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Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 1:59 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
What do you think of this approach toward Muslims?" onclick=";return false;

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 2:16 pm
by Sarah Stuckey
Hi Victor ,

I watched this video and the man in the white shirt and sunglasses is out of control. He is so full of hatred. The screaming and yelling is not good and made me cringe. The Lord Jesus would not behave in such a manner. This approach goes nowhere.
Those are my thoughts about this.


Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 3:31 pm
by Lynda Christopher Webb
Totally agree with Sarah Stuckey's post. Thank you.
lynda sue

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:09 pm
by Rolande
Where is the Love And the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ in this situation !! Aren't we suppose to love one an another... Anger , hatred aren't from the Lord that I know.

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:11 am
by Dennison Rivera
Anger and full of hate.

If there was a way I could describe my past resentment, it would be in this way.

They are only provoking to attempt to prove their own status as "True Christians".

They hate the Muslims and condemn them, when they are no different.
Muslims do deceptive practices and also try to cover themselves so they may appear innocent. However it doesn't mean they have no souls and that Christ won't place them under His feet as He will with all things and redeemed them as well.

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:32 am
by Edwin Romero
The spirit of religion is definitely a heinous one, and so contradictory! I'm actually surprised those Muslims didn't get more violent at the young "Christian" yelling at them.

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:46 pm
by Eric Courtemanche
Hi Victor,

A little bit of anger to show their disapproval. Of course they don't understand that hell is where they reside, not where they go when they die. We hear again that terrible doctrine of eternal torment. They threaten the Muslims with burning in hell and the lake of fire forever, which is their own self-righteousness showing. Yes, they think they're so good they're not going to hell and are quite sure that all Muslims will be eternally tormented for their hateful ways. They too need to hear the Good News that all will be saved in His timing.

Eric C.

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:12 pm
by Paul Cohen
I replied to the person who originally sent us this video:

Looking at the video of Ruben Israel and his fellow street preacher, the following verses of Scripture express what I see and feel:

Romans 10:1-3 MKJV
(1) Brothers, truly my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is for it to be saved.
(2) For I bear record to them that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
(3) For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.

As misguided as these people are in their doctrine and methods, they’re right that the Koran is a pack of lies from hell. Those who profess Christ and honor Muhammad as God’s prophet by accepting Islam as the “religion of peace” do the worst harm of all. See our section on Islam.

The Lord never threatened anyone to burn in hell forever. There is no such thing (The State and Fate of Hell). If unalterable evil was the end of His creation, He never would have called it “good.” God is good. His character and nature leave no choice but the restoration and perfection of all things in harmony with Him and His will. That is the mission of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior of all men. How glorious and great He is! (The Restitution of All Things)

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:43 pm
by William Woeger
The video gave me chills. A mixture of excitement and fright. Wow.

I thought it took a lot of...guts? kick and rip the Koran, slap it on their foot, screaming at these Muslims. It looked like the Muslims really wanted to kill these guys.

They certainly provoked these Muslims. Is this any different than drawing a cartoon of Muhammad?

Apart of me wonders if it is smart to anger these Muslims. or not.. faith is certainly the issue when battling with darkness..If it were me, confronting Muslims, I hope I go with God by His direction and His fuel.

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:43 am
by Ronnie Tanner
Eric Courtemanche wrote:They too need to hear the Good News that all will be saved in His timing.
I agree, Eric. I visited the website" onclick=";return false; and sent Ruben an email inviting him to read here at this forum post. Lord willing he will and can hear these good things shared.

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:17 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Excellent, Ronnie!

People, always think, "SHARE" with those like Ruben. They, as the Muslims, also need to hear the truth. The whole world needs to hear it! Let's not keep it to ourselves. By the way, Ronnie, are you coming? Not pressing, just asking...and hoping? :)

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:42 am
by Ronnie Tanner
That's a good point, Victor. "Sharing" seems to communicate something already in common, as if sharing something from the same plate. The Good News as revealed by God has nothing in common with the gospel of men. Perhaps isolated points of doctrine, yes, but not the reality for sure.

I haven't been able to make a decision yet but it's on my daily radar for sure!

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:09 am
by Simon Mwebaze
I was there too, Dennison, with regards to hatred for Muslims. Thankful for being cleansed of it by the Lord.

Amen, Paul!

William, you said: "If it were me, confronting Muslims, I hope I go with God by His direction and His fuel." Amen!

The Lord is over these situations too. Yes, the professing Christians were being provocative but they weren't lying about Muhammad.

Thank God that there's hope for all men in Him and that He is over all.

