austin sparks
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:18 am
The Lord, by His wonderful grace called me into His Kingdom when I was about 33. Entering the Christian scene was baffling. Baptised by the Pentecostal movement the Lord led me through many experiences and churches . Some of them were lifeless. Some were legalistic. Some loved christian rock music and some forbade all music in church. The list is endless.
When we were disillusioned the Lord sent someone to our little farm who had been under the ministry of Austin Sparks. How our hearts were warmed. What we had already discovered in the word itself about division , competition and other issues, was wonderfully affirmed by this dear brother who has passed into eternity years ago. I am now 85. I live in a small city of 7000 people and there are about 12 churches in town apart from sects and splinter groups. The sheep are either falling away or floating from one denomination to the other. Can you tell me which of the 12 plus pastors are ordained by the Lord??
If it was not for the ministry of Austin sparks, I would be another Christian just warming the pews. Where there is no vision, the people perish. Christ in us is the hope of glory. No ministry made that clearer to me than Austin Sparks.
Maybe you can tell me where young converts in this town should go to. We have a smorgas board of churches today and the House of the Lord lies waste indeed. Biting and devouring one another can be a dangerous game. And I don't think Paul was wrong in saying “God revealed His Son in me”. That is why the Holy Spirit was given, To glorify Christ, to lead us into all truth { who else is the TRUTH but Jesus} and to comfort us. Saddened indeed, Diwi Bekins
When we were disillusioned the Lord sent someone to our little farm who had been under the ministry of Austin Sparks. How our hearts were warmed. What we had already discovered in the word itself about division , competition and other issues, was wonderfully affirmed by this dear brother who has passed into eternity years ago. I am now 85. I live in a small city of 7000 people and there are about 12 churches in town apart from sects and splinter groups. The sheep are either falling away or floating from one denomination to the other. Can you tell me which of the 12 plus pastors are ordained by the Lord??
If it was not for the ministry of Austin sparks, I would be another Christian just warming the pews. Where there is no vision, the people perish. Christ in us is the hope of glory. No ministry made that clearer to me than Austin Sparks.
Maybe you can tell me where young converts in this town should go to. We have a smorgas board of churches today and the House of the Lord lies waste indeed. Biting and devouring one another can be a dangerous game. And I don't think Paul was wrong in saying “God revealed His Son in me”. That is why the Holy Spirit was given, To glorify Christ, to lead us into all truth { who else is the TRUTH but Jesus} and to comfort us. Saddened indeed, Diwi Bekins