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Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 3:57 pm
by Rolande
Hello everyone, glad to find this Forum. I have been a baby in Chirst now since august 2013. :D I am growing, transforming a little bit a t a time.

Talk to you soon.

Rolande :)

Re: Introduction

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 8:26 pm
by Paul Cohen
On behalf of all, welcome Rolande. Whether young or old, faith in Christ is always refreshing to those in like faith. How is your reading on the site and forum going? Let us know if we can help you.


What Jesus did for me and my family

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:34 am
by Rolande
Good morning everyone,

Thanks for the greeting ! ;)

How did i come to know and meet my beautiful Jesus ( Savior) in my life. A lot on interrogation lately on my first contact with Jesus the Son of God . (Be patient because my mother tongue is french) :) I was raised in a catholic home and let me tell you the belief was God punished us for everything and hell was very close. So I was raised being afraid of God and Hell. I came from a family where was a lot of native medecine, wichcraft, tarot reading etc.

Age of 12: I wanted to kill myself because of family problems, ( parents, child abuse etc.) but by the Grace of God i ended up babysitting one night and my eyes stop on a bible in the house where I was babysitting. I started to read the Bible ( summary) and when I read that Jesus die on the cross and what he went throught i started crying and i said to myself at the age of twelve : If Jesus went to all this for me and He suffered, and died for me on the cross well my life was nothing comparing to Him That idea keep on going thru life. :D

Age of 25: Mariage broke down with 3 children . Discourage about life, adultery in my life that broke my mother hearts , what keep me sane was my babies. The babysitter of my child was a Christian I did not know that, then one day she gave me a video to look about Jesus Christ (Savior). I watched the video at home while my kids were sleeping as I was saying the prayer to surrender to Jesus I went on my knees and i felt a warm embrace of God holding me in his arms. I was on the floor for a long time in His arms. Another Grave of my Savior Jesus. I believe that night Jesus saved me. Today I understand it is not necessary to have a pastor, or being in a group to be saved, Not to many people believe me on that. JESUS SAVED the way He wants to no need to be in church, or assembly to be save by the Lord Jesus.

Age of 33: I was going to many problems, trauma because of my work (police officer) , one night tired, fed up with life, all i was seeing in life was dead, suidice, sexual abuse, conjugal violence etc atrocity of the world. I took my police car one night and went to a dark road and i parked the police car took my gun out , put the gun on my head and I wanted to died because I was sick and tired of this word. I was depress and despair, and as I was talking to God i was angry about my life , I was convinced in my heart that I was a bad mother because of my divorce at the age of 25 very bad taught about myself. I started shaking and suddenly i started having a vision ( ifi can say that word).
Like if i was watching a TV.... I saw myself at birth, again at the age of 2 walking on the rocks bare feet , I saw myself at the age of 12, the vision was showing me all the good things that I did and how happy I was with my children. What really wake me up was at the end of the vision a voice told me : " Rolande, you can not kill yourself because of this and He showed me my 3 children they were all smiling and very happy". That blow me away I put the gun back on the seat drove back to the police station and I gave my gun, badge, everythng to my supervisor and left the police force. After that I choose another profession : social work.

Fifty year: Renew my realationship with my youngest sister. She never stop praying for me and I am so glad that she never stop. At this time i had the drive inside me to take a week off go to logos Land in Pembroke Ontrio ( august 2013) seeing my sister because there was a tent meeting there that I really wanted to go. Spend a week under that tent in silence, people all over the place, and recall saying to my sister i do not want your friends to come near me and touch me with their hands and pray over me. !!! I was on defense these people were scaring me... I remembered entering the tent and I was hit by a wave on my shouders, i was afraid and at the same time i knew this was the presence of God ... I've felt it before... i felt so weak, dirty and so ashame of who i was under that tent. I saw on a chair and this is what I heard in a loud voice from my right ear: " Stay still and know that i'am God" I did not move for a least 3 days... All I could here for those 3 days are those Words from GOD. " STAY STILL AND KNOW THAT I'AM GOD". My sister stand by me all the way and praying for me at all time. Wow .

I finally was able to stand up i went up front because a lady was calling Jesus praying, weeping at the front and i standed by her i could not event talk or ask anything to God, i was feeling terrible, terrible is not the word, i was petrified that GOD refuses me because of so much sins in my life, i was so afraid of God, not able to say a word loud so God could hear me, i concentrated on at women weeping and praying and that give me the guts to talk to God in my heart . Stay still know that I am God. I was so afraid to make a bad move.. and what occured next was wonderful. Wind came upon my face with an odor of roses and I saw again like on TV my bones exploded in pieces. I actually saw my thorax bones exploded in a vision. DELIVERANCE that was. this how I really meet the power and the Grace and Mercy of my SAVIOR JESUS. AMEN.

One of my son got saved at New Year 2015 at 03:33. My heart just melt for Jesus.

Today i am alive because of the love of my SAVIOR Jesus Christ that he died for me and he had raise from the death and I wait upon His return.

There are times it is still hard but at least I know one thing for sure JESUS my SAVIOR He is with me at all time.


Re: Introduction

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 12:33 pm
by Lynda Christopher Webb
Rolande~I an encouraged by your Introduction letter here at TPOT. THERE ARE MANY GODLY and WONDERFUL TRUTH-FILLED people in this site.
lynda sue

Lynda Sue

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 12:50 pm
by Rolande
Good afternoon Lynda, nice to ear from you and thank you :P


Re: Introduction

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:20 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Rolande, thank you for sharing your life story...a rough one, as many are, but you can be so thankful the Lord is drawing you to Himself, for many lives are without that hope granted you. Yet, each person has their time to come.

