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False Prophetic Hellhounds- False Teacher Rony Chavez

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 10:17 pm
by Dennison Rivera
False Prophetic Hellhounds- False Teacher Rony Chavez


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me: because you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.” (Hosea 4:6)

Men of God don’t charge for miracles or pour oil coast to coast to invoke the “power of God.” But Rony Chavez does, a hellhound raised up by Morris Cerullo’s ministry, deceiving Latin America and the rest of the world with false “prophetic power.” Being one of many prosperity preachers, Chaves (from Costa Rica) peddles the same power he has received from Cerullo, which you will pay for with your soul.

Rony's website (" onclick=";return false;) promotes his affiliated networks and entices other ministries to be under his “Prophetic-Apostolic” covering. It’s all sales and marketing promoting him, his crusades, and live-video ministry.

Here is a video of Chaves giving his testimony at a Morris Cerullo event and talking about how he received “prophetic power” (in Spanish): “APÒSTOL RONY CHAVES EN CONFERENCIA MUNDIAL ANUAL DEL DR. MORRIS CERULLO

Chaves uses showmanship to attract the audience with the prosperity gospel. He is the Spanish version of Benny Hinn.

He tells the audience of a dream he had in 1989 where Cerullo laid hands on him and sent him out to the nations. He saw his own face as Cerullo’s and his mouth became Cerullo’s.

Paul, a true apostle, never sought anyone to morph into him, but to follow him as he followed Christ. “Be followers of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). Chaves isn’t pointing to the Savior - he is pointing to Morris Cerullo and is acting in the same showman spirit. Chaves raises his voice prophesying prosperity and power instead of calling people to repentance. He doesn’t require fruits of repentance because he is unrepentant himself.

Matthew 3:8- “Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:

Aren’t you tired of being raped by these prosperity preachers, Latinos? Our Ancestors, whether Aztec, Incas, Mayan, etc. all worshipped other gods and they were wiped out. Will you finally learn from the sins of our fathers not to worship false gods? Your vain attempts to please God have only grieved Him.

The Lord is angry with our people. Shouldn’t He be? You go around aimlessly fornicating, defiling yourselves, and masquerading as children of God. The Lord is angry because you don’t repent while pretending to be His children.

You have many false teachers like Rony Chaves, who promise miracles and healings for a price. Here is the summary of a News story on Chaves produced by a local news network in Costa Rica:

The reporter likened Chaves to Benny Hinn, who also makes false promises and takes advantage of people. Chaves has his own store where he sells his books and merchandise. (True servants of God don’t sell their spiritual goods.) The anointing oil Chaves sells on his website and in his store caught the reporter’s attention and he decided to send hidden cameras to ask about it. The worker and a lead pastor in the video both suggest that by sprinkling oil around your home or over your body and invoking God’s Word you can heal, cast out demons, and bless your home.

The report goes on to show how Chaves charges churches for personal visits and intercession for individuals. Several pastors have concluded he is a false prophet because none of his specific prophesies come true. The reporter also says Chaves title of “Dr.” is fraudulent. Chaves refused to talk to them about their findings. [End]

Chaves tells people that there is “power in your mouth,” as if people can invoke and twist God’s will to accomplish their desires. Since when did God become a genie? Those who are fooled by such notions are those who are only after what they want. They don’t care about the Lord.

Jesus said: “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)

He didn’t say to seek your dreams.

The first commandment says: “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” (Deuteronomy 6:5)

There go all the motivational speakers who speak about loving yourself first. Why would God tell you to love Him with all your heart, soul, and might rather than to first love yourself? Loving yourself isn’t the focus - it’s the problem.

This wicked generation deserve men like Chaves, because they are lovers of themselves, not of God. As a Latino looking back in history and seeing the things our fathers have done, it’s no wonder my race has been so full of idolatry and fornication - there has been no true repentance. Our ancestors sought after their lusts and worshiped their gods and it only brought God’s wrath. Till this day God‘s wrath continues on their religious descendants.

Rony Chavez is a false prophet sent by God to devour all who love lies and their sins. He is spiritually raping and pillaging Latin America along with his master Morris Cerullo. It’s easy for them to do so when so many are worshipping images rather than the Lord. In Honduras, they built a huge statue depicting Jesus Christ. I’ve seen it myself - it is massive and disturbing. Did you know that Hurricane Mitch came soon after in 1998? Do you think that was an accident or judgment arranged by the Lord? Nothing happens without Him.

Continue to follow men like Rony Chaves and you will only perish. Chaves promises prophetic power, healings, and prosperity, but only the Lord can give you true life! Flocking to men like Chaves will do you no good. You’ll get a religious fix and then go right back into your sins- it’s a cycle of death. There is a freedom from sin and it’s in the Lord Jesus Christ, not Chaves, and not Cerullo or the gods they are pointing to.

Repent and turn from evil men who preach a false gospel.

If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them.” (Jeremiah 18:8)

Dennison Rivera