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Gary Naler

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:38 am
by Carl DJ Strydom
Hi there,

I don't want to imply that Gary Naler is a false teacher because some of the things I've learnt at his site (Bible Contradictions) cannot possibly have been uncovered by a human mind but rather truth from revelation. With such important truths, I thought I'd mention his site here.

We have to test that what we believe in so your ability to discern here at TPOT will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:10 pm
by Jason Lee
Hi CDJSIV, Jason here.

I'm a friend of those at TPOT and I took a look at your link briefly. What I noticed, after looking at 'Bible contradictions,' was that there are several key teachings here that touch on some issues that Gary Naler brings up. While I'll leave it for the elders and others to speak if the Lord prompts, I would like to link those teachings for you.

Lord willing, if you haven't yet, you can have a read and find answers.

The return of the Lord and the great tribulation: ... coming.htm" onclick=";return false; ... lation.htm" onclick=";return false;

Quoting Gary: "Why hasn't Yahshua come already? What is the real mark of the beast? What is the real meaning of 666?" ... of-god.htm" onclick=";return false;

Quoting Gary: "This writing addresses these two resurrections, as well as the great white throne judgment and the lake of fire. And as you will see, the purpose of fire is to purify, and is never for punishment." ... ddeath.htm" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Quoting Gary: "In all the ways and patterns of Yahweh God, there is one that is outstanding above all others, and that is the revealing, replicable, effectual, and even diverse pattern of the trinity. Stating it simply, among all the determining ways of Yahweh, the trinity is king!" ... rinity.htm" onclick=";return false; ... rinity.htm" onclick=";return false; ... arians.htm" onclick=";return false;

Quoting Gary: "In this writing, we take the closest and most exhaustive look yet at Satan, his role, and his authority in this world and even over the church. And, the outcome is a better understanding of the Elijah." ... -satan.htm" onclick=";return false;

Quoting Gary: "Would you like to know who or what is to be Yahshua's bride? Then I suggest you read this writing that, as promised in the opening of this web site, provides information you have never before read or heard or even considered." ... church.htm" onclick=";return false; ... a-cult.htm" onclick=";return false; ... ts-god.htm" onclick=";return false; ... urches.htm" onclick=";return false; ... doctrines/" onclick=";return false; ... ianity.htm" onclick=";return false;

On Christmas: ... istmas.htm" onclick=";return false;

Quoting Gary: "When it comes to the bigger picture of Yahweh God, the matter of male and female and its consequences is not just one of, but undoubtedly the most important and wholly impacting truth there is." ... d-wife.htm" onclick=";return false; ... of-god.htm" onclick=";return false; ... ynamic.htm" onclick=";return false;

While this isn't exhaustive, I wanted to give you a good start. If you have question, Lord willing, we can help you. I have no doubt that Gary has revelation but where from? While you don't want to imply that Gary is a false teacher, perhaps you may be able to say after reading here. Hope this helps.

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:51 pm
by Carl DJ Strydom
Thank you so much Jason for taking the time to put together your post. I will start by reading all the links posted before responding.

Kind regards

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:25 am
by Henk Lendor
Hi Carl. Henk here. I'm translating the articles to Afrikaans with the assistance of Beryl proofreading, correcting and doing the formatting. (Regarding your question in another post)

As Jason suggested, I agree that you should read intensively on TPOT if you're after the truth which would free you from the many false teachings, of which Gary's is showing all the marks.

Pray to the Lord to give you discernment and the gift of faith as you read on this site.

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

In the Lord

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:28 am
by Henk Lendor
Hi all, I may have prejudge the website of Gary Naler as I just glanced through it before I accused it wholly of false teachings. Though when I took the time to take an in depth look, I have to agree with Carl that it contain some fascinating truths.

