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Amway -- Whence Cometh it?

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:36 pm
by Brandon LaBerteaux
Hi all,

Noticed there wasn't an Amway topic in the teachings section, so I'll post a new topic here.

I had an interesting encounter with an Amway/Amway affiliated person this past week, and thought I would share, because Victor's article on the subject certainly helped spare me from being sucked in to their program.

About a week ago I was shopping and I was approached by a rather forthcoming congenial, slightly wealthy looking man named Justin in one of the aisles.

We started having some conversation about a number of mundane things, when he asked for my number in the guise of a networking opportunity. He promised he would get in touch later and I didn't think much of it.

A couple of days later, Justin started messaging me to meet up, and not thinking much of it, I obliged. After reflecting on our initial encounter, I thought that he was rather peculiar, that there was something slightly off about our conversation and connection, but having some paranoid tendencies left over from my time spent around aristocratic types, I shrugged off my instincts and knew it was best not to judge without hearing someone out.

Before I met up with Justin, I prayed that the Lord might keep me from falling to temptation in our encounter and that the truth of what was happening might be exposed. I couldn't shake a weird feeling of suspicion leading up to meeting.

I went to the meeting with Justin, and after some conversation surrounding each other's life and career backgrounds, Justin started subtly and vaguely pitching a business opportunity.

It was for a group called UR Associations, some kind of third-party online marketing platform. I've encountered a number of multi-level organizations/pyramid schemes the past couple of years, so when he started explaining exclusivity, a business structure similar to down-lines, and how to make an extra $800 a month while promoting Forbes 500 companies, my ears were pricked.

He talked highly of corporations that are quite damaging to the world, highly of corporate endorsements, and that "for $50 million [he] would drink anything" in reference to a Lebron James Sprite commercial. Essentially, mammon was the focus.

At one point he mentioned that URA was associated with these elite billionaires he met named the DeVoses and Van Andels, attempting to tantalize me with talk of big money, power, wealth. I listened patiently to his spiel, until he mentioned that URA was an affiliate of Amway.

Justin asked me if I heard of Amway, and while I had read the paper here I wasn't sure if it was the same Amway, so I mentioned that I believed I had heard of it. He got quite suspicious and defensive for a moment, as if to dissuade me of any "rumors" floating about Amway, but I didn't say I had heard of anything in particular, maybe that they were a soap company in the 60s.

After he stopped being defensive, he started speaking about exclusivity and how I could become a member of URA if I was properly vetted and attended these conferences of select individuals. He said he was going to ask permission if I could attend a meeting that just happened to be coming up. I told him I would get back to him as to whether or not I would be able to attend, and so I could do some further research and check here at if it was the same Amway.

After leaving, I did research and my suspicions were confirmed both of Amway and URA Group. I prayed as to what I might do, and I wasn't led to attend the meeting, but that I should share the Path of Truth teaching on Amway.

Today I messaged him:
Hi Justin,

I've thought it over and I'm not interested in associating with URA or any MLM (multi-level marketing) enterprise. I appreciate you taking the time to connect with me and share your experience. I'd like to share with you a writing about Amway and organizations like it from the perspective of God, Jesus Christ:" onclick=";return false;

No ill will here and feel free to reach out anytime.
To which he responded:
I'll welcome any conversation on numbers and facts, not someone's opinion... best of luck
Which left me with the sense that not only was he dismissive about what I shared, but I've also heard an almost verbatim response from the time I spent associating with gnostic aristocrats.

Also, probably something of less significance or mere coincidence, during his pitch he stumbled over the words seven and eight at one point and actually said "Satan", which I thought was interesting.

Thought it might be useful to share my experience with others here. I was baffled at the whole encounter and that I came across these same people mentioned at Maybe it's a more common occurrence than I realize.