Love Your Enemies
43 “You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’
44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?
47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?
48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (ESV) Matthew 5:43-48

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:25 pm
by Chan Kah Mum
When I was watching the video, it reminded a lot of myself. I was condemning the Muslims to go to hell and burn in the lake of fire. It was not just them but also the Catholics and other non-believers as well. I thought I was doing a service or favour for God to bring people into the kingdom of God. Now I know I'm wrong in forcing people to believe in Jesus and to believe in a eternal torment( lake of fire) :oops: . Knowing it made me realise that I'm no different than them, all must come into repentance and receive the Holy Spirit from the Spirit of God to believe in the resurrection of life ( Jesus Christ) . Only God can draw them not us. The situation in America is also no different from Malaysia, where majority of them are Muslims ( Malays) . They also try to promote their religion but forcing others to convert and memorise the Quran and fit into their norm. A lot of my malay friends suffered because they can't change their religion as well as to get out of it . Though most of them are raised in a muslim Malay family. Though I don't know a lot about the details of Islam since they forbid non-Muslims to say the word "Allah " while singing our national song or touch the Quran . We don't know much about it. When I found this website and read the message about "Islam", I was shocked because they are worshiping a man named Muhammad who was liar , cheater , pedophile and so many more . I can't believe after all these years , i come to know the truth behind it . I don't know what to say but am thankful and grateful that the Lord brought me to this website . Thank you for sharing this video with me . :)

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:30 pm
by Eric Courtemanche
Hi Chan Kah Mum,

Welcome to TPOT, the Lord's website. A good start would be ... -saved.htm and feel free to ask questions that come up to you in your readings on the site.


Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:51 am
by Scott Sandell
I saw a lot of anger in the man yelling at the students. I agree with Paul that our Lord never threatened people in that manner (as I did Jason with the law) and the man was telling the student false doctrine. If I was a student on that campus and this encounter happened with these protesters I would not listen to what they said and would be afraid of getting physically hurt by such an aggressive person.


Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:38 am
by Chan Kah Mum
Hi Eric, thank you for welcoming me and sharing the message with the link below. :) I appreciate it.Actually I have introduce myself in the topic of discussions until they move & made an introductions column box so that anyone can share their experience and testimonies of what the Lord has done but I don't mind to do it again . :) My name is Chan Kah Mum ( called me Carmen) ,19 years old and come from Malaysia from the state of Selangor ( situated in Southeast Asia near Thailand and Indonesia ).I have been reading the teachings since late March this year while I was randomly typing in the Google search box for " Joseph Prince- False prophets". It lead me to this site. I don't know how it lead me there( only to know that the Lord had brought me here). When I open the website, I start to read what is this site about . Then I realise that this website is talking about Jesus Christ not religion . It talks about reality not fantasies. Not those kinds that begging you to "accept Jesus into your heart" or "baptise in church by a pastor and immediately become a child of God"(as if it is conducted as a religious ceremony) thing or when receiving the Holy Spirit you will clap, shout , jump, laugh and experience joy immediately" .All these teachings that have no use real life but it lead me on a search for something real and more importantly , the truth. I was raised as a Christian since i was a child . In fact, my great grandfather was a Christian. ( back then his family were Buddhists in Malaysia ). He was an organ player in church and was an alcoholic and gambler . I went to a Methodist church since I was 7 years old . I remember that my mum and I studied with the people from Jehovah witnesses. Some of my mum's friends even warned her about associated with people like them . Then, at age 14 , my brothers teacher invited my mother , my brother and I to a place called " Isaiah 44 cafe", where they all speak in tongues and do all their unusual movements . (We were all just standing there like idiots because we don't know what is really going on.) . There is a prophet named James where he prophesied about my family being miserable and needed the Lord in our life. ( not sure if my memory serves me right, but i remembered the word "miserable" ).My mum and I were confused about what he was talking about. He also prophesied about me that I'm appointed to do the Lord's work . I wasn't sure what to say and ask about what the Lord wants for me. He told me that I should ask God myself. He also baptised my family with the Holy Spirit which I was fully convinced that I had it until a friend of mine , Christopher Gomes, told me that a real baptism must be baptise with water.( water baptism) and said this is not a real baptism . I was disappointed but knew that he was right to say that this is not a real baptism of the Holy Spirit and thought must do it in water. Along of my teenage years, I've been going to many churches such as a Youth Charismatic church ( REVO church) (a friend invited me ) , Baptist church, Anglican church and more other churches yet none of these churches have the truth ( though I was also searching for companionship at that time) . I grew tired and frustrated and went on to do my own stuff which are addictions such as watching cute anime shows with pornograhic content ( hentai as they called in Japanese) , overeat and eat till i died to vent off my loneliness and depression . I have issues of laziness, gluttony , lust for sex ( physically and mentally through computer porn even in animation), envy & jealousy ( which I'm easily influenced by those who are perfect than me such as my brother (who is smarter and has a sharp mind than me .)and relatives ( who have happier families than mine )(strangers as well), rage, offendedness and so many more . I know I was beyond any help and in need of changing my attitude and mind. I tried to sought for help from other people even pastors and Christian counsellors but all they know is by reading the scriptures and pray for me which it helps a little but it doesn't . I'm grateful that the Lord had brought me to this site to learn about the truth. I would also want to share the message with my family and friends in Chinese because they don't understand English well (if Lord willing). Though my Chinese is still rusty and needed more time to practice . :)

