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Jackass website written by a coupla pansies spreading bile and misinformation.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:06 am
by A Cruce Salus
I got a couple of paragraphs into your diatribe at: ... baxter.htm" onclick=";return false; and your first response reveals what a bitch you are "We respond by declaring Mary Baxter is a straight out liar". No facts, no proof, just hatred, bile and bullshit almost given out in a gospel fashion. Your self serving cut and paste website shows why the devil makes work for idle hands. You cannot love God and abuse his creation. You know it all pissants would do well to go back to Genesis One and see what Gods plan is, and it doesn't include harming or stuffing your face with any creature. I cannot presume to speak for God. No one can. But if ever handbag swinging turnips were desperate for hell then you will surely find your destiny there. Good luck with that bozo's but always remember it's never too late to turn back to God.

Re: Jackass website written by a coupla pansies spreading bile and misinformation.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:19 am
by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
So we have someone here who wouldn't hurt a flea, yet supports Mary Baxter's blasphemous depiction of God as a sadistic and conflicted torturer. You say you can't speak for God as you judge and condemn Him.

Apparently you're a vegetarian Catholic who excoriates meat eaters, meaning your fellow Catholics and Pope, not to mention Moses, Jesus Christ and His disciples (not that they have anything to do with the Catholic Church).

Full of contradiction, lies, and hypocrisy you are, self-righteousness squared. Your false accusations and invectives against us only describe you, exposed and judged by your own words.

Don't you realize that if Mary Baxter is right, whom you believe and support, that place she described is made precisely and especially for people like you? Look at yourself! Hear yourself!

Paul and Victor

Re: Jackass website written by a coupla pansies spreading bile and misinformation.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:26 am
by A Cruce Salus
None so blind as the dipshit who will not see. You're so busy sticking your beak into the affairs of others with bile and hatred you cant see the splinter up your own ass. Your limp wristed vendetta is clear to see by all, apart from kindred turnips. Follow God, not yourself. He's the only one who IS holier than thou. Once you get your head out from each others backside you might want to look up the definition of *FAITH*. It doesn't include *I know it all* for a pair of boobs like you. Say hi to Beelzebub for me. Tell him it's never too late to change.

Re: Jackass website written by a coupla pansies spreading bile and misinformation.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:43 am
by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
Say hi to Beelzebub for me.

We're not in the habit of encouraging people to have a conversation with themselves, B. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, have your judgment now; let there be no delay.

Victor and Paul