Out in the wilderness

A place to introduce yourself and share a bit of your story.
Sara Dixon
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:48 pm

Out in the wilderness

Post by Sara Dixon »

I do not belong to any church, clan, group, or organization. Everything I do and learn is on my own in the wilderness as The Lord leads me. I have no one to rely on but Him, and have learned that he sends help in sometimes the most unexpected ways. I found TPOT back in November 2015. Everything on the website spoke truth to me. When I wrote Victor and Paul, I was stumbled, though. I don't pretend to have heard God speak to me or have the gifts of the spirit. No matter how badly I have wanted it, it hasn't been given me yet. Victor told me I needed to be sure what I was doing with my daily activities was from The Lord, but I have no such certainty.
All I know is that He has brough me to the point in my life where I don't make plans of my own, I don't count on any promises made by men, and I don't have any interest in what the world says I should. I am thirsty for truth, and He has been pouring me an overflowing cup. At times it is painful, but I accept it and am so thankful!
I am still trying to learn how to get through each day with 6 children and their many constant needs. We have nothing besides what the Lord provides. I don't even ask most of the time. I find I need something, shrug about it and wait. Either I discover I don't need it after all, or it is somehow provided!
I have too many failings to count, and it's hard for me to believe God is truly working with me, but I can't deny His beautiful Grace at work in my life in spite of me. He is so wonderfully good!

Paul Cohen

Re: Out in the wilderness

Post by Paul Cohen »

Sara, you have misunderstood and misinterpreted what Victor said to you. No one here was expecting you to go it alone with the Lord, hearing everything you needed for yourself. That's not the way of the Lord with His Body, which is fed and led in fellowship with Him and each other.

We talked about this at yesterday's Sabbath meeting, so you should read the transcript when it's made available on the Forum.


Sara Dixon
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:48 pm

Re: Out in the wilderness

Post by Sara Dixon »

I've been meaning to look at the transcripts for awhile... I will do this tonight, Lord Willing. I'm also hoping to join Monday night's call.

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