Paintings from hell - Mary Baxter, Angelica Zambrano, Bill Wiese

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Paintings from hell - Mary Baxter, Angelica Zambrano, Bill Wiese

Post by Miami »

(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

Mary Baxter, Angelica Zambrano, Bill Wiese. These three people have at least one thing in common: they claim to have gone to hell and back and have shared their testimonies. I found all 3 testimonies on the website I wanted to know if you have ever read the countless other stories of heaven and hell found on this website. In particular the one labeled “A Trip to Hell.” Korean artists were shown Heaven and Hell by Jesus Christ, and told to draw on canvas what they saw, so that the world would know the destination of the unsaved. Or “Revelation of Hell” by 7 Columbian Youths. Jesus showed up in the middle of their prayer group, and gave them a tour of Hell; revealing what happens to the disobedient and wicked. This will help you develop a healthy fear of God, and to avoid the traps of Satan.

Please take a look at both of these stories and share with me your insight to the legitimacy of them.

Thank you,
Saved Mami

Paul Cohen

Re: Paintings from hell - Mary Baxter, Angelica Zambrano, Bill Wiese

Post by Paul Cohen »


“Divine Revelations” is a spiritual sewer. Do you want to hear the truth, forsake your sins, and live? Then get out of there and read on our site. Get washed by the water of the Word in order that you may be made a fit habitation for God.

Right now you're slumming it in the pits of hell. The very place “Divine Revelations” claims to warn you about is where they're entertaining people with the strong delusion of their false gospel and blasphemous depictions of the Lord Jesus Christ. You're not saved and with Him in Heaven, Mami.

Read again our postings A Divine Revelation of Hell Debunked and An Alleged Visit to Heaven and Hell.

Paul Cohen

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