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:21 am
by Paul Cohen
Thank you, Carmen; God bless you! He has and will. My heart rejoices at His truth bringing life and hope to the outcasts.

Regarding receiving the baptism in the Spirit, are you aware that Cornelius and his companions received the Spirit without water baptism? I'm sure you've red our paper on The Baptism in the Holy Spirit. We also have papers on water baptism.

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:56 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Yes, as Paul points out more specifically, those of you who are new here need to know that most subjects you cover or questions you ask are already covered and answered at Do your searches, spend time reading, pray for guidance, soak up the Truth, "seek and you shall find," get well acquainted with the site, and if you haven't been able to find what you're looking for, then ask us and Lord willing, we'll answer. The Lord is Faithful; He won't let down the serious seeker.

Just don't expect us to answer matters of mere curiosity and don't be simply trying to gather knowledge for knowledge' sake. We're not here for that. It's all about repentance and true faith toward God, of putting away all sin, getting right with God and seeking Him for His will. It's all about Him and not about knowledge or information.

Carmen, you've had a lot of experiences and have been much defiled by the works of men, the paths of the destroyer, the prince of this world. But the Lord has brought you here to cleanse you by His Word. We are growing wise to Satan's devices and we are wresting souls from his tyranny and bringing them into the Kingdom of Heaven. In turn, the redeemed will eventually begin to bring others out of darkness, bondage and hopelessness.

Let the Truth prevail. The Lord God and His Kingdom reign omnipotent. We are here to take the land from the enemy, not for ourselves, but for the Lord, Who gives it to us of our sake and for His glory. Be blessed!

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:44 am
by Darrell Kane
I must say those actions of the men in the video are not led by the Lord. They were successful in bringing out the true colors of the Muslim believers. I think that was the whole sovereign plan of the Lord. Many of them appear to peaceful Muslims believing different from those in the middle east to be accepted in America.

Re: Muslims Threaten To KILL Christians On ASU Campus

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:41 pm
by Chan Kah Mum
Thank you Paul and Victor ! I'm not sure if it is in my place to say this but I just want to say thank you to the Lord that He gave me grace and courage to be honest about myself even if I don't want to . I used to keep it to myself never wanting to talk about my problems or confess or admit to anyone that I have problems . (even writing the introductions as well which I'm still surprised that I was able to do it ). I was a quiet and weird person in general ( weird as in not talking or socialising with anyone ). Praise God for what He had done ! :D Yes Paul I have red the writings about " Baptism in the Spirit " and "water baptism" (many times). Before I came to this site, I was confused about baptism since there are so many types of baptisms in many churches today. Some believed in water baptism where you need to be baptised in water ( a friend who was a Catholic but leaves the Catholic Church and believes in water baptism ).Some believed you must go to a "baptism class " to learn about baptism before you get baptised in church by a pastor or other men in charge ( ministers of church) ( GMSJ ( Gereja Methodist Subang Jaya )church I went to in Malaysia). Some believed that they have the authority to shout "In the name of Jesus Christ" and lay hands on people to baptise them in Spirit ( most of them are the youth and the youth pastors) . I was 14 at that time when I was going or invited to any Christian activities including youth fellowship or Christian rallies. When I was reading the baptism in Spirit for the first time , I believed it ! The Spirit of God is a consuming fire and it is to purge and deal with sinful nature. It is not a joyful ride but a path of suffering and sorrow ( deal with our stubborn sinful nature. It was a relief , no more than that it was so clear that the baptism of the Spirit is the baptism of fire. Thank you so much Lord for giving me the wisdom and understanding !! :D You are one and always will be ! :D Thank you for sending me to this two man of God , Victor and Paul to hear the teachings coming from you Lord !! I have so much to learn . :)