Your webpage about Henry Blackaby is a stumbling block
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:47 pm
I accidentally came across your webpage regarding the topic in the subject line. I've referenced below for your convenience. I read maybe one quarter of that exceedingly long page regarding your experiences with Mr. Blackarby and others of his team. There is no practical way that I or anyone else who might happen across your webpage to verify any of the claims you've posted there. The experiences you describe are fraught with potential problems for disagreements and partial information from both of you. I would like to respectfully request that you remove the page because of the bad witness for the Christ that we both believe that you serve. There is no uplifting value served by you airing what appears to be dirty laundry. Lost people do that. Baby Christians do that. The only proper Christian means of resolving problems between Christians is to use the specific four step procedure described very clearly stated in Matthew 18 versus 15 to 20. I don't see where any of that was used. All that is required, in order, however. To any lost man who happens across that message he's going to the one way believing that even Christians don't have a good way of dealing with conflict. Two questions to read it they are going to believe something very similar, that we Christians have no adequate means of resolving disagreements. At least you to obviously don't because neither of you are abiding by the Scriptures God gave us on how to resolve disagreements.
Yes, I've been Baptist and so yes I understand the typical Baptist view that the charismatic gifts of the spirit are not real but I've also been with charismatic friends who have shown me there are some very real things there. I am no longer a cesationalist but there are some highly erroneous an incorrect things believed by some charismatics. BOTH parties have some erroneous believes on their sides. None of which gives you call to try to build your ministry on top of the heads of some Baptist who are holding to an old school view. I beg you to shut the page down and stop harming the Body and reducing the potential for some men to come to Christ in the first place. Your webpage is a stumbling block.
I would suggest you actually look into the teaching ministry of a group called pacemakers. Here is their website:
Your article: ... ackaby.htm" onclick=";return false;
Very sincerely,
Yes, I've been Baptist and so yes I understand the typical Baptist view that the charismatic gifts of the spirit are not real but I've also been with charismatic friends who have shown me there are some very real things there. I am no longer a cesationalist but there are some highly erroneous an incorrect things believed by some charismatics. BOTH parties have some erroneous believes on their sides. None of which gives you call to try to build your ministry on top of the heads of some Baptist who are holding to an old school view. I beg you to shut the page down and stop harming the Body and reducing the potential for some men to come to Christ in the first place. Your webpage is a stumbling block.
I would suggest you actually look into the teaching ministry of a group called pacemakers. Here is their website:
Your article: ... ackaby.htm" onclick=";return false;
Very sincerely,