Founded accusations of Shamback and A. A. Allen?

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Founded accusations of Shamback and A. A. Allen?

Post by Emmanuel »


How founded are your accusations of Shamback and Allen.

I thought Shamback preached sound gospel. I never knew him in person though.

Can you please elucidate.


Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

Re: Founded accusations of Shamback and A. A. Allen?

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

An accusation is “an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence” (WordWeb Dictionary). We've done much more than assert guilt on behalf of Allen and Schambach, Emmanuel - we've proven it according to the Word of God (Who's Your Mentor?).

Why don't you see this? Because you need to repent and have your eyes opened.

Paul and Victor


Re: Founded accusations of Shamback and A. A. Allen?

Post by Emmanuel »

Dear Mr Cohen,

Thank you for your email and all those references. I am however not yet clear with your allegations against Shambach and Allen. I am interested in knowing the full truth about both men. I believe that facts and truth need to have their rightful place to convince an inquirer.

Thank you for giving good attention to my email.


Emmanuel Akih

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