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Clayton Jennings, False Teacher

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:53 am
by Paul Cohen
Hi everyone, we recently received the following letter. You're welcome to respond. (Here's the link to the Clayton Jennings posting: ... nnings.htm" onclick=";return false;)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Clayton Jennings
From: Jessie <
To: The Path of Truth
Date: 6/17/2015 11:50 PM

I am appalled to have just read what you so proudly posted on your Web page. Your back and forth conversations about a fellow brother in Christ. He never claimed to BE Jesus, or even be LIKE Jesus, Clayton will be the first to tell you he is a filthy sinner who needed a Savior, guess you probably can't relate to that though, huh? The religious pride you host in your heart probably won't allow you to admit such things to yourselves.
Clayton is a very humble servant of the Lord who speaks truth and teaches THE WORD. It is self righteous PEOPLE such as yourselves who have given "the Church" a bad name.

You can go on about all the verses you have memorized and throw scripture at me all day long but I only need to know one thing.....and I can sum it up in ONE SENTENCE. THE BIBLE TEACHES US TO LOVE OTHER PEOPLE, PERIOD! You, my friends are not portraying love or a reflection of Jesus whatsoever, but rather a great depiction of "RELIGION", the religious Pharisees, Jesus HATED religion and loved people, you on the other hand seem to have no problem slandering a fellow brother in Christ, a beloved son of God, while thinking you yourself must be something better than Clayton.

One last thing you claim all the souls being saved under Clayton's voice are going to hell? Well, I for one disagree and secondly would like to ask you how many souls you personally have saved from the pit of hell? Have you ever led another person to Jesus, or do you lead them to religion? Clayton couldn't do what He is doing without God orchestrating it and moving hearts. I shout HALLELUIAH JESUS for all the souls that have been rescued from the pit of hell while sitting under Clayton's voice!!

Jesus taught love.

I am joining Clayton in prayer for you!

Best Reguards,
Jessie Murphy

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:12 am
by Paul Cohen
Jessie, you say of Clayton Jennings:

He never claimed to BE Jesus, or even be LIKE Jesus, Clayton will be the first to tell you he is a filthy sinner who needed a Savior….

So then, what is a filthy sinner who is nothing at all like the Lord Jesus Christ doing trying to portray Him before the world?

You are confounded, and that’s because you’re another practitioner of Satan’s love (False Love - Satan’s Last Stronghold), a two-fold child of hell and tare gathered by the Lord’s angels for burning in His fire.

Did you know this is a good thing? See:

The Great Promise of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death
The State and Fate of Hell

We’ve posted your letter and this reply on our forum. Perhaps someone there may answer your question:

Have you ever led another person to Jesus, or do you lead them to religion?


Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:43 am
by Piet Barnard
Amen Jessie got to the same conclusion - after I read some of the answers it was screaming in my soul - Pharisees - They give the people heavy burdens to carry that they can t carry themselves - Like Jesus said 'You may have everything but without the basics - Love" You are nothing.

They would never have mixed with Jesus if He was with us today because he mixed with sinners and foul mouthed fisherman and even a crooked Tax man! Stone him they say - kill him!!! Crucify Him he claims to be God!!!! How can He be here? God is one and in heaven!!!! He can never be God!!!!

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:09 am
by Paul Cohen
Jessie replied:

From: Jessie []
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 6:30 PM
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: Clayton Jennings

I won't be visiting your page again, thanks anyway. I don't need false words spoken over my life, only truth in love & that, my friend is clearly NOT something you are capable of.
Will pray for all of us to see HIM AND HIS TRUTH!

Victor replied to Jessie's original letter, his words confirmed by her latest one (above):

Jessie, you write, “One last thing you claim all the souls being saved under Clayton's voice are going to hell? Well, I for one disagree and secondly would like to ask you how many souls you personally have saved from the pit of hell? Have you ever led another person to Jesus, or do you lead them to religion? Clayton couldn't do what He is doing without God orchestrating it and moving hearts. I shout HALLELUIAH JESUS for all the souls that have been rescued from the pit of hell while sitting under Clayton's voice!!

