Martin Zender and Dan Sheridan. Lying murderers.

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Martin Zender and Dan Sheridan. Lying murderers.

Post by A.C. »


I found your website when searching for a topic and saw your section on false teachers.
There's something shocking that happened and that I just learned the outcome of it two days ago. It's about a former pastor who was sentenced last year for killing his 'second wife'. I will share the links here with the whole story and, the most important one is the TV show that features the investigation so you can have a better idea of the details. Just by watching the show, it is clear that this guy was cleared involved in her death. The woman had recently given birth to his child.

I learned about this guy because of a group that I participated some years ago attending a conference with Martin Zender, Dan Sheridan, and Clyde Pilkington. This 'pastor' was there. What I realized now is that he had joined this group after murdering this woman and was preaching there. I learned that he had told these guys this 'second wife' was bipolar and had disappeared. How convenient.

The whole story is horrible. And in all this, I came across a video where mr Zender is apparently defending this man and he posted it around the time, 7 months ago, the former pastor had been sentenced to 15 years in prison -- he had been arrested one year before, if I'm not mistaken after the show was aired. I didn't watch his video because I can't bear to hear any nonsense. These men support polygamy for today and one of them has two wives too. I couldn't find the videos where this pastor is preaching at their conference.

I was so shocked to realize this pastor lied to everybody and was even preached about love, that I went to check mr Sheridan's facebook and he also commented that 'his friend' was in good spirits in prison, and that he had repented. Well, I think that if he had confessed his crime and hadn't made a plea bargain to reduce his charge, would he? This I don't understand. I think people should repent and should be forgiven, I just don't see this happening in his attitude.

So, these are more evil fruits coming up from people leading people astray and using women and distorting scriptures to meet the lust of their evil schemes. I hope more people wake up and stop supporting them.

Blog with updates:

Tv show Cold Justice:

Comments on Sheridan Voice facebook:

"I spoke to James Flanders and Tanya by phone.He is in good spirits all things considered. He is using his time as a testimony to reach others for the gospel of grace.He wanted me to pass on to everyone that he appreciates your prayers and support. If you would like to help donate necessary items to his family, please let me know.Our brother is wrongfully incarcerated. Pray that a just end will come swiftly.I was overwhelmed that my brother was in such good spirits. The situation stinks, but he's using it to honor God. May we imitate our brother James.There's an opportunity attached to every trial!"

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Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

Re: Martin Zender and Dan Sheridan. Lying murderers.

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

Thanks for updating us, A.C. Martin Zender and Dan Sheridan support lying murderers because they are lying murderers, too. And know this: They attract other lying murderers to follow them because God gathers them all for judgment.

Matthew 13:41-43 MKJV
(41) The Son of Man shall send out His angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, and those who do iniquity,
(42) and shall cast them into a furnace of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
(43) Then the righteous shall shine out like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

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