You have no right whatsoever to judge others...but I do.

"Don’t judge according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” (John 7:24)
Gabriel Shriver

You have no right whatsoever to judge others...but I do.

Post by Gabriel Shriver »

You guys are wrong. You think that if you can write a long, sophisticated sounding explanation as to why a minister may be wrong, you'd get people to actually believe you and stray away from those teachers. You think that singling out every single small detail that these men and women have done would convince your readers to turn their backs to these people. If you spend all your time doing these things, looking for the small details of these great men and women of God, you're wasting your time.

You guys are all hypocrites. You can judge another man for what he has done wrong, when you are far from perfect as well. You do not know better than any one of those members on that list of yours. You try to deceive the minds of the readers saying these men aren't worthy of spreading the word of God. Who is to decide that?

You have no right whatsoever to judge others, because one day you will be judged by our Savior for what you have done, and I would hate to be in your position at that point. So have a nice day. And in case you want to add my name to the list for disagreeing with what you do, it's Gabriel Shriver.

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

Re: You have no right whatsoever to judge others...but I do.

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

And how do you know these things, Gabriel? Have you given us any substance to back your accusations and judgment of us, you who judges we have no right to judge?

Victor and Paul

Gabriel Shriver

Re: You have no right whatsoever to judge others...but I do.

Post by Gabriel Shriver »

Jesus came to the world to save sinners. No one is perfect. All of those names have committed sins and so have you. You have no right to judge them because you guys are sinners as well. What I am interested in is who do you guys believe are legitimate teachers if all those names are "false teachers"?

Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: You have no right whatsoever to judge others...but I do.

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

You're not answering the questions. Answer them.

Gabriel Shriver

Re: You have no right whatsoever to judge others...but I do.

Post by Gabriel Shriver »

As said in Matthew 7:5
"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye"

In the end, God will judge each of us personally. He doesn't need your help doing it.

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