What you aren’t aware of is that the conversions you witness, you being one of those, are spurious. You’ve been unwittingly snared by “another gospel” of “another Jesus.” Yes, the language can be quite similar but Satan’s cunning is to save you in this world with your flesh intact. It appears his deception is complete in you.

Here you are with Jennings, promoting the enactment of the “passion” or crucifixion, an earthly demonstration of the historical event, while being entirely void of the real experience within. You have never taken up the cross, denied yourself and died. His grave is anathema to you. How then can you possibly know His Resurrection Life, Which He is? You have never known the Lord Jesus Christ of the Scriptures and He has never known you.

If you were a true Christian, that is, born again of the Spirit of God, you would begin to show fruits of one who has understanding of the things of the Kingdom of God. Instead, your statements belie your claim of Christ. You spout foolishness like, “He never claimed to BE Jesus, or even be LIKE Jesus,” as though we ever made such an assertion. You demonstrate lack of responsible attention to what we say, who we are and what we truly teach, as per our testimonies and writings. You are also grievously ignorant of the Scriptures.

But you, in your self-righteous indignation, defensiveness, sloth, and belligerence contend with the brethren of Christ whom we are, and falsely accuse us. What’s worse, you do so in His Name, to which you have no allegiance or claim, though you presumptuously consider yourself to be a most worthy advocate.

Ironically, you speak in Jennings’ name (on his behalf) and not Christ’s. In your idolatry and confusion, you lie about having anything to do with Him. And these are typically Jennings’ fruits. You are perfect confirmation that what we preach is true.

You, Jessie, are the consummate fool, opening wide your mouth, knowing nothing. What’s worse, the information you could avail yourself of is readily available at our site; but you, with wicked, unregenerate heart, stubbornly refuse to put your hand to your mouth to feed from the Truth and goodness God has given us to publish to all men that they might be saved. You are a liar, a viper, an indignant false one, a proselyte of men, mimicking and mocking the Truth and the True Cross of Christ, while promoting the external false.

Will you be rewarded for your darkness and arrogance? Not if we know the Lord of all Creation, the One Who laid down His life for us, took it up again after 3 days and gave it to us that we might have His Mind in all things. We know whereof we speak, appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ to do so, but you and your companions are blasphemous vessels of dishonor, destined for destruction, a destruction that already befalls you.


Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:19 am
by Rachel Gerrard
Jessie, why don't you listen instead of arguing? Get still and ask yourself if Victor and Paul could possibly be speaking the truth here and if you could possibly be deceived. And to answer your question of “Have you ever led another person to Jesus, or do you lead them to religion?” - the answer is (and I speak for myself) Victor and Paul and other members of this group have helped to unshackle me from my religiousness. I didn't think I was religious at all, but have come to realise I was spouting the same man-invented religious falsities and presumptions as everybody else, just perhaps not to the extreme as some people - a fact which kept me in my self-righteousness even more.

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:03 pm
by tom4men

When you are a son of GOD,you cannot talk in such way, you answered to Jessi,even when you are right with your arguments...You cannot write in schoolteachers style.From above to below.That makes your ambitions to be a teacher of TRUTH..W O R T H L E S S , and not creditable!!!Think of it.Also Paul likes to answer in such a style.Thats NOT the way for "Teachers of Truth" to make anyone go there..TO the PATH OF TRUTH

I am totaly wondering,why you do so!!!.
Do you think ,that Jesus would have answered Jessie the way you did?...If this was Jesus style..I will break my Bible in 1000 pieces..I hope you can humble yourself and I hope you will write to Jessie again in peacefull and in "Love your enemy" style...I pray for you

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:09 pm
by larry webb
Jessie, the Lord has brought you to TPOT. You have failed to hear His words. Try reading some of the Teachings like Acceptance, Back to Basics and Repentance or what the Lord leads you to.
With His love, Larry

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 2:50 pm
by Paul Cohen
Tom, you don't know what a son of God can or can’t do, because you haven’t been born of the Spirit:

“The wind blows where it wills, and you hear its sound, but you do not know from where it comes and where it goes. So is everyone who has been born of the Spirit” (John 3:8 EMTV).

“But he that is spiritual discerns all things, yet he himself is discerned by no man” (1 Corinthians 2:15 EMTV).

Why don’t you know that the Lord has come to shut the mouths of the ungodly and unruly who take His Name in vain?

“Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men, saying, "Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly among them about all their ungodly deeds which they have committed impiously, and about all the harsh words which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him” (Jude 1:14-15 EMTV).

And didn't the Lord confront the religious hypocrites of His day? Read Matthew 23, while you still have a copy of your Bible. But it’s not your Bible that will be broken into a thousand pieces - it's you:

“And he who falls on this Stone shall be broken, but on whomever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder” (Matthew 21:44 MKJV).

You’re a captive of Ashtoreth, the goddess of love, and speak by the mark of Cain. Read about it here – The Mark of Cain.


Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 2:59 pm
by Paul Cohen
Piet, you’re all mixed up. Clayton Jennings comes as an angel of light, not as a “foul mouthed fisherman or crooked tax man.” He comes just as the apostle Paul described:

“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:13-14 EMTV).

And it couldn’t get more literal with Jennings portraying Jesus Christ in a “passion play.”

Read my response to Tom – it applies to you as well. And read the other writings that describe you in False Love - Satan’s Last Stronghold.

“O daughter of Babylon, doomed to be destroyed, blessed shall he be who repays you with what you have done to us! Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock” (Psalms 137:8-9 ESV).


Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:45 pm
by tom4men

Its ok brother.You are the administrator,and God will forgive your rude answer !..Unfortunateley you and Victor are not of the same mind...I would never abuse you,like you do to me and others here,who had "Other" understanding of the Word of God...Its up to you buddy to read your message once again...and to think over it..
I remember a Vers in the Bible about the Pearl and the Dog....

God bless you and I will still pray for you,that the light of God,will regardless of abusing other people ,come convert you carnal mind into the spirit of GOD...
Greetings from poets land"Germany"

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:43 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
You see with an evil eye, Tom. Paul said nothing false, rude or abusive; he only spoke the truth. Did you pay much attention to anything he replied, as the substantiation in justification of our words by the passage of Matthew 23, for example? Why the knee-jerk reaction? Why the defensiveness? Most of all, why the pretended piety and counterfeit love posturing?

Your time of judgment has come, Tom. Your game is over and you are exposed for all to see. God is finished winking at your wickedness as a loving Pharisee, a know-it-all proselyte of men, fashioned by another Jesus, converted by another gospel, a viper. Face it; admit it; you're a phony.

"Serpents! Offspring of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell?" (Matthew 23:33 MKJV) Did you not know He was speaking to such as you? Now you know.

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:10 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
I have more to say, Tom. Perhaps I'm being too strong on you? I would prefer that those words hit home not to destroy you as a person but as a sinner, so that you'll come to believe and worship the Lord in spirit and truth. If you were to realize your state and repent of it, wouldn't that be a wondrous thing? That would thoroughly bless me, not because I was proven right after all, but because you came to be right.

Let me give you a tiny sample of your state of contradiction: You accuse Paul of falsehood, rudeness and abuse. You do so with a mimicry of love. But while you write, you give yourself away with doing exactly what you accused Paul of doing. You say, "I remember a Vers in the Bible about the Pearl and the Dog...." What is that supposed to mean? Correct me if I misunderstood you. Now if I'm correct that you were referring to Paul in that statement, after he spoke the truth to you for your sake, are you not proving my words to you? Not that Paul needed those words of yours - you were already falsely accusing him of evil he isn't guilty of. What does all that say to you, Tom?

Nor did you acknowledge his Scriptural substantiation of the Book of Revelation as speaking to the nations. He gave you passage after passage and you declined to reply or admit you could be wrong in your criticism of my assertion that the beast of Islam was reflected in Revelation, and that Paul was right.

This is not to say Revelation is not a spiritual book speaking on the inner reality; you are right there, and we know it is, but God governs on earth as in Heaven, without as within. All things are His and the earth is composed of myriads of parables to demonstrate or illustrate spiritual mysteries.

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:28 pm
by Jon H Kail

You ask "Do you think, that Jesus would have answered Jessie the way you did?."

Jesus answered everyone according to the Truth, according to what they needed to hear. He answered and dealt differently in many cases, tougher on some than others. Each case could be unique or yet quite similar in many ways.

