I will pray for you

Correspondence regarding various false teachers.
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I will pray for you

Post by Tony »

The enemy came to steal kill and destroy. He did not come to give the love of Christ to others. It is impossible for a man to deny himself without the Holy Spirit. Biblically denying himself. You have some false interpretation of God's glory. So did the Pharisees when it was right in front of them. I love you deeply and I will pray for you. I pray the Lord would convict you. That He would show you His love in a way that would transform you so much that you would go out and be a display of His glory. That you would bear the image of Christ so much that people would draw closer to the Lord, and seek a more closer and intimate relationship with Him. I pray for you and your family as well as those who have came into your path. That the Lord alone would place in their hearts His truth.

With Love

Paul Cohen

Re: I will pray for you

Post by Paul Cohen »

On Nov 12, 2016 5:45 PM, "The Path of Truth" The Path of Truth wrote:

'False Love - Satans Last Stronghold

In the true love of Christ, Whom you cannot see and do not confess.



Re: I will pray for you

Post by Tony »

I confess Him everyday. He is my Lord and Savior. He has washed me of all my sins and He has reconciled me back to the Father through His blood. I have been blessed with free gift of the Holy Spirit which moves in me all day long. I bear the image of Christ and display Him each and every day. I am a disciple of Christ because of His grace,His Love for His glory. I am alive to serve. I am also blessed to correct heresy.

With Love,

All you did was display your interpretation of who Todd White and Dan Mohler is. I am paraphrasing but you said it "seems" like He is displaying the love of Christ but He is not.
That is like saying I see the glory of God but it isn't.

That is not biblical nor did you point out where either one of them was unbiblical.
You made interpretations. Then added a scripture that didn't say anything about what either one of them did.

My heart hurts for you because the enemy wants us to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. The Israelites actually called Christ's work of Satan. Jesus replied Satan cannot drive out Satan. A Kingdom divided against itself will fall. So please pray. Seek humbleness. Ask Jesus to Lead you and guide you through the Holy Spirit. Ask for forgiveness. Say Lord I may be wrong if I am please humble your child that I may display your glory in righteousness not unrighteousness.

Interpretation is not good. What does the Bible say and where are they not being biblical. Because if they are being biblical. But yet someone says they don't really know Jesus,well that is self condemnation. Only the enemy would deny the fruits of God's Spirit in a person.

What happens is if we judge others based on our interpretation. The bible is no longer the authority and foundation of truth. We are. We have become our own gods and replaced truth with a lie. Romans 1.

Love you and keep in touch I would love to talk further.

P.s. A word of advice. Do not make assumptions that someone is not saved. Because you could be wrong and you open yourself up to a hardened heart.

P.s.s. In your eyes what is it that saves someone and makes them born again?

What do you believe is biblical salvation?

Paul Cohen

Re: I will pray for you

Post by Paul Cohen »

According to our experience and understanding the Lord has given us these past decades, if we have truly erred, it isn't so much in believing that someone wasn't saved as in believing they WERE saved.

You display yourself, Tony, and your own righteousness. Yes, Todd and Dan “seem” to be displaying the love of God, because it isn't the love of God. It only seems that way to those given over to strong delusion, like you. You can read what I give you or not. Your choice. I have nothing more to say to you.

How One Is Saved


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