I would appreciate it if others can also give their discernment on it. (After reading through it of course ;-})


Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 7:34 am
by Jason Lee
Hi Henk. I haven't read anything in depth but one thing we should keep in mind is that Satan speaks truths in order to deceive. The question is: does Gary speak truth WITH error? If so, he is a false teacher no matter how incredible his truths seem to be.

On the other side of that coin, we should accept truth no matter the source.

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 7:52 am
by Jason Lee
Hi again, Henk. I red through Gary's teaching on the trinity, which he not only believes in but distorts a few Scriptures in an attempt to justify. Of course, those who know the Lord know that He isn't a trinity.

What I see with Gary is carnal logic under demonic influence. One doesn't need to read in depth to see. He is not with the Lord.

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:20 pm
by Carl DJ Strydom
Hi All,

Let me elaborate a bit as I feel that the person in question deserves a fair chance. I honestly believe that Christ reveals certain things to certain people, but only certain things, and not all things. The issue is that the person who certain things are revealed to, does not pay attention as to where their revelation stops. Then it becomes the reader's responsibility to discern the good from the bad.

This is my reason for asking assistance in discernment because some of the things on Gary's site is worth reading, as I see Henk has observed. And I can not totally agree with Jason regarding error in truth, as this implies even ONE ERROR falsifies someone's statements, hence they are branded a false teacher. The late L. Ray Smith is also considered a false teacher yet he also doesn't teach the Trinity like here. I feel in some things Gary might overstep his revealed boundaries, but that is just me, and the reason for posting here.

Before you read Gary's site, he even suggest starting chornologically with his writings otherwise anything else will not make sense to you.

Start with:

Bible Contradictions
Sandals and staff

If after you have read these 3 pieces and someone has a better explanation to Bible Contradictions, I'll be more than happy to look at it.

Bible Contradictions is how I found Gary's site 8 years ago. Back then I was a member of a wide-spectrum religious forum and was involved in the usual us-vs-them debates but what I learnt back then was to actually listen to what atheists or agnostics had to say, and through that it guided what I paid attention to and what not.

What one passionate-theologian-turned-atheist kept showing was the problem of Bible Contradictions. What I appreciated about people like him, was that he didn't bring it up in a way that was condescending, spiteful or hurtful, but in an honest way that highlights a real problem that believers tend to shy away from or attempt to address in a very disrespectful way.

There was plenty of explanations out there to try and solve the contradictions or harmonize the Gospels but Gary's answers stood head and shoulders above the rest. I knew in my being that it was right.

The answers absolutely stunned me in such a way that I actually believed, and still do, that this was the reason that 1 Corinthians 1:27 was written. It truly confounds and truly shames the wise and everyone else for that matter because it's totally not what you expect yet it makes perfect sense when you see it because it suddenly seems so obvious and you can't understand how people could have missed it for 2000 years.

I first saw the truth of the reconcilliation of all things at the late L. Ray Smith's site, who some of you know, and studied his Lake of Fire series amongst other writings and really enjoyed it and learnt a lot. For more than a year I only read his writings. Then one day, about 8 years ago, I came across a post on their forum regarding a person called Gary Naler and this member asked basically the same thing I asked in my first post above.

L. Ray Smith already answered the post and quoted something from Gary's site;

(I actually found the post [url=ttp://,6262.msg50515.html#msg50515)]Link[/url]

L. Ray Smith went to Gary's site, read one paragraph, and responded in the way that he usually did. And for some or other reason I went to visit Gary's site and found his series on Bible Contradictions, which happened to be something that I really struggled with.

Gary didn't write about hell. But what his site did was redirect you to J. Preston Eby’s The Savior of the World series, which some of you would know as well, but at the top of the redirected page it says;
Note to the reader: While we are most grateful for the article written here by Mr. Eby and the truth he provides on this matter of no eternal judgment, it is necessary to point out that it does not reflect the truth of the establishment of the Remnant bride, but is written from a Christian perspective. Nonetheless, the article is very good in addressing the matter at hand."
Savior of the World

At Mr Eby's site I learnt a lot about prayer and found the series "The Lords Prayer" invaluable. Then at Dr. Stephen E. Jones's site, which some know as well, I learnt a lot about the Divine Law, explained in a very understandable way.

