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Whoever you are…YOU are false!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:49 pm
by Pamela
(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

Whoever you are…YOU are false!!!

Re: Whoever you are…YOU are false!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:57 pm
by Pamela
You and your website are a piece of work..


Re: Whoever you are…YOU are false!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:53 am
by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
Pamela, this work is the work of God but it's true it's only a piece of what He is doing and we're thankful, very thankful.

“But the Pharisees, having heard, said, 'This Man does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, ruler of the demons.'” (Matthew 12:24 EMTV).

Do you have any specifics as to how you may help us? Can you tell us what falsehood you see? Do you have substance, Pamela?

Victor & Paul