I was blown away at your claim that Craig Groshel is of Satan.

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I was blown away at your claim that Craig Groshel is of Satan.

Post by Amy »

I'm not sure what book you claim to believe in, but much of the article I read on your website is in contradictory to what the New Testament says.

I was blown away at your claim that Craig Groshel is of Satan and as I began reading, expected at least some support to the contrary. Obviously you are basing your claim on limited knowledge, legalistic belief and clear misunderstanding for God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I pray that your ignorance does not misleading those truly seeking the real Christ.

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

Re: I was blown away at your claim that Craig Groshel is of Satan.

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

All opinion, Amy, with no factual truth. Do you want to try again, or are you willing to admit you have nothing? Following your three-personed abominable monstrosity of a god (The Gospel According to Trinitarians), you're nothing but confounded.

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

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