It's the small things I notice and appreciate. I always knew in my heart that all those silly laws also had to have a much higher spiritual meaning, like Dr Jones explains of when a man digs a pit and and ox falls into it. Or Mr Eby explaining the different phases of praying behind ask, seek and knock. And Mr Naler explaining, through the key to understanding, the actual meaning behind the split hoof and chewing the cud - something I've never seen but again, once you see it, it's so obvious.

Addressing the matter at hand is key to me here. Like I've read here at TPOT as well, is that there is some truth out there. But you can't just reject some teachings outright because there's others you don't agree with. Yes, there are things in Gary's writings that I don't agree with and even some of his close brothers have parted ways with him. The one brother said one of the most profound things I've heard someone say, after Gary wrote a piece he did not agree with, that he doesn't believe the Father has given him the faith to believe this that Gary wrote. And until such time as any of them has better understanding on the matter, they parted ways. I respect something like that. And Gary has back-tracked as well, and was open and honest about it.

All I'm saying is let's not get ahead of ourselves and be too quick to judge. I am seriously struglling with something like the Trinity for example so I am not convinced as to who has it right and who has it wrong.

May Christ lead us because I'm tired of people differing every day.

Kind regards

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:20 pm
by Jason Lee
Hi Carl,

Did Peter, Paul or John preach error? As far as Gary, his errors reach far beyond just 'ONE.' The question is: WHY is he teaching mixture? Also, why is he ignorant of very important truths in the Lord?

As I said previously, truth needs to be accepted regardless of the source. In that degree, I'm not casting Gary off nor am I condemning him. He does speak some truth, interesting at that. However, that is no reason to believe that Gary is sent by God to teach. All false teachers speak some truth. Satan spoke truth to Eve in the garden, but why? Truth can be used to deceive and satan continues that tactic today. God comes in and by men and so does Satan.

Carl, did you read the links that I gave to you? If so, any thoughts?

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:54 pm
by Jason Lee
By the way, I will take a look at those links in order. Also, even men of God can be mistaken in some things but God is faithful to correct it. It's when it doesn't get corrected and continues that it's a clear sign of trouble.

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:42 pm
by Carl DJ Strydom
Morning Jason,

Yes, I am working through the links you posted but it is almost 20 pieces so it takes some time to work through though. As soon as I'm done I will definitely comment.

Kind regards

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:38 am
by Jason Lee
No hurry at all, Carl. Take your time and seek the Lord on these issues. Good to hear back from you.

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:38 am
by Simon Mwebaze
Hi Carl

I think the introduction to the false teachers section on TPOT explains much with regards to false teachers. Here it is:

"What is a false teacher and how does one qualify for this list?

No person rightfully takes upon himself the role of a teacher or any other ministry of God without God’s power and authority. In a world full of teachers, preachers, elders, deacons, speakers, writers, evangelists, pastors, prophets, and apostles, rare are the true ministers representing the Lord Jesus Christ. Many are the false, and very few the true, even as in Noah’s day.

False teachers are those who presume to teach in their own authority (as did the scribes), often in the Name of the Lord, when He has not sent them. Though they have knowledge of Biblical truths, they are, at best, in delusion, presuming to turn others to the Kingdom of God when, in fact, they are building the corrupt kingdoms of men. At worst, they are deliberate charlatans, seeking to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy, using Biblical truths to do so.

Though false teachers lead astray, the Biblical truths they teach can lead to Christ those whom God has called and is choosing. The truth quickens those being given the gift of faith. However, faith manifest in the one who receives the truth does not certify as God’s representative the one who speaks some truth. The child of faith who walks in obedience to Christ will soon enough part ways with those who mix truth with error.

