Correspondence regarding various false teachers.
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Sylvester Eze
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:35 am


Post by Sylvester Eze »

Victor asked me, "Can you be more specific as to the difference between what we teach and what Eby teaches"?.

Hi Victor,

The difference in a nutshell, is that he doesn't teach and emphasize repentance, the cross,and obedience.

This difference can be seen in two builders :

One trying to build the superstructure without the foundation, or on a faulty one.
The wiser other, has his foundation well and strongly laid, then proceeding to build.

Or,in two travellers, one knows where they are going, but doesn't clearly know the way.
The other has a perfect understanding of both where they are going and the way that leads there. He can take other travellers to the place.

Or,in two persons who have a mutual friend on a social network.
One has a photo or even a video image of their friend, but doesn't know him in person;while the other knows their friend in person and lives with him.

Or,in two persons standing before a building, with an intention to enter in. One doesn't have the key, but the other has it.

In all of Eby's teachings on his site,(about the kingdom,sonship,reconciliation/restitution of all things etc.),there is none specifically on repentance, the cross, and obedience;he mentioned them only in passing.(don't know if he has them now).
Yet that was the message of our Lord and his apostles: REPENTANCE, THE KINGDOM,and THE CROSS;repentance and the cross being the only way into the kingdom.
How can we be built upon their foundation (Eph.2:20-22),if not by being one with them in spirit, in doctrine, in manner of life, in purpose, etc..(2Tim.3:10-14).

When I red repentance, the cross, obedience, and the The three degrees, and understood them,my heart immediately said,"this is it". I knew I lacked and needed something, but didn't really know what it was,or they were until them.
Not that we don't talk about these things in the church I was in,but they became very clear to me at (T.P.O.T.).

There's something I sense or feel in my spirit as I read your writings: The Lord has done a great work in you and in Paul. I see his life in you. I see his faith, love,truth, wisdom, power, zeal, fear,faithfulness. In short, I see him in you and with you.
This is what is drawing and attracting my heart to your writings, and to you. This is what made me to write to you, confessing my sins to you.
My desire is for the same work to be done in me, to his glory and pleasure,and for the blessing of others.
Without this, what hope do we have for the physical bodily resurrection which The Lord has promised.

It's like I'm going beyond what you asked me, but let me also add the following:
Eby doesn't teach the saturday Sabbath, or the law regarding clean and unclean meats(I'm not yet fully obeying the latter, though).

Neither does he teach on his site the need for those who call the Lord's name to care and preserve our environment(ecosystem..).
Nothing about Israel on his site, either for, or against.

Nothing against women being in spiritual authority over men. (They ministered together with Elaine cook)
And I got to know about him through her writings I red then.

The difference? SUBSTANCE. REALITY. Which comes through teaching and walking in repentance and the cross according to their scriptural definitions.

This is my judgment. And I'm open to your corrections.


Beryl Knipe


Post by Beryl Knipe »

Hi Sylvester

Thank you very much for sharing this. It's quite exciting, hopeful and faithful to read such a testimony.


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