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Doubling Down on False Love

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:26 am
by Paul Cohen
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: andrew w
From: harvey nerness
To: ask@thepathoftruth
Date: 11/11/2015 6:41 PM

I am not a follower of Andrew but of Christ. dont really know much about him.

but at the age of 71 now and being a Christian for over 50 yrs i have found your article to be quite offensive about him.
being not on his or your page i did my research and find that you have ground your ax quite well. i am impressed with his biblical accuracy and that it is not deceptive or attempts to be missleading.

in summary you may want to focus on Jesus more than others faults or your perceived ideas of faults in others.
you will live longer like me. :)

There is one thing you are missing-----------love.

from an old Christian, blessed with 7 grands and more to come and 6 children

From: Paul Cohen
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2015 7:15 AM
To: Harvey Nerness
Cc: 'Victor Hafichuk'
Subject: Re: andrew w

You’re right, Harvey – you really don’t know much about Andrew Wommack, which is amply proven by your substanceless letter. The last thing I’d ever want to happen to me is to live long like you have, becoming an old, hardened fool, confident and smarmy in False Love - Satan’s Last Stronghold. God forbid!

You may have to start over.

Paul Cohen" onclick=";return false;

From: harvey nerness
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2015 10:10 AM
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: andrew w

Wow Paul!!!!

i am so impressed by your loving worldly response.
1Corinth. 11:28

i certainly will forward it to others so they can see how great you are.

May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you ALL THE DAYS of your life.

In Christ's love,

My reply:

“So that whoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, he will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup” (1 Corinthians 11:27-28 MKJV).

Harv, you’ve never eaten the Bread of Heaven, or drunk His blood. You don’t even know what these things are or look like. You’ve never known the Lord Jesus Christ or been in His fellowship. You don’t know that you’re mocking Him right now. You really think you’re doing God service by “killing” us with your “love.” Remaining substanceless and doubling down on False Love - Satan’s Last Stronghold , however, has only hastened God’s judgment on you, which is so needed.

I’m posting this on our Forum to open your exposure to a wider audience.


Re: Doubling Down on False Love

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:00 am
by Beryl Knipe
Hello Harvey

I too, was a "religious Christian" for over 50 years, until I met the Lord Jesus Christ, who removed me from this worldly, false Christian, nonsense! So much it's done for the world, Harvey, hasn't it? This "false Christian love" is so sickening and you don't see it?

You would do well to pray and read further on this Website for your own sake and enlightenment. May the Lord Jesus guide you to do so.


Re: Doubling Down on False Love

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:43 am
by Jose lopez
Big Amen!
Iam new on this site and I believe that on the last days JesusChrist is resing
Of Christian Who will say Silver and gold I have none but with such I have I give
Unto you In The name of Jesus rise up and walk.Obidient,to the King of Kings
And Lord of Lords.

Re: Doubling Down on False Love

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:16 pm
by Jose lopez
Big thanks to the Brothers and Sisters Who are working hard to keeping this
Going for People like Me Who wants. More of Him Jesus.I been around as so called
Christian almost 40 years in a/g churches 7/a churches independent churches and so on.Untill God led Me to this site and Wow Wow.
Churches are big business a lot of dinero also a lot of fake love But no Subtance
People go to services and come out the same as when go in Maybe worse.
So don't give us that love junk.Was Elijah full of love when he kill the false prophets?

Re: Doubling Down on False Love

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:59 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Hi Jose, and welcome to TPOT. Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ came to give us reality, not religion. He came to replace death with life and hell with heaven. To be religious is to mimic His work, which makes both the pretender and Him a liar.

Re: Doubling Down on False Love

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:37 pm
by Jose lopez
Thank You Brother Victor is so good to know that God in every Generation
Has faithful people ready to stand for dos said The Lord like the Prophets
Of Old Joshua 14:14 Caleb,Because He wholly followed the Lord,the God
Of Israel.
Blessed be the Lord God of the army s of Israel.

Re: Doubling Down on False Love

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:58 am
by Paul Cohen
Harvey wrote back by email, choosing not to appear here. This is the rest of our correspondence:

From: Harvey Nerness
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 1:59 PM
To: Paul Cohen
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Re: Re[3]: andrew w


I have been advised from a couple of very good Christian people not to resume the conversation with you for very obvious reasons.

You are very degrading person very demoralizing under your false foundation of Christianity.

Please do not send me anymore emails
As you are the type of person that wants it "my way or no way."

I could send you a pair of glasses to help you through your darkness and also get out from under the stronghold Satan has over you.
But why offer pearls to the swine.


From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 7:35 PM
To: 'Harvey Nerness'; 'Paul Cohen'
Subject: RE: Re[3]: andrew w

Cute, so you think, Harv, but not good enough for the Lord.


From: Harvey Nerness
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 6:07 AM
To: Victor Hafichuk
Cc: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: Re[3]: andrew w

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