This is God’s commandment:

“Therefore come out from among them and be separated, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing. And I will receive you and I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:17-18 MKJV).

False teachers mix the holy things of God with their carnal thoughts, creating a false form of godliness. They can’t do otherwise, because they haven’t taken up the cross and submitted themselves to Christ’s righteousness. They are still in their sin nature, living unto themselves, teaching doctrines and commandments of men.

And because false teachers haven’t submitted themselves to Christ’s righteousness, they can’t lead others there. A false teacher is one who may speak truth, yet points his hearers in another direction.

An example of this would be that of a “Tijuana taxi,” or any predator of tourists who says, “Yes, I know exactly where such-and-such a place is, and I’ll take you there. On the way, I’ll tell you all you want to know about it. Please, get in.”

Guess what? He gets you there after a half-hour drive, but didn’t tell you it was only a block away from where you began with him. Meanwhile he charges you for the time or mileage.

And though he filled you in on what the place is all about, what he doesn’t, can’t, and won’t tell you is that you need a membership to enter. He drops you off at the gate, and you find out your trip was for naught.

Isn’t that just like the churches and spiritual leaders one encounters in a multiplicity of places and forms? They have truth, and they may even get you into the wedding feast, but never with a wedding garment.

Therefore, while the truth spoken is to be believed (no matter who speaks it or what affiliation the speaker may have), false teachers are not to be followed. Teachers sent of God are to be followed, as with the example given by the apostle Paul, who said by the Spirit, “Become followers of me, even as I am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). A false teacher leads into the emptiness of self-righteousness and death, but a true teacher leads to the fullness of Christ and life."

The link to the page:" onclick=";return false;

I hope this helps with your questions, Carl. I think the issue is whether Gary has been sent by the Lord or not. Do you know whether Gary has been sent by the Lord? You would have to know for yourself by the Lord. Have you asked Him?

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:09 am
by Carl DJ Strydom
Much thanks to everybody,

Much of the material I have read here on this site is how I understand things to be. But what I can't understand is that Mr Naler is made to be a false teacher when only one person has read his main teaching, Bible Contradictions and the first example of many. And that one person seemed to find it very interesting.

It is a profound truth that Mr Naler highlights that affects us all if it can't be refuted. Some of the later subjects in his writings I find hard sometimes to follow but that doesn't null and void the main teaching of the Bride.

I only noticed how we used the terms "Bride of Christ" and "Body of Christ" interchangeably but I saw that they are actually fundamentally different, just like Adam and Eve was (which was a shadow in type of this)

I have read through most of the links posted in this topic but can't find anything where Mr Naler's revelation errs.

Therefore your comments please but please read the two links before judging.

Kind regards

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:04 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Carl, I've been meaning to reply to this material concerning Naler and Lord willing, I will. Meanwhile, can you offer us some Scriptural evidence to support this:

"I only noticed how we used the terms "Bride of Christ" and "Body of Christ" interchangeably but I saw that they are actually fundamentally different, just like Adam and Eve was (which was a shadow in type of this)"

Perhaps you have a point. Can the Bride be part of the Body, as Eve first was? Or can the Body be part of the Bride, as were the Corinthians, for example? Or are they entirely individual from one another, though ultimately coming to union?

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:05 am
by Carl DJ Strydom
Thank you for replying Victor.
Meanwhile, can you offer us some Scriptural evidence to support this:
I'd much rather you read from the two links I posted previously, as the Remnant being shown ís the Bride.

From what I've learned and saw, it's not that obvious as the Bride is hidden, like hidden behind the veal a bride wears. But once you understand the pattern of the Church - First Remnant, Christianity, Second Remnant - it becomes very clear in Scripture regarding the Body of Christ work versus the Bride of Christ work. If you don't understand the pattern it won't matter what Scripture I quote.

