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Religion: An Illusion That Works Well

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:07 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
From: gloria Okwuwa
Sent: June-16-18 9:23 AM
To: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Religion: An Illusion That Works Well - Religion - Nigeria

Hello victor, how has your day being? I do follow your teachings alot. The above link directs to a page that has contents which is coaxing me to atheism...perhaps your reassurance can help.

Please take time to read it, and strengthen my faith so i dont slip into atheism.

Kind regards

​From: Victor Hafichuk
Date: Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 9:51 AM
Subject: RE: Religion: An Illusion That Works Well - Religion - Nigeria
To: gloria Okwuwa

You ask me to take time to wade in a cesspool with you. Why would I want to do that when I’ve provided you with a refreshing pool of invigorating water?

Listen to liars and you’ll become their victim and a liar yourself. You say you “follow [my] teachings a lot.” Then why go elsewhere when my teachings emphatically tell you not to do so. How confounded you are!

Atheists demand that I prove God exists. I demand of atheists to prove He doesn’t exist. It’s up to them to prove it. And how are they going to do that when they are proof He exists?


Re: Religion: An Illusion That Works Well

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:55 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
From: gloria Okwuwa
Sent: June-16-18 3:58 PM
To: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Re: Religion: An Illusion That Works Well - Religion - Nigeria

I am somewhat aloof, so i will not post it to the tpot forum. Did you really read it contents,please find time to...cesspool with me?no. This aint the first time i have conversed with you and paul cohen, i am not loqacious,conceited,argumentative or a busy body looking for what to discuss(i am introverted)

I messaged you because i believe you have something to offer,the contents of the link i sent has clouded my belief and my faith is wavering,all i need is assurance..some exhortation.

I will mail you again and again and again till you respond to me. You owe me your counsel,and admonition. ..dont deny me that.

Kind regards

​From: Victor Hafichuk
Date: Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 7:47 PM
Subject: RE: Religion: An Illusion That Works Well - Religion - Nigeria
To: gloria Okwuwa

The atheist site is what I referred to as a cesspool, not you. Is that not accurate?

In your reply to me, it’s plain you are a devil. But now, you now expose yourself as a cesspool, to be sure.

I’m amazed that you think I owe you anything, but then, cesspools do need cleaning so I expect they demand it by their vile nature. However, the counsel and admonition you demand are benefits available only for vessels created for honor, not vessels made for dishonor.

Romans 9:17-24 MKJV
(17) For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, "Even for this same purpose I have raised you up, that I might show My power in you, and that My Name might be declared throughout all the earth."
(18) Therefore He has mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will, He hardens.
(19) You will then say to me, Why does He yet find fault? For who has resisted His will?
(20) No, but, O man, who are you who replies against God? Shall the thing formed say to Him who formed it, Why have you made me this way?
(21) Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel to honor and another to dishonor?
(22) What if God, willing to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction;
(23) and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy which He had before prepared to glory;
(24) whom He also called, not only us, of Jews, but also of the nations?
I’m not a cesspool cleaner; I maintain clean pools. And the bread I have is for the children and not for dogs.

Now that I’ve replied, go your way, Satan. I have no part in you. Get out of here.

Ronnie, I think I’d let everyone know about this creature, particularly at FB and TPOT Forum.


Re: Religion: An Illusion That Works Well

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:39 pm
by Alan Agnew
Gloria, how would YOU like it if men came to your house, demanded your money, and would not leave until you gave in?

Re: Religion: An Illusion That Works Well

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 12:48 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
From: gloria Okwuwa
Sent: June-17-18 2:44 AM
To: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: My response to you

I am satan, a "creature",a vessel of dishonor , a dog et al. That is what a single teen mom gets for requesting you go through a site created by a DEIST which you shoved away as atheist before even reading it contents. Not just that, posted a conversation i wanted private because of my introverted and aloof nature to you forum...
I didnt argue with you, defame , or say anything derogatory of Christ you speak for.

One day the world will here of my encounter with you, somehow or someday we may see.
I am not a saint,that i acknowledge, i am deep neck in least i know that, am not puffed in pride or self deceit as those we claim to know christ but depend on man's created system of religion,observing christmass,birthdays et al(pagan feasts)

By saying "get out"...i assume you mean log out of your forum,unsubscribe from your mails,and never mail you or ronnie or sarah...that i will gladly do for you.
I am not bitter against you,i invited those condemnations from you myself by mailing you in the first instance.. My fault was mailing you,i should be crucified for mailing you SIR,right?

I expect you to rain more insults on me,tag me lucifer or even a pig-THAT IS WHAT YOU DO.

God loves me,he died for a "creature", "satan" or "dog"(as you tag me) myself. I expect his redemption of my life soon.

Kind regards

Re: Religion: An Illusion That Works Well

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 1:29 pm
by Braden Preston
"I do follow your teachings alot."

If that were true then surely she would have noticed that you aren't part of man's system of religion celebrating pagan holidays like christmas or easter, birthdays, etc.

"i am deep neck in least i know that, am not puffed in pride or self deceit..."

So she confesses to be neck deep in sin. How then can she be anything but prideful and delusional? It wouldn't be in her nature to be anything otherwise, being in such darkness.

So of course she misreads your words, draws the wrong conclusions, demands to be fed and saying that you owe her that. Such a contradictory, wicked woman.

Re: Religion: An Illusion That Works Well

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:39 pm
by Michael Preston
"I am not bitter against you,i invited those condemnations from you myself by mailing you in the first instance."

"God loves me,he died for a "creature", "satan" or "dog"(as you tag me) myself. I expect his redemption of my life soon."

A person who was not bitter would not be so contradictory and accusatory. She wades in a cesspool of deism/atheism, pure poison, and expects someone clean to mire himself.

She is "neck deep in sin" but appears to have no desire to leave it, much less eat bread meant for children that would clean her.