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Baffled and Confounded in Babylon

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 5:15 pm
by Laura
(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

I have to say I was completely baffled by the long list of people you claim are false teachers-you missed only one-Jesus Christ.

I pray God brings you to right thinking and theology. I also pray God's mercy on you as you speak against His chosen. Clearly, you are in error.


Re: Baffled and Confounded in Babylon

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:42 am
by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
The only thing that is clear, Laura, is that you have nothing.

Imagine this:

You're watching a court case where the prosecution lists a long string of bona fide evidence against the defendant. According to the law, the case is ironclad.

The defendant's attorney is called on to refute the charges, if possible. He gets up and says:

“I have to say I am completely baffled by the long list of evidence the prosecution's attorney has amassed against my client. The only thing he seems to have missed is that he must be a liar and guilty of all kinds of offenses himself. I pray God brings him to right thinking and understanding of the law. I also pray God's mercy on him as he speaks against His chosen, my client. Clearly, the prosecution is in error.”

Absurd? Yes, “wow,” Laura, you are that deluded in thinking you're any saner or safer in your baseless defense of spiritual criminals with your false piety. Your heart isn't right with God, not in the least. You are snared by and serve the liar and murderer because that's what you are.

Paul Cohen & Victor Hafichuk

Re: Baffled and Confounded in Babylon

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:52 am
by Laura
I'm guessing your a Jehovah's Witness

Re: Baffled and Confounded in Babylon

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:57 am
by Paul Cohen
Of course you're guessing, Laura, because you don't know or have anything from the Lord and are too hard of heart to ask. You're also too lazy to simply look for yourself to know the truth that's right in front of you.

Are you willing to move your mouse over these titles to see what you've missed? How about actually reading something?

Jehovahs Witnesses
A Great Man or Jehovah God?
How Jehovahs Witnesses Are Wrong
Jesus Christ Is God
What Is the Mark of the Beast?

And who are YOU to presume you're in any position to rightly judge anyone, including JW's?
