This is not the truth

"Don’t judge according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” (John 7:24)

This is not the truth

Post by Kristin »

(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

You should really seek God on this and remove this website. This is not truth.

Paul Cohen

Re: This is not the truth

Post by Paul Cohen »

What isn't truth, Kristin? The fact that the Lord Jesus Christ delivered us from our sins? He is with us and gave us this website. What precisely is it that we need to know, in your Opinion?

You haven't even given us what you think, though what is needed for direction is what God thinks. If you can't even tell us your thoughts, how are you going to tell us His? You're empty, Kristin, but because you act like you're full, your sin remains.

Paul Cohen


Re: This is not the truth

Post by Kristin »

God does not condemn people. You calling me empty shows why this is not truth again. I will not respond to ignorance. Have a great day. At the end of the day you will answer to God for your accusations against his people.

Paul Cohen

Re: This is not the truth

Post by Paul Cohen »

“For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him. He who believes on Him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only-begotten Son of God” (John 3:17-18 MKJV).

You're condemned, Kristen, not because God or we condemn you (we don't), but because you don't believe in the Son of God. You've made a pretense of believing, fooling only yourself, not God. In reality, you've taken His Name in vain.

How do we know this? You won't even answer a simple request to provide substance to back your condemnation of those preaching Christ. Yet you say you've been condemned when, on account of such behavior, you're called “empty”?

You're blind to your awful hypocrisy and contemptuous state. The Scriptures call it “the contradiction of sinners.”

You are, as the Bible also says, “a light and vain person.” You have no care for justice, for what is decent, right and good in God's sight. You use Him to justify yourself in your slovenly, worldly ways. You mock the Lord's love by which He laid His life down for us with your snarky, “Have a great day.” You've really had no idea of how wicked you are, Kristen - until now.

God doesn't condemn, but He does speak rebuke with the truth, and you condemn Him for it. The Same One Who said the words of John 3 quoted in the header of this letter also spoke Matthew 23. You need to consider for yourself your warning for us:

At the end of the day you will answer to God for your accusations against his people.

We are at the end of the day.

Paul Cohen


Re: This is not the truth

Post by Kristin »

I really didn't want to respond to your email but really felt led to. I am a Christian and I have a very close relationship with my savior. I don't need to respond to any of your words concerning my salvation. You do not know me sir.

What I would like to leave you with you think this is how God wants us to respond to people who don't agree with us? Only pride would cause someone to get so angry and attack the way you did. What you have posted about Clayton Jennings is not right. Even if it was God would want you to confront him in love with your concerns, not bash him publicly. What if I wasn't saved and you wrote that email to me? I would have thought Christians were full of hate and unloving. That is not how God wants us to approach people who disagree with us. No matter how mad someone makes us we have to always speak in love so that we show other people who Jesus really is. Maybe I was a little blunt with my first email. I apologize for that. I see Clayton Jennings and the love he had for God and the thousands that are coming to know him thru his life. He leads with love. Instead of finding faults in other Christians we need to be busy trying to reach the unsaved. No matter what you think of Mr. Jennings you have to see the lives that are being touched. I wish you well sir and hope that you take this the way I intended it to come across.

Paul Cohen

Re: This is not the truth

Post by Paul Cohen »

Kristin, you've never heard the truth before about yourself and your religion. It's good that you wrote back and are hearing the truth now. You should thank God for this. There are serious, life and death matters here for you to consider.

Why do you refuse to listen to the answers given to you in a correspondence you initiated? You came accusing us. Don't you realize it's your responsibility before God to back up what you say, especially when given responses that prove you wrong?

You're bearing false witness against your neighbor, a sin no less than murder. Satan, the accuser, who comes as an angel of light, as do you, is a liar and murderer.

Have you looked at Matthew 23? Is that how God wanted Jesus to respond to people who didn't agree with Him? Was Jesus proud? Was He angry, and if so, was His anger unrighteous? These are important questions you need to answer.

And don't tell us it was different for Jesus than it is for us. It's not.

“He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him Who sent Me” (Matthew 10:40 MKJV).

“Then Jesus said to them again, Peace to you. As My Father has sent Me, even so I send you” (John 20:21 MKJV).

Clayton Jennings has not been sent by the Lord Jesus Christ. Clayton has nothing to do with the Lord, except that he takes His Name in vain. Jennings is a phony, and if he comes across as sincere to you, it's because he is deluded. You're putting your trust in honesty of the human heart, which is utterly deceitful.

Do you really know Clayton's heart? Do you know your own heart? Only if the Lord reveals these things to you - otherwise you don't, and if you think you do without having heard and seen it from Him, then you're leaning on your own understanding and are deceived, just like Clayton.

Do you know our hearts, Kristin? Are you willing to stake your life on the judgments you're making about everyone? Are you one with the Mind of Christ? We are, and so we speak. You worship another Jesus, the common and popular one, the one loved by many, but it isn't the Lord Jesus Christ of the Scriptures, risen from the dead, Whom the world loathes.

Our lives are staked on the One we profess. Jesus Christ has revealed Himself to us and has judged us, as He does all His sons and daughters, making us fit vessels to carry His Message to others. We have seen and known what wretched creatures we are and have no confidence in the flesh, unlike Clayton Jennings, whose confidence is solely in himself and man. We are crucified with the One Clayton pretends to be crucified in his play-acting. You can't get more phony or blasphemous than Clayton's carnal mimicry of Christ.

We confronted Clayton on these things with the truth in love. There was no condemnation - we shined the light on him to show him the way out of hell, and believe it, he's in hell.

So when you say to us, “What if I wasn't saved and you wrote that email to me?” - we answer you, “If you weren't saved but were professing to be, as Clayton does, and not only professing to have salvation but to be teaching it to others while in hell yourself, then you should listen to the truth we're speaking, repenting in sackcloth and ashes.

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful” (Proverbs 27:6 MKJV).

To hell with the hurt feelings of loving yourself and your sins more than the One you profess to love and serve! God wounds to heal whereas Satan soothes to keep you, a captive in hell clinging to her miserable life and believing his lies, from God's wounding and healing. Is that what you want for yourself and Clayton? You're fighting God and arguing for destruction.

You don't know what you're talking about, Kristin, yet think to know so much. How can you tell us you know the Lord if you don't recognize Him or love the truth we speak in Him? You need to humble yourself, hear what we're saying, and repent, or you'll be humbled and greatly ashamed.

All you've known is False Love - Satans Last Stronghold, coming from “another Jesus.” You're mistaken that the people converted to Jennings' gospel are converted to Christ. Someday not far off you will see the end of those conversions. The fires are coming and are here even now to burn the works of chaff and dung, revealing the reality of which we speak. No man can handle the weight of being his own god, carrying that of others who buy into his lie. Watch and see.

Go to our forum where others have argued Jennings' case and we have presented the Lord's (" onclick=";return false;). But until you come to the cross, you'll remain blind and confounded, reversing who is who.


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