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Testimony of Henk Lendor

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:42 am
by Henk Lendor
I was brought up in the Dutch Reform teachings. As a young man I was quite the shy guy, nevertheless partook of the most common and vile sins. The Lord's mercy was on me in many incidents where I certainly may had escaped death or criminal prosecution, which I didn't took serious then. Recently He gave me to recall these, by me, "counting my blessings", so to speak. I thanked Him for His goodness and grace throughout my life, and asked His forgiveness in every wrong I had done through my sinful life. That might have been His gift of repentance and faith as it humbled me in no small way.

I had two encounters with the Lord. The first (1999), when I desperately called on the Lord in fright of eminent suicidal thoughts. I asked Him to forgive me my sins as I renounced it. I then heard in my spirit a calm yet urgent audible voice saying "repent" followed by sudden calmness, peace and joy in me. The fear instantly fled.
From there I was seeking for truth and fellowship to witness with my experience. Blessings and favor started to flow, though I didn't seen it as such, then.
I wondered off in sin again, but inside me I knew I was changed by Him.

I didn't spiritually connect with anyone around that time (except a believing, converted colleage with whom I shared and fellowshiped at work - though in spite of him wanting me to submit to the Lord, which I wanted to, I wasn't ready to commit to the whole field ministry,worshipping and witnessing stuff). We part ways, after me and others lost our job, (due to the Lord's judgement on us) because of breaching company policy rules, of which we got away with, for the whole 9 years I worked there.

In the second encounter (2012) a sudden sorrow overwhelmed me causing me to sob immensly and uncontrollably. In it, a quick vision displayed some women with black veils which covered their heads, surrounded by darkness, crying and weeping in great sorrow. I was confusedly scared of this happening, and tried to stop my sobbing by myself, to no avail. Then, as I believed it to be my last resort, I ask the Lord to let it stop, and as quick as a snap of a finger it did. The same audible voice in my spirit, this time, told me to preach this encounters. So I did, to some, and now I'm preaching it to you. Wanting to be obedient to Him. Amen

Still longing for true fellowship in the Lord, I joined my pastoral neighbour's, house ministry, by publicly "accepting the Lord" during a "christianing" ceremony held for my 2 daughters and other children. From then on, I attended church services, prayer nights and fellowship, but it couldn't fill the hole still inside me. Then after much searching and "learning" on the internet for and about "biblical and end time" truth, He led me to when looking up Rick Joyner to see if his " heavenly visions" are true or not. I quit the ministry because of the contrast between what is believed there, and their works, and the Truth that I've learned here, and now believe and follow.

Thank the Lord, I came upon the Rock and found spiritual rest. No more confusion. Believing in the One True God of Israel. All glory to Him!
Blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ,
Forever, Amen

Re: Testimony of Henk Lendor

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:08 pm
by Eric Courtemanche
Thank you, Henk, for sharing some of your life story with us.

Eric C.