It looks like you'd rather paint everyone down with your "love" brush, making friends in your snug, cozy, self righteous stance. In fact you're really not loving anyone, what you call love is actually hate. Your dispensing candy coated poison, feeding the flesh and keeping people in chains with your "love"

Jesus did and does the opposite with His Love.

Did you not read these words from Victor, opening his last statement to you?

"I have more to say, Tom. Perhaps I'm being too strong on you? I would prefer that those words hit home not to destroy you as a person but as a sinner, so that you'll come to believe and worship the Lord in spirit and truth. If you were to realize your state and repent of it, wouldn't that be a wondrous thing? That would thoroughly bless me, not because I was proven right after all, but because you came to be right."

But it doesn't seem like your heart's after the Lord or repentance for that matter.
Toss your cotton candy, it's not doing you or anyone else any good.
Get some wholesome food that builds and makes strong. It probably won't agree with your tastebuds at first. Ask the Lord to open your eyes, He's here to answer you and has done so already. Get real.

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:38 pm
by jessiejean
can i tell you please i think you have the wrong Jessie for all the responses
i am only a new member and i am only observing at present

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:53 pm
by Jon H Kail

Quote from Victor below..

"Here you are with Jennings, promoting the enactment of the “passion” or crucifixion, an earthly demonstration of the historical event, while being entirely void of the real experience within. You have never taken up the cross, denied yourself and died. His grave is anathema to you. How then can you possibly know His Resurrection Life, Which He is? You have never known the Lord Jesus Christ of the Scriptures and He has never known you."

Can you honestly say with a straight answer that "playing" the Lord Jesus Christ, God Himself in these re-enactments or whatever they are is good, right and acceptable?? Seroiusly consider.. Can you really honestly say that??

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:01 am
by tom4men
Hi John

this discussion about Jennings seemed to be useless.
Look,the bible declaires plainly,that NOTHING is going on Earth WITHOUT the will of GOD.I personal will never blame guys like Jennings.They are doing a lot of godly teachings and when such a young teacher plays Jesus as a theatre act,I ask you:Whats wrong with that.?Jennings never performes Jesus and has in his mind"He himself " is Jesus.Thats foolish to think so.
Playing theatre act or cinema for Bible matters like a film of "Moses and the 10 commandments",or the cruzifiction of Jesus(Mel Gibsons "Passion") or any other acts are total normal and overmore,it could be very informative.It could also bring atheist possibly to the Bible..Everything could happen..We should thank young Guys like Jenning for showing other young people Bible matters in such ways he does.
The today regular church is totaly failing to reach young people.So GOD has a plan with Jennings,and from oursides Jennings should be blessed.Every minister should be blessed for bringing the good news to the people.Many ministers are lacking of the spirit.But that is not really the problem.As long their hearts are beating for our Lord,then let them tell people the god news in their style.ONLY GOD will make a decission,to whom he will reveal himself.
"Playing" Jesus is a special act of bringing GOOD NEWS to people.Let him do!!

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:06 am
by Paul Cohen
jessiejean wrote:can i tell you please i think you have the wrong Jessie for all the responses
i am only a new member and i am only observing at present
I've posted your comment, Jessie Jean, to alert everyone here to the fact that you aren't the Jessie who wrote us about Clayton Jennings. Did you have anything else to say to everyone, now that you're being introduced?


Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:30 am
by Scott Sandell
Is this website the same Clayton Jennings? This guy modeling t-shirts?" onclick=";return false;


Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:47 am
by Sarah Stuckey
Yes, Scott. That is the same man. I just watched the video that Clayton presents on his website." onclick=";return false;

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:01 am
by Michael Demerling
Scott, Thanks for the link. It seems this fellow, Clayton Jennings, is all about cashing in on Jesus' name. I also saw how Clayton was so quick to dismiss Victor and Paul in an email. Clayton Jennings is out of control. I will pray for him to repent. Michael

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:21 pm
by Jon H Kail
Hi Tom,

This discussion is not useless, not at all. Not if you have eyes to see, ears to hear and the heart to recieve.
Matthew 13:15 ESV
15For this people’s heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.

It's good that you can say that the Lord is sovereign, over all in His will and in control always as the scriptures from beginning to end declare.