For example, 2 Thessalonians 1:9 became a message of hope to me, but if I showed it to the Carl of 10 years ago, he would've used it against me as evidence of eternal punishment.

I'm just saying that a few Scriptures, without the broad background of a lot of other Scriptures and understanding the pattern they present, would not have much meaning in itself. But the two links should suffice as a start.

I've noticed before that people speak of the differences between Paul and the Apostles and it started making sense to me when I learned that Paul's teachings is aimed at the Body of Christ and the Apostles' teachings aimed at the Bride of Christ. Where it gets strange and confusing is that neither Paul nor the Apostles seemed to fully know or understand that they were busy with different works - they only knew in part. It was hidden from them as well.

Bear in mind, I am just a student and do not claim to be right. Just explaining how I understand these teachings.

Kind regards

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:18 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
So Carl, in seeing your reply here and while we wait for me to read your links and reply to you, I have two questions:

How do you believe understanding this subject as you do is pertinent to my walk and yours with the Lord Jesus Christ?

How should, or will, my conduct before the Lord change if I should see myself as a member of His Body or as a member of His Bride, as compared to seeing myself as both?

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 4:45 am
by Carl DJ Strydom
Hi Victor,
How do you believe understanding this subject as you do is pertinent to my walk and yours with the Lord Jesus Christ?
In my understanding, you come before a decision to either stay with The Body or become part of the Bride, the Remnant. You sit and you work out the cost first.
How should, or will, my conduct before the Lord change if I should see myself as a member of His Body or as a member of His Bride, as compared to seeing myself as both?
You cannot be both but I'd rather you read this then: Why I am no longer a Christian.

Kind Regards

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:43 pm
by Paul Cohen
Hi Carl, Paul here.

You haven't answered either of Victor's questions. We don't mind you posting adjunct materials, but for now, we need you to answer these crucial questions simply and directly in your own words. If you're not able to do that, then you really don't know what you're talking about. It's all just theory with no practical reality.

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:55 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Carl, we are revisiting this post thread to put away some files as well as Gary Naler, who so foolishly claims to be Elijah or that prophet.

You have not answered my questions. Stumped or unwilling?

You also say:

"I've noticed before that people speak of the differences between Paul and the Apostles and it started making sense to me when I learned that Paul's teachings is aimed at the Body of Christ and the Apostles' teachings aimed at the Bride of Christ. Where it gets strange and confusing is that neither Paul nor the Apostles seemed to fully know or understand that they were busy with different works - they only knew in part. It was hidden from them as well."

The Truth is strange and confusing to those who are in contradiction to the Truth, who eat from the Tree of Knowledge instead of from the Tree of Life. There is no difference between Paul and the other apostles; they are one, ministering to the same Body of Christ as well as reaching out to the unsaved. Your presumption and arrogance expose and display your ignorance of the things of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Re: Gary Naler

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 3:23 pm
by Paul Cohen
Carl, it seems you have given up on answering Victor, but for the sake of others (if not yourself), we’ll tie up a few loose ends here.

You wrote:

This is my reason for asking assistance in discernment because some of the things on Gary's site is worth reading, as I see Henk has observed. And I can not totally agree with Jason regarding error in truth, as this implies even ONE ERROR falsifies someone's statements, hence they are branded a false teacher. The late L. Ray Smith is also considered a false teacher yet he also doesn't teach the Trinity like here. I feel in some things Gary might overstep his revealed boundaries, but that is just me, and the reason for posting here.

Henk didn’t say the site was worth reading, but that it contained some “fascinating truths.” Henk didn’t specify what any of those truths are, or what makes them “fascinating.” For example, Jesus Christ is Lord. There is no truth more fundamental or earth-shaking, yet would one call it “fascinating”? I wouldn’t. I’d say it’s much greater than that. It’s the revelation of God and His claim to our lives.

