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Clare duBois. False Teacher

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 5:28 pm
by Marietta
To whom this concerns,

The real red flag that finally brought me to my senses was this statement today. In the conversation with Clare, this Jesus says, "I am no man". That directly goes against the test for a false spirit. The test question is "Did Jesus come in the flesh?"

Have had a strange feeling when she talked about "dancing with Jesus". But, that statement today, did it for me!

False teachers will abound is true,

Marietta Alexander

Re: Clare duBois. False Teacher

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:03 am
by Paul Cohen
Hi Marietta,

There's no doubt that what Clare duBois does and represents is altogether demonic. She doesn't confess Jesus Christ coming in the flesh because that would upset her stance of claiming the throne of God as her own. She will not receive Christ in His brethren, but demands to be listened to as the oracle of God. She is a witch.

As for Jesus Christ being a man, it's true, but He is much more than that. He is God Almighty.

Paul Cohen