I believe God used William Branham and he is forerunning the second coming of Christ.

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I believe God used William Branham and he is forerunning the second coming of Christ.

Post by Andrew »

(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)


I am Andrew

I have a question to you, do you remember what Jesus Said he said that scriptures cannot be broken and then himself saying that he will come like a thief and at Malachi 4:5-6 he is saying that he is going to send Elijah the prophet before the dreadful day of the Lord so tell me here is the bible contradicting its self ???????

And you have just told me that Brother Branham was not a prophet of God and you claims to have revelation that he was not but you are telling the truth so tell me here but I believe God used brother branham and he is forerunning the second coming of Christ Jesus our Saviour and Lord.

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

Re: I believe God used William Branham and he is forerunning the second coming of Christ.

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus Christ when Jesus first came about 2000 years ago, as prophesied by Malachi and as Jesus Himself attested (“Elijah has already come and they did what they wanted with him” - speaking of John). Jesus was there while John, as Elijah, was still alive and was already ministering as John was introducing Him to Israel.

Do you see any contradiction of Scripture? Do you think we question Malachi and Jesus?

William Branham has now been dead for half a century. So where is Jesus? Did The Finder get lost somewhere? Or do the lost think they're the finders, like you?

Perhaps you think Branham is no mere “Elijah the forerunner” but “Elijah the SUPER forerunner,” a man half a century or more ahead of his time. Or is it simply the fact that Branham was in delusion of thinking he was Elijah for the Lord's return?

As well, John the Baptist died a martyr's death while William Branham died a sinner's death by a tragic car accident, which testifies against him. Show us in Scripture where true men of God walking in faith and obedience die by loathsome disease or tragic accident. It doesn't happen.

When Branham died, his followers were shocked, but expected a resurrection from the dead. It didn't happen.

Any man who thinks he is something he is not is of necessity a false prophet. You should examine yourself whether you're in the faith. Are you not in delusion, Andrew? Are you not a dupe of a foolish bunch of people with foolish doctrine already proven false? You've been given over to strong delusion because you don't have a love of the Truth. You need Repentance.

Victor and Paul

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