, I didn't have words to say in response in the forum or Alan. As I know you were right, but didn't want to make a reply as if I know, and I did not.

I need to shut up and listen. I now recognize I posted as I did to Nicholas out of self-centeredness, boasting of me, while blindly thinking it was good intention. It is gross and shake my head in disgust thinking about it. I'm sorry to all for my actions, as I was wrong.
Not sure what to make of those two.

Next, my apology to Brandon wasn't on my own. I apologized to Brandon after Victor asked me, "As for Brandon, what is it you think you've done against him that you may owe an apology?" I took it to mean I did something wrong and should think about what it may be, so my suspecting Brandon of flattery was wrong, I thought.

Finally, Lauren, Victor did post on JLP's post. He and I talked about your comment. He didn't mention anything about rebuking Isaiah on that thread, though, in this segment of chat:
Me: Also, is Law Wren right? Did you reply to Isaiah on that show’s video on FB earlier?
She was speculating on it.

Victor: Peterson doesn't have a clue. I posted a paper on Peterson's page on Christians sinning and it was taken down.

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:30 am
by Isaiah Dillard
I am in error and the man Victor refers to, and I agree. Thank you all for the replies (I have not read Alan’s yet).
I have unsubscribed to JLP, and I've been wrong in my words and actions. I need to take heed to lmore listening and less talking. I act as if I know and I know nothing. I’m stupid.
I’m clearly not fit or worthy to serve in the ministry at this point, and need to take a leave of absence from being on and preaching via social media. I’ve logged out of the TPOT twitter account and an admin can remove me as moderator on the TPOT facebook page.
I am working long hours this week, so I will be limited on access to read and reply. I am going to examine and evaluate myself, allow The Lord to do His work and focus on what I have in front of me not rushing it. Sorry to all here for the trouble, confusion and time consumption caused.

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:29 pm
by Michael Preston
Hi Isaiah,

You said,
"I have unsubscribed to JLP, and I've been wrong in my words and actions. I need to take heed to lmore listening and less talking."

I agree with the unsubscription from JLP. I don't know whether or not that's necessarily a bad thing to hear from JLP, but why go anywhere else if one believes what is said at TPOT by men of God? The only case I can think of is to see what false teachers say to contrast wrong teachings from right, but that clarification can be found at TPOT.

"I’ve logged out of the TPOT twitter account and an admin can remove me as moderator on the TPOT facebook page."

I disagree with the other logouts and "leave of absence". I don't see a need for immediate action unless expressly told by an elder to do so. Maybe I've missed something, but I haven't heard or seen anyone ask you to do these things.

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 4:07 am
by Oneil Richards
Isaiah, how does a blind man search in the dark and deliver himself thereof? How does a fool get correction by moving away from those given to correct him?

This response while sounding good on the surface is really a cop out, evil, self preservation at best. It's classic religious garbage.

I've known of JLP for a while now and he's a proud arrogant deluded character. On political, race and some social issues he's ok, but on spiritual matters he's as dark and lost as they come.

The man proudly declares himself a reverend. John 9: 41 best described that man. Humble yourself Isaiah, this here is not humility; this is you saying you know best so you'll go figure it out, straighten things out then get back to the group.

But here's the thing, this is not a group, this is the Lord's house and you get in and stay in only by way of faith.

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 10:36 am
by Isaiah Dillard
O'Neil, I'm not saying I'll figure it out on my own and separate myself from everybody: but separating from preaching in the ministry as I'm currently not fit, and it's not a light matter.

Social media and looking to preach as if I know and don't wouldn't be healthy at this point. Too much knowledge has puffed me, so I need to do more listening and less talking and correcting others when I myself need to get in order, and what God has placed in front of me in everyday life. How can I help take care of and correct those in God's church, when my house isn't in order?

1 Timothy 3:5-6 ESV
for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church? [6] He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil.

Amd the condemnation of the devil I have fallen into, as it fed my pride. There are hundreds of teachings for me to read through at TPOT to minister to me and to submit to, without wasting men of God's time. I have no business trying to be a teacher, and at this point don't want to be. God has ordained Victor and Martin to do so, not me.

Regarding JLP, I did need to hear him speaking on forgiveness, as it was an essential part of God's kingdom I had forgotten. I had read the paper on TPOT about forgiveness, and then JLP speaking on forgiveness of parents impacted me directly, as I had felt I needed to do it for the last 6 months, but held on to it.

JLP is a liar by putting the emphasis on forgiving parents as the way of salvation and being born again. Yes, forgiveness is important, but to put the emphasis on that and a silent prayer is false, as well as other invalid doctrines he speaks of on his show.
Not defending the man, as I can see more clearly he is not a 'Reverend' of The Lord (where previously I foolishly thought maybe he was) but I am thankful to hear what I needed on forgiving: but I needed to move on from there and not get caught in the flesh and blinded. I can see his self- exaltation and pompous attitude that has nothing to do with The Lord.

I often go on a binge of listening to speakers and overload on knowledge, believing and then defending, especially when it was something I needed to hear. It's idolatry. Looking to man, instead of The Lord and I'm given over to it.

I'm tired of falling and sinking by my lack of faith and stupidity, but thankful for God's mercy and patience, allowing me to see how stupid and pathetic I am.

I can't whine and beat myself up about it, but man up, get up and keep moving, do what is right and accept whatever comes my way.