AW Tozer - False Teacher?

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Tony Tan
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:30 pm

AW Tozer - False Teacher?

Post by Tony Tan »

I am new in this forum. May I ask what is your views about Tozer? He was one of my favourite writers. However, he quoted many Catholic mystics in his books like his book, "The Knowledge of the Holy."
Thanks for this space.

Ronnie Tanner
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Re: AW Tozer - False Teacher?

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

Hi Tony,

Read The True Marks of a Cult and Diabolical Doctrines and compare what you see there with what Tozer preached. Also, watch the video and read the introduction at the False Teachers page.

You need to know from the Lord for yourself, and then you'll know if our views are the same as the Lord's, which is all that matters.


Tony Tan
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:30 pm

Re: AW Tozer - False Teacher?

Post by Tony Tan »

Thanks Ronnie for your reply. I am currently residing in Hong Kong. Therefore, there is a time difference. I believe Tozer is a false teacher as he taught the "broad way to salvation." My follow up question may seem silly. I realise i have been reading books written by false teachers: Andrew Murray, Smith Wigglesworth, Warren Wiersbe, Walter Martin, Ravi Zacharias, CS Lewis, and many others. How do I get rid of these books? Burnt them (not practical in HK). Just throw them away in the rubbish bins but other people may pick them up and read?
Last night i was reading Victor's :Origin of Satan. I have to unlearn so many things. I pray that the Lord will draw me near to Him and walk by His Spirit.

Ronnie Tanner
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Re: AW Tozer - False Teacher?

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

Hi Tony,

I don't take your question as silly, and a garbage can sounds fine if you can't burn those books. Perhaps you could leave a note in each one with a link to TPOT, or something you may have to say to anyone who stumbles across them.

The important thing now is that those books come out of you, and that will happen as you continue reading at the site, believing, and acting on the Word of Truth.


Tony Tan
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:30 pm

Re: AW Tozer - False Teacher?

Post by Tony Tan »

Thank you Ronnie. I will throw away all the books except the bibles and concordance. I have read few of Arnold Fruchtenbaum's books and believe that he is another false teacher. I have been reading some of the articles posted in your website and will continue to do so as there are so many that I need to unlearn. I believe the Lord have drawn me to your website when I was searching about the pagan origin of Christmas which I was "researching" and "trying" to explain to an ex-church member. I don't go to that church for few years and have not been attending any organised church for sometime.
I used to read Matt Slick's CARM website. Then stopped a year ago as I can sense that there is something wrong with his teachings. Then I stumble upon the website of Darwin Fish's article about the True Fear of God. And finally, to The Path of Truth website.

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