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Let's Get Real Here

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:03 am
by Anonymous
There is no Shai" nor a "Shali Shoemaker" on the refiners fire
There is no list of
ministries you can trust" either on The Refiner's Fire website, or on their video website:" onclick=";return false;
Lets get real here. You focus on false teachers than the gospel of Jesus Christ. Look at your false teachers page and your teachings page.

Re: Let's Get Real Here

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:53 pm
by Paul Cohen
What are you smoking over there at YouTube False Doctrine Examiner? Did you not see the letters we published were written to us by “Shai” from “Refiner's Fire”? Or are you accusing us of lying, making these things up?

Knowing what we know to be true, however, it's not strange or unexpected that Carmen Welker would remove evidence on her site of her deception and skullduggery in order to maintain her own righteousness and credibility with the naïve and ignorant. That's why we called her the “shaister,” meaning “shyster” - “A person (especially a lawyer or politician) who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods.” In the truest sense of these words, Welker's works are both legal and political, with her acting as authority by usurpation.

Here's what one internet sleuth wrote about Carmen and her website in 2011: ... ngwM_krJD8" onclick=";return false;

What disturbs me about that site, is the level of self-deception I attribute to the admin and primary author of content.

Her name is Carmen Welker.
This is not immediately apparent in the 'about us' section of her website. (There she calls herself Shali, or Rabbi Shali, bat Yehudit. I have no idea whether she was given that name by her family, but from her description of her background, it is unlikely she was given a Hebrew name.) I deduced it by noting her statement that she edited their promoted 'AENT' (Aramaic English New Testament), searching for the book on Amazon, and finding a comment left by 'Carmen Welker' which also stated that she was the editor of the AENT. From that information and from the tone of the comment she left, I concluded that they were most likely the same person. (I apologize in advance if the person behind the curtain is beside the point. This compulsion to double-check someone's background and reputation is probably what I get for being married to a former private detective. )

As for your apparent judgment of our site by the number of listings, it's stupid and ignorant. Not only are the teachings full of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but so are the false teacher listings.

It's one thing to be confident of the truth and the Lord, but you're confident in yourself, a blind fool. That's the worst of all combinations.

Paul Cohen

Re: Let's Get Real Here

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:17 pm
by Anonymous
you are a cult. Let us face the facts, you seem to know it all. You act like you are Gods brother. Doing everything for him. You think everyone except you is a false teacher. Joel Osteen is a false teacher obviously. Oh, and i checked the Internet Archive. NOTHING about her removing evidence. You should do a better job managing your cult. You need to love bomb your members more .
The website is named "The Path Of Truth". You have pride, and that is a sin.
The bible to you is not the path of truth
You are just a new ager who tries to mix tarot cards with jesus
(you are too busy distorting the Bible to focus on important issues like telling everyone to believe in the real Jesus (JE-ZEUS), instead of the cult Jesus ( Buddha is your jesus)

PLEASE explain" onclick=";return false; and" onclick=";return false;
What is up with those website?
YOU when exposing websites - I AM DOING THE LORDS WORK
WHEN you are called a false teacher - I AM NOT A FALSE TEACHER.
You behave EXCATLY like a false teacher. <>

Were you on alt.discuss.religon.Judaism?

You may have been there talking about the Shema? Good times.

MSNTV shut down
on September 30, 2013.

New Years Resolution For Paul Cohen Has Been Assigned Automatically:

Stop teaching useless stuff and start acting maturely. This is 2016. We are not in the BBS days anymore. ..." onclick=";return false;
You need Yahweh. You have received Satan. Oh wait, you are a Jew, Jews don't believe in Satan
Angels are infallible.
You can go back to Jews For Judaism.

Re: Let's Get Real Here

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:18 pm
by Anonymous
You when sending emails" onclick=";return false;

Re: Let's Get Real Here

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:19 pm
by Anonymous
Your posture when posting False Doctrine ... be&t=26m1s" onclick=";return false;

Re: Let's Get Real Here

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:38 pm
by Anonymous
yes that is your webmaster (Ask her about the FreeBSD/Linux family of Operating Systems) who ran away from her family for you

Re: Let's Get Real Here

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:13 am
by Paul Cohen
This fellow wrote back a few times, Victor. It's demonic.

Re: Let's Get Real Here

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:58 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Father, I ask that You deal with this entity. Thank You.
