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Billy Joe Daugherty

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:17 pm
by bert
I just read your article on Mr. Daugherty.

Might I ask what religion / denomination, sect, etc you belong to?

I am curious because in all of my days, I can't remember anyone ever writing such

a mean report on a person's death. I'm trying to recall a time when Jesus

rejoiced over a person's death be it sinner or saint. Jerusalem didn't accept Jesus

and He wept over it. I see no such compassion in your report.

And, I am struck by how self righteous you must be to write that article.

Are we not all earthen vessels? Are we not all flawed? For Example: 1 John 1:8:

"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."

How much clearer can it be. We are all flawed. We all are saved by grace.

According to that scripture, you have sin and yet you are so judgmental of Mr. Daugherty.

But, since you love to rejoice over death by cancer: Here's something for you to

rejoice about: a blind woman, mother of 5 just died of cancer in Dallas. Her name

was Gail McWilliams. She was 60. Have a party rejoicing over her death. You

seem to love death so much. Enjoy!

Re: Billy Joe Daugherty

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 8:06 am
by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
If you, Mr. Blackman, judge that we express any kind of joy or satisfaction about anyone dying of cancer, you are a wicked idiot. There's no other explanation.

You have no right whatsoever to speak to us the way you do. As much as you don't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, don't think God isn't aware of your foolish attitude and conduct.

But if you can bring yourself to face truth and recognize that we, according to the Scriptures and admonition of the Lord, have no part in the works of darkness but reprove them, if you can re-read our material and discern how we are exposing hypocrisy and falsehood, and if you can admit we are making a difference between talking and doing, then perhaps there might yet be hope for you.

Being human gives nobody the right to do or speak wrong, particularly as one professing faith in Christ, and more particularly when presuming to present oneself as His minister.

Your dreams of being absolved of sin by a simple profession of faith in Christ by a counterfeit, sloppy agape, easy grace gospel are at an end. Your time of judgment has come because you have here stumbled on the Stone. Consider your sweet marshmallow christ Daugherty preached, which you've thought to be the Rock, now squished.

Victor Hafichuk and Paul Cohen

Re: Billy Joe Daugherty

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:12 pm
by bert
I pointed out that you enjoy this. You love saying what you said about Mr Daughtery.
So I pointed out that a 60 year old blind woman also died of cancer last
Week so you could rejoice that she died just like the other guy.
I was just trying to make your day since you love death by cancer so much.

Why don't you go down to the cancer ward at your local hospital and
Laugh at them. Enjoy cancer death all you want. You love it so.

Hey, what kind of a sick mind puts a photo on a signature line?
Do you think we need to see you?

Re: Billy Joe Daugherty

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:19 pm
by bert
Did Jesus make your so mean? People die and you are glad.
How is that possible?

You and your partner are the only ones with the truth.
Wow, what a weight that must be.

Enjoy your psychosis.