An Open Door

Correspondence regarding Christmas.
The following papers can be found on our website:
That Devilish Spirit of Christmas
Diabolical Doctrine: Christmas Is a Biblical Christian Celebration
Sara V Schmidt

An Open Door

Post by Sara V Schmidt »

One of the first letters we received from Dan L., back in August 2012 (and our reply):

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan L."
To: "Paul Cohen" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 4:41 PM
Subject: Your site


This came to me about your web site: It is like someone sitting in a dark room and the door is opened. What is the first thing someone will say. It's too bright, shut the door. Hopefully people will come back and open the door slowly. I read something from your site last winter about the truth of christmas, it helped.


James 4:1-17

Victor replied:

Hi Dan, Victor here from TPOT,

We appreciate the illustration that came to your mind concerning The Path of Truth. There are those among us who would identify with it. They were angered at first exposure and went away, sometimes more than once, but were compelled to return. Persisting, they came from unbelief and anger to rejoicing and thankfulness because delivered from their darkness, bondage, and sin.

Of course, there are the many, as always, who are offended and don’t return, but those aren’t blessed. Still, we know it’s only a matter of time till all men believe, and we’re confident the Good Seed we sow will bear fruit in the end.

The walk with God is quite simple, really, if we don’t complicate it by indulging in our lusts for other gods and preferring our will to His. He’ll certainly make known what He expects of us and will enable us to perform it.

“For it is God Who works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13 MKJV).

“Faithful is He Who called you, Who also will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24 MKJV).

Victor Hafichuk" onclick=";return false;

Darrell Kane

Re: An Open Door

Post by Darrell Kane »

Amen to all said. I thank God for the exposure of the darkness in my life. He is doing great things in my life as we speak.

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