Why do you spend time judging others if they are false teachers?
Why do you spend time judging others if they are false teachers?
I have questions for you, why do you spend time judgeing others if they are false teachers? Why do you ridicule people that are just getting Jesus's name out there. For a lot of people they never even hear His name until someone (so-called "false teachers) speaks it. If in comparison, wouldn't you be like the Jews that had our Savior crusified? Or like the Jews who stoned Stephen? Why don't you spend more time getting out of your chairs, away from the computer, and spread The Word? Did God tell you to draw all these (so called "false teachers) people out so you can murder their reputation? Who says you know exactly what God means in what He wrote in the Holy Bible? I pray that you guys can change your ways and actually help Jesus instead of putting down His followers. You guys have the knowledge, but maybe you need to have your soul checked?
Re: Why do you spend time judging others if they are false teachers?
God has sent us to address the falsehood that has been propagated in His Name, consuming the earth and its inhabitants. That you can't see the importance and value of this only shows how blind and ignorant you are. If you were to have your eyes opened to what's in the Bible, you'd see by countless examples in the prophets, Gospels, and epistles how God sends His servants to expose and rebuke the works of darkness.
But you believe liars and counterfeit Christians because you are one. You exhibit the peculiar and deadly malady of carnal man's self-righteousness, scoffing at what the Bible says while professing to believe it. You are a liar, tragically believing your own lies.
The Word of God not only exposes and judges liars, but it also delivers the repentant from the deception of liars.
For example, read how this woman was helped by hearing the Word of God and judgment the Lord has given us, which you think worthless and despise:
Hello, I've been trying to find a true interpretation of the scriptures and clarity surrounding the Bible and Christianity for two years now. I am not sure what happened to me two years ago, although I have described it as my "conversion experience", or the day I was "saved" etc, but after reading your site I do not believe I am saved and the way you have described the natural man you have actually described my experience and condition down to a tee!!!
I couldn't believe it when I saw Calvin, Spurgeon and Paul Washer on your false teachers list but I can see exactly why they are on there now! I have definitely been granted some seeds of repentance on some things, but while I was feeling like I was a new creature, have now realised that I've been nothing but a noisy gong filled with the wisdom of man and false doctrines. I've been frustrated for a long time that as a self-professed daughter of God I am still worldly, full of hate and have no power to help anybody, living in fear, doubt, unbelief, procrastination of dealing with sinful things like debt, smoking, lying and feeling utterly blind and powerless.
Although I feel a lot better than I did before I believed in God so surely this is all just to do with satan trying to bog me down, right??? I have been fooling myself and others! After reading your page about how to get saved I do definitely believe God is calling me, and it has actually brought me great comfort to realise I am NOT saved because if I were, I am leading a truly unsatisfactory life that cannot be acceptable to God - and I do not have a clue Who Jesus is, what He did on the Cross and what He wants from me.
Although I am great at talking the talk in my Baptist church. I humbly ask for your help! You are the first people I feel I can truly truly trust! [END][/quote]
If Calvin was a man of God, he wouldn't have been murdering believers and upstanding citizens (The Fruit of Cain Multiplied: The Murderer John Calvin) Didn't he, therefore, murder his own reputation? And if Spurgeon and Washer were men of God, they wouldn't be holding up a murderer as a man of God.
Have we murdered Billy Graham's reputation, or is Billy Graham a phony as the Lord revealed (How the Lord Exposed Billy Graham) to Victor?
The Lord has provided us with the facts - where are yours, Sean-Paul? You have nothing, only your opinion that is wrong, dead wrong. Thank God for His mercy to those such as Rachel, who see their lack in the light of His Truth. May she walk in the Light for her salvation. We thank God as well for His judgment of scoffers who attack the light but cannot overtake it.
“And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake it” (John 1:5 MKJV).
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, Who comes in His saints!
“Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men, saying, "Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly among them [those who profess faith in Him] about all their ungodly deeds which they have committed impiously, and about all the harsh words which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” (Jude 1:14-15 EMTV).
Paul Cohen
God has sent us to address the falsehood that has been propagated in His Name, consuming the earth and its inhabitants. That you can't see the importance and value of this only shows how blind and ignorant you are. If you were to have your eyes opened to what's in the Bible, you'd see by countless examples in the prophets, Gospels, and epistles how God sends His servants to expose and rebuke the works of darkness.
But you believe liars and counterfeit Christians because you are one. You exhibit the peculiar and deadly malady of carnal man's self-righteousness, scoffing at what the Bible says while professing to believe it. You are a liar, tragically believing your own lies.
The Word of God not only exposes and judges liars, but it also delivers the repentant from the deception of liars.
For example, read how this woman was helped by hearing the Word of God and judgment the Lord has given us, which you think worthless and despise:
Hello, I've been trying to find a true interpretation of the scriptures and clarity surrounding the Bible and Christianity for two years now. I am not sure what happened to me two years ago, although I have described it as my "conversion experience", or the day I was "saved" etc, but after reading your site I do not believe I am saved and the way you have described the natural man you have actually described my experience and condition down to a tee!!!
I couldn't believe it when I saw Calvin, Spurgeon and Paul Washer on your false teachers list but I can see exactly why they are on there now! I have definitely been granted some seeds of repentance on some things, but while I was feeling like I was a new creature, have now realised that I've been nothing but a noisy gong filled with the wisdom of man and false doctrines. I've been frustrated for a long time that as a self-professed daughter of God I am still worldly, full of hate and have no power to help anybody, living in fear, doubt, unbelief, procrastination of dealing with sinful things like debt, smoking, lying and feeling utterly blind and powerless.
Although I feel a lot better than I did before I believed in God so surely this is all just to do with satan trying to bog me down, right??? I have been fooling myself and others! After reading your page about how to get saved I do definitely believe God is calling me, and it has actually brought me great comfort to realise I am NOT saved because if I were, I am leading a truly unsatisfactory life that cannot be acceptable to God - and I do not have a clue Who Jesus is, what He did on the Cross and what He wants from me.
Although I am great at talking the talk in my Baptist church. I humbly ask for your help! You are the first people I feel I can truly truly trust! [END][/quote]
If Calvin was a man of God, he wouldn't have been murdering believers and upstanding citizens (The Fruit of Cain Multiplied: The Murderer John Calvin) Didn't he, therefore, murder his own reputation? And if Spurgeon and Washer were men of God, they wouldn't be holding up a murderer as a man of God.
Have we murdered Billy Graham's reputation, or is Billy Graham a phony as the Lord revealed (How the Lord Exposed Billy Graham) to Victor?
The Lord has provided us with the facts - where are yours, Sean-Paul? You have nothing, only your opinion that is wrong, dead wrong. Thank God for His mercy to those such as Rachel, who see their lack in the light of His Truth. May she walk in the Light for her salvation. We thank God as well for His judgment of scoffers who attack the light but cannot overtake it.
“And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake it” (John 1:5 MKJV).
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, Who comes in His saints!
“Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men, saying, "Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly among them [those who profess faith in Him] about all their ungodly deeds which they have committed impiously, and about all the harsh words which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” (Jude 1:14-15 EMTV).
Paul Cohen