But Henk has hit on something by his use of this word “fascinating.” Gary Naler specializes in providing beguiling reasoning based on his independent thoughts, which directs you to him and being your own god rather than to the Lord Jesus Christ with Him being your God. For this reason, we say Gary is not worth reading.

Jason never said or implied that one error made a man a false teacher. And he went on to say that Gary shows many errors, readily mixing truth and falsehood, which is the nature of his “ministry.” This is not the way of a teacher sent by God. Can you show otherwise? Where in the Scriptures do you find a man of God presenting mixture and speculation in the Name of Christ?

L. Ray Smith is a false teacher, not because he teaches some true doctrine, but because he taught and exemplified the power of knowledge rather than the Life of Power. Ray wasn’t walking in the Spirit of Christ, even as it appears you allude to in the way Ray answered Gary Naler. We can’t say for sure, as the link you provided doesn’t work, but we have no problem believing Ray dismissed Gary out of hand and without understanding because he did the same thing with us.

I’ve red through enough of Gary’s links to answer about his presentation of unlocking the Bible’s contradictions and riddles. Gary is altogether in error, using these apparent inconsistencies and mysteries to vaunt himself as one holding the key to salvation. The man is a blaspheming imposter.

For example, the kingpin of his presentation, the apparent contradictions in the Lord’s instructions to His disciples of what to take as He sent them out to preach the Gospel, is nothing other than misunderstanding and presumption on Gary’s part.

The Lord appears to contradict His instructions to not take certain things in Matthew, when in Mark He tells His disciples to take those same things (staves and sandals) with them. Here are the Scriptures with the true explanation of what the Lord was saying:

“Do not provide gold nor silver, nor copper in your purses, nor a bag for the journey, nor two coats, nor sandals, nor staves. For the workman is worthy of his food” (Matthew 10:9-10 MKJV).

The Lord was telling the disciples they didn’t need to load up on things as would be wise in a worldly journey, because they were working for God and He would provide for them along the way. For this reason they didn’t need to bring two coats or extra sandals or staves (staffs).

The word translated as “provide” actually means “to get or acquire,” which supports the proper interpretation:

A primary verb; to get, that is, acquire (by any means; own): - obtain, possess, provide, purchase.

The disciples didn’t need to buy their food or clothing because God would make sure they had everything they needed.

In Mark, the following is recorded:

“And He called the Twelve and began to send them out by two and two. And He gave them authority over unclean spirits, and commanded them that they take nothing in the way, except only a staff [stave]; no bag, no bread, no copper in the belt, but tying on sandals, and not to put on two tunics” (Mark 6:7-9 MKJV).

This presents no conflict or contradiction with the instructions in Matthew. The Lord is saying not to take two coats, only one, along with a staff and sandals – no extras needed to begin with and they would be provided with more along the way as called for. It really is a very simple message of faith, based on the principle that the servant of God must trust in Him Who has supplied and will. He is faithful!

Gary writes:

I suggest to you… and to everyone, that these obvious contradictions in the Bible are entirely divinely intentional.

Everything in the Bible is intentional, even the tares planted by the enemy. (See our section on How We View and Use the Scriptures) In the case just discussed, it’s been shown there’s no real contradiction, only the appearance of one. In other cases, like the examples Gary cites from Matthew where some things are doubled (reviewed in the section linked above, under "The Book of Matthew Corrupted"), there is a real problem to consider.

In the paper this important point is made:

Not all those things that people find fault with in Matthew or anywhere else in Scripture are faulty. There are wonderful explanations and valid justifications for many apparent inconsistencies in Scripture, which assure the sincere seeker of truth of the godly veracity of such things that carnal men fault.

Whatever kind of contradictions are cited from the Scriptures, they often, if not always, don’t mean what Gary says because he goes by his own thoughts and not God’s. He is carnal and confounded.

And as such, they offer very unique riddles, hidden riddles, that reveal God's divine works and plans for mankind.