Nobody is blaming Jennings, rather exposing him. Big difference. Sure he might do a lot of good things and teach some godly things. What do think deception is all about?
Go through this section again and read the intro:" onclick=";return false;

Do you really think the Lord is into people re-enacting His death on the cross time and time again? Really think about it. Were Peter and Paul and the Lord's servants ripping their shirts off and hanging themselves on a cross to convince people to come to the Lord. Does the Lord really need people doing that? I'd say sober up. That's trecherous ground to be walking upon.

Is it a good or bad thing that todays "church" is failing to reach young people as you say?
There might be hope after all :) We all need the Reality not the fantasy.

Does the Lord of the universe need Hollywood to help Him? I'd like to know what real change these movies or plays or acts are really bringing about in people. I watched Gibson's "Passion" many times.. It just made me think of all Jesus went through so I can keep living in sin and go to "heaven" when done living that life. No conviction, no repentance, no fruit, no victory! Is that the "love" you keep talking about and the fruits of it? Gibson made his own "passion" movie years before, it's called Braveheart and maybe you saw Gladiator as well with Russell Crowe? They want to lump Jesus Christ into another good "hero" story line. That's what Jennings is doing. Playing the hero; himself. Jesus Christ is no hero, He's Savior!

You say many ministers are lacking the Spirit but that's not really a problem. Really? I'd say that's a huge problem when those who are setting themselves up are not sent by God. That's the world we're in now.. look around and tell me if you don't see problems.

I'm getting a vibe of contradiction and confusion from you, Tom. You keep talking about the Good News. What is your Good News exactly?

You say only God will make a decision to Who He will reveal Himself to.. no prob there. But you state that the "church" is failing to reach the young people and it's not a problem that many ministers are lacking the Spirit, they just need to tell it in their style?? Is that what we're here for? Style points? Sounds like chaos and confusion.. Sounds like another god altogether you're talking about.

Matthew 15:14
14Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:11 am
by tom4men
Dear John

In one Point I agree.Its better to play an theatre act about the RESURECTION instead of the the Death.Todays cuches are playing in their sermons the Death of Jesus Christ.All these CROSSES hanging on the WALLS of the churchrooms with the nailed Jesus,give us the right impression,where these churches are standing.

Abouth the youth is to say,that in times like today with all the media,Facebook,Tv,Twitter and so on ,ooh I forget handy ,apps etc..all this I call-MEDIAMANIA-this youth is living in a breathless age.So Jennings is using all these media for Gods plan.Its better to watch him,than going through the streets in youth gangs and wasting time with NOTHING ..
Paul himself told us in the bible,regardeless HOW,but its good to bring the NEWS.
19 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.
20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;
21 To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.
22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.
24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

Yes,the Lord is using Hollywood.and he is using you and me,and of course JENNINGS.
Maybe Jennings(I dont know him personal) is doing a buissiness out of his minitry and earns a lot of money.For me NO problem.His Relationship to our Lord is between HIM and the LORD.We are forbidden to judge.Even to expose him as a false prophet in that way we are doing,without looking to our OWN.
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

So I will not judge JOHN.Its ok ,when you think about Jennings that way you do.I dont want to critizise you or anybody here.We all are here to make us thoughts about relation between us and the Lord.Thats fine...and I think thats the only thing we should do.

GODS PLAN.Oh my God,I am not God,i can only tell my view and my understanding about his plan.

FROM HIM,Through HIM and in HIM is everything created,what is in Heaven also on Earth.So that plainly means EVERYTHING!!
It would be a long story to talk about his plan.To make it short

GOD made YOU.and GOD will take YOU....Out of him,back to him.Thats very simple.and the whole story how it works,we find in the Bible....beginning with GENESIS(he made YOU) ending with the Book of Glory Revelation of Jesus Christ(he takes you)
When of course the Book of Revelation is a future History book.Then we forget it all,and let Jesus be hanging nailed on the Cross.
Jon,God bless you and let us pray for that young man JENNINGS...OK?

