Your webpage about Henry Blackaby is a stumbling block

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Your webpage about Henry Blackaby is a stumbling block

Post by Bill »

I accidentally came across your webpage regarding the topic in the subject line. I've referenced below for your convenience. I read maybe one quarter of that exceedingly long page regarding your experiences with Mr. Blackarby and others of his team. There is no practical way that I or anyone else who might happen across your webpage to verify any of the claims you've posted there. The experiences you describe are fraught with potential problems for disagreements and partial information from both of you. I would like to respectfully request that you remove the page because of the bad witness for the Christ that we both believe that you serve. There is no uplifting value served by you airing what appears to be dirty laundry. Lost people do that. Baby Christians do that. The only proper Christian means of resolving problems between Christians is to use the specific four step procedure described very clearly stated in Matthew 18 versus 15 to 20. I don't see where any of that was used. All that is required, in order, however. To any lost man who happens across that message he's going to the one way believing that even Christians don't have a good way of dealing with conflict. Two questions to read it they are going to believe something very similar, that we Christians have no adequate means of resolving disagreements. At least you to obviously don't because neither of you are abiding by the Scriptures God gave us on how to resolve disagreements.

Yes, I've been Baptist and so yes I understand the typical Baptist view that the charismatic gifts of the spirit are not real but I've also been with charismatic friends who have shown me there are some very real things there. I am no longer a cesationalist but there are some highly erroneous an incorrect things believed by some charismatics. BOTH parties have some erroneous believes on their sides. None of which gives you call to try to build your ministry on top of the heads of some Baptist who are holding to an old school view. I beg you to shut the page down and stop harming the Body and reducing the potential for some men to come to Christ in the first place. Your webpage is a stumbling block.

I would suggest you actually look into the teaching ministry of a group called pacemakers. Here is their website:

Your article: ... ackaby.htm" onclick=";return false;

Very sincerely,


Paul Cohen

Re: Your webpage about Henry Blackaby is a stumbling block

Post by Paul Cohen »

Bill, you've started off and then continue on the wrong foot altogether. Blackaby and his clan are tares, not wheat. They're not children of God; they're children of Satan, as proven throughout the correspondence along with the links supplied. How can there be reconciliation?

“And what agreement does Christ have with Belial? Or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever?” (2 Corinthians 6:15 MKJV)

The Blackabys' status as adversaries of God became clear when Victor approached Henry on the things he saw wrong there back in the 70's, something you deny happened as you harp on what you perceive was a lack of effort to resolve the problem. You don't recognize this was attempted and the problem wasn't resolved, not for lack of effort, but for lack of love of the Truth and the Spirit of God with Blackaby. There is no reconciling with the unrepentant unregenerate. The man is a blackguard as described in the posting, hidden in a beautiful scrubbed tomb.

Is there no “uplifting value” served by our posting of this matter? That the value isn't discerned by idolaters and counterfeit Christians isn't surprising at all. It's the way things have always been and will be, until the judgment of God is complete.

2 Corinthians 2:15-17 MKJV
(15) For we are to God a sweet savor of Christ, in those being saved, and in those being lost;
(16) to the one we are the savor of death to death, and to the other we are the savor of life to life. And who is sufficient for these things?
(17) For we are not as many, hawking the Word of God; but as of sincerity, but as of God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God.

“Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, Behold, I am the One Who has laid as a Foundation in Zion, a Stone, a tested Stone, a precious Cornerstone, of a sure Foundation: Whoever believes will not be in haste. And I will make justice the line, and righteousness the plumb line; and hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and waters will overwhelm the shelter.” (Isaiah 28:16-17 ESV).

Paul Cohen

Michael Demerling

Re: Your webpage about Henry Blackaby is a stumbling block

Post by Michael Demerling »

Hi Bill,

I see that you are an electrical engineer and President of your company. This tells me you are most certainly capable of some critical thinking.

Did you ever meet Henry Blackaby? What is your motivation for defending him in your email (above)?

Many of the good engineers I personally know reject religion at all cost since they don't believe it's based on science or sound principles of reasoning. So how did you get involved in religion?

When I went to a so called Christian conference in Toronto (Purpose@Work) approximately 10 years ago, Henry Blackaby was having health problems and almost did not make it as head speaker. Apparently these types of health problems have plagued Henry Blackaby as evident by the following story in the media: ... ssing.html" onclick=";return false;

If Henry is a man of God, why then would the Lord give him a wrath of health problems?

Sorry to ask so many questions. I am interested in your thinking on this matter.


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