ALL of the Scriptures are hidden to the carnal man. It’s only by the grace of God and His gift of faith in Christ that any person can receive the revelation of Who He is and what He is saying. There is no extra secret layer of Scripture to penetrate after one receives the Light of Men within and is given understanding from above:

Colossians 1:9-17 MKJV
(9) For this cause we also, since the day we heard, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding,
(10) that you might walk worthy of the Lord to all pleasing, being fruitful in every work and increasing in the knowledge of God,
(11) being empowered with all power, according to the might of His glory, to all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness,
(12) giving thanks to the Father, Who has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
(13) For He has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son;
(14) in Whom we have redemption through His blood, the remission of sins.
(15) Who is the image of the invisible God, the First-born of all creation.
(16) For all things were created in Him, the things in the heavens, and the things on the earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created through Him and for Him.
(17) And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.

Paul is saying, by the Holy Spirit, that the secret to our salvation isn’t in discovering the hidden meaning of riddles in the Scriptures, but is in the Lord Himself. And God’s provision in Christ is thorough, meeting every believer’s every need.

But Gary preaches spiritual elitism through esoteric knowledge, making himself the Great One of God who provides it. It’s just more of the serpent’s subtle offerings from the Tree of Knowledge, presented as the Tree of Life. It is wickedness and temptation to sin.

Naler goes on:

So why have men not seen this before in 2,000 years of church history? For two reasons. First, the Holy Spirit has not chosen to reveal it to us. Frankly, all men, including Christians, are very blind. For the one who is a Christian and is offended by this statement, I simply offer - If Christianity is not blind, why are there 22,000 different sects and denominations of Christianity that differ, often dramatically, in what they believe and proclaim is true? If Christianity saw all things with clarity, then it would agree in what is truth. But no, the truth is elusive and muddled for the Christian as well. And truth concerning the riddles of contradictions is one simple case in which Christianity has not seen either the evidences or the conclusions of these riddle messages.

Can Gary honestly say nobody has understood the things he claims to understand? Can he say he has a true understanding? How so? As well, has he heard out the doctrine of all “22,000” groups? How does he know there weren’t others who knew what they were talking about? The man is an arrogant know-it-nothing.

Besides, isn’t Naler speaking of false Christianity? True, mature Christians aren’t sectarians or part of the 22,000 works of men referred to by him. True Christians have “come out from among them” (2 Corinthians 6:17) to walk with the Lord without the camp.

But this proud man doesn’t distinguish between true Christians and false because he is false and without discernment despite his claim to being separate and higher with greater knowledge. Within, Gary is no different from any other tare, which makes him worse because of his pretensions. Thinking to be so wise, he makes a damned fool of himself by denying the new birth through the baptism in the Holy Spirit:

The one critical element missing in order for man to flourish and do only good in the kingdom of God is to have a ‘change of clothing.’ Man must be ‘born from above,’ as Yahshua told Nicodemus (literal of John 3:3 & 7). Being ‘born from above’ is putting off this earthly-born body and receiving an incorruptible body from above, from heaven. No man up to now (other than Yahshua) has received this heavenly-born body.

No, Carl, this man is not to be followed, and those who eat of his dainties are not wise.

“Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat” (Proverbs 23:3 KJV).

Regarding apparent contradictions in the Scriptures, we answer some here: ... stions.htm" onclick=";return false;

We also address the errors and erring ways of Preston Eby and Stephen F. Jones, two false teachers you’ve mentioned:

Eby: ... -grace.htm" onclick=";return false;

Jones: ... -jones.htm" onclick=";return false;

Finally, you say:

But you can't just reject some teachings outright because there's others you don't agree with.

We don’t. We only reject what is false.

“And they will not follow a stranger but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers” (John 10:5 MKJV).

Carl, time for you to repent of your knowledge and failing ability to understand. With sin cleared away by and before the Lord, you won’t be considering foolish doctrine and asking silly questions. Repent.