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:52 am
by Emmanuel Okpanachi
Truly the world admires, and is deceived by, superficial appearance, such as looks, words, and emotive conviction. Jennings has all three! He has the handsome, photogenic, groomed look, the gift of gab and the passion. He uses all of these to great effect. For what purpose? Isn't it to build the kingdom of 'Clayton Jennings' in the Name of Jesus Christ? On his website he says, 'Who am I? I'm a sinner saved by grace and I've been set on FIRE.' He is most definitely 'on fire' - to establish his own self, his own name, his own legacy.

To the deceived, the appearances may say otherwise; but this is a man who is out to aggrandise himself. A superstar and celebrity - that's surely what he wants to be. On his website he says 'So, whether you read my novels, listen to my poetry, watch my film, or hear me preach, I only want to point you to JESUS.' He says he wants to point people to the Light; but it is evident that he wants his own name in lights. What he's really doing is gathering people to himself - it's all about him.

He lusts for the praise that comes from men, not from God. Doesn't the fact that he played the most prominent role in a dramatisation, show that he desires to be in the spotlight, to be seen of men? Did Jesus desire such spotlight? No, he didn't seek recognition and visibility. His earthly brothers thought otherwise:

His brothers said to Him, “Leave here and go to Judea so Your disciples can see Your works that You are doing. For no one does anything in secret while he’s seeking public recognition. If You do these things, show Yourself to the world.” (For not even His brothers believed in Him.)
John 7:3-5 (HCSB)

Jennings is a self-marketing charlatan; using the name of Jesus Christ for monetary gain and worldly fame. He seeks his own agenda, while operating under the guise of a servant of Christ.
He is an actor and masquerader. It's nothing more than an act, a performance. He is an entertainer. Does not the fact that he takes bookings show that he is a performer, and entertainer? Don't singers and entertainers also take bookings? Was Christ a performer?

In the promotional video on his website he says that '...the whole goal is just to preach the gospel so people come to know Jesus Christ'. But surely the real intention is to bedazzle and deceive his listeners; with the objective of having them become his followers. He surely wants what Christ had in his earthly days... fame and followers. He surely wants to be Christ. He has certainly idealised Christ, and desires to live up to that idealisation. He pretended to be Jesus in a dramatisation, and it seems that he also wants to be Him in real life. Jennings is not at all Christ-like, but anti-Christ.

As I watch the video on his website I hear him being lauded and praised by his devotees. I see him flashing a big, Hollywood smile as he take pictures with his fans. Could you imagine - if they had cameras back in that day - Jesus posing with people for a snap? Could you imagine Him signing autographs, as Clayton does in the video on his website? On Clayton's website he writes: 'To book me, email my team and write "booking" in the subject line.' But could you imagine Jesus taking bookings, for Him to speak at various Jewish synagogues? Could you imagine Jesus having his own booth set up to sell personal merchandise, like the online shop that Jennings has? Could you imagine, if they had the technology in the first century, Jesus setting up a promotional video on His website, advertising Himself?

Jennings reeks of self - self-promotion, self-aggrandisement, self-marketing. He is focused on his self and his ambitions, all the while making it seem that the focus is on Christ.

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:00 am
by Simon Mwebaze
Well said, Manny! I have been involved in and seen these great "moves of God" with the youth. They are nothing but a way to make church appealing to the younger generation. It's all about making Jesus look "cool" and hip. I was engulfed in that and am grateful that the Lord saw me out of that.

Clayton is definitely after making himself a hero using the name of the Lord.

Re: Clayton Jennings

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:03 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Manny, you have perceived the reality of Clayton Jennings and are able to clearly declare it. I'm very thankful for that. Thus said, we need to take care to avoid cynicism (not saying you are cynical here, but a warning for all). These are all lost sinners, both leader and follower. They are to be sharply rebuked for their wickedness and fallacy that people may fear and come to the realization of the Truth. Children of darkness must one day be turned, redeemed and reconciled with their Maker.

Meanwhile, the Lord sets the battle in array, light against darkness, good against evil and saints against devils. We wrestle with these powers more so than their vessels; however, the vessels of dishonor have willingly chosen evil and we must declare their sins to them, not for condemnation's sake but that they might one day come to their senses and realize they have been making of, and to themselves gods and worshiping another Jesus.

Clayton Jennings is another Jesus, a devil transformed into an angel of light. Woe to this egotistic predator. The saints will have no more tolerance or patience for such; the Lord is finished winking.