You relate 4 landmark events in your life, once at age 12, then 25, then age 33, then 50 in August 2013 at Pembroke. And then you say one of your sons was saved January 1, 2015, less than 5 months ago. I'd like to hear more of what the Lord has been doing in your daily life.

I'd like to hear more about your son, as well. How is he doing now? How old is he? How did that happen? Is he going to church anywhere or is he a part of any group now?

Hard times don't stop when the Lord comes into our lives. On the one hand, there's great relief and joy of the spirit but on the other hand, there are new trials, persecutions, division with family and friends, struggles, searching and generally walking through the valley of the shadow of death, with fires trying and perfecting our faith. When the Lord chooses someone, it is a painful struggle with the world, the flesh and the Devil, all of which is part of the glorious salvation process. Give thanks!!!

The cross is first painful, then redemptive, but as you say, Jesus our Savior is with us at all times to see us through to complete victory. He provides the grace and will not let you down. He cares, He knows what He's doing, and nothing can discourage or prevent Him from accomplishing His mission with you for good. It's a done deal.

"No temptation has taken you but what is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able, but with the temptation also will make a way to escape, so that you may be able to bear it. Therefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry"
(1 Corinthians 10:13-14 MKJV).

I hope you and your son are finding solace and direction in the Holy Scriptures. The Bible is provided for our edification and comfort, learning and discipline.

"All Scripture is God-breathed, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfected, thoroughly furnished to every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17 MKJV).


Re: Introduction

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 11:37 am
by Bertin Pelletier
if someone is predestinated before creation; to me it doesn,t make sense. i had this thinking when i came to christ that some people were destined to go to heaven or hell. a pastor told me that it is free will; i said not true; i didn,t choose to be born. to him it is a mystery why god creating beings and he knew they would fall in sin; to me it is asking someone to do a job and you know he can,t do it. i thank god for this site to wake me up from my slumber.

Re: Introduction

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 12:13 pm
by Rolande
Hello Bertin,

This is my thinking right now. Do we have " free will" in the Lord Jesus-Christ" ? When I think about Peter that denied the Lord Jesus-Christ 3 times, even if Jesus-Christ told him he was going to do it he did it still ... ... is this free will ? :? :?


Re: Introduction

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 12:18 pm
by Rolande
Good afternoon Victor,

Am I ever glad that you are asking me those questions because i have a lot to say about that... a lot of things happened since the day I was born again. ... will write about it and post it here. it takes me longer to write because i have to write it in English ( second language). ;)

I'd like to hear more about your son, as well. How is he doing now? How old is he? How did that happen? Is he going to church anywhere or is he a part of any group now? " Victor"

Hard times don't stop when the Lord comes into our lives. On the one hand, there's great relief and joy of the spirit but on the other hand, there are new trials, persecutions, division with family and friends, struggles, searching and generally walking through the valley of the shadow of death, with fires trying and perfecting our faith. When the Lord chooses someone, it is a painful struggle with the world, the flesh and the Devil, all of which is part of the glorious salvation process. Give thanks!!! " Victor"

Will answer to that ... :)

Re: Introduction

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 7:46 pm
by Rolande
When you wrote to me : "Hard times don't stop when the Lord comes into our lives. On the one hand, there's great relief and joy of the spirit but on the other hand, there are new trials, persecutions, division with family and friends, struggles, searching and generally walking through the valley of the shadow of death, with fires trying and perfecting our faith. When the Lord chooses someone, it is a painful struggle with the world, the flesh and the Devil, all of which is part of the glorious salvation process. Give thanks!!! "

Here what I have to share and i had to go to the Lord Jesus-Christ many times because that wound was very deep .. i pray the Lord Jesus -Christ for forgiveness and I had to go back to Him many times. Im glad to share that little story with you, the good news is that the Lord Jesus -Christ had given me an understanding of new trials, persecutions, division of the family and friends.... here my little story about that :

These events occurred with my sister and my brother in law (mature Christians) and they are with Jesus Christ for many years. I have to start with this :I found their attitude and behavior very strange. In fact, they came to visit us and from the first day of their visit to the last day of their visit they never socialize with us. They were always at hand in their Bible and they shared to each other what they were discovering in the Bible at the sight of everyone, without paying attention to the people around them. They were with us in some ways, but not connected with us. I wondered about why they do not socialize with the world. The world means us (my son, my daughter, etc) they were constantly in their corner and they were getting up in the morning because they said they were receiving the Holy Spirit messages at night and they were praying all night . Let's say I found quite bizarre their attitudes and their lack of manners. They did not eat with us at the table except the evening with my son Martin.

I do not remember what time it was that night butI was taken out of my sleep by my spouse and he told me to go downstairs because my sister and my brother-in-law were talking about me, talking to my son about me and it was not so good.

As I was going downstairs I was invaded by a profound anxiety, suddenly I even started to have heartache, I felt sick in my stomach and I remember reading in the Bible right away that we-have a GOD OF ORDER, PEACE and not CONFUSION and CHAOS.

I saw my son sitting at the table and he was crying hot tears and there was my brother in law allowing himself to report (his view) infused truth of my old life path. :) According to him and his truth (my brother in law told me) it was time for my son to hear what kinds of parents he had and why he was like this today. In fact, he told my son that he had no parent, I could not understand why he would bring things like that to my son ... Wow, anger rise in me , injustice, I was getting so angry. I prayed The Lord Jesus -Christ to give me discernment and strenght and power under His authority to protect my son .. (never did this before,) Then I told my brother in law with kindness (*which was not my type before my conversion: I would have grabbed him by the throat without any remorse and I would have choked him until he fell on the floor).

Instead of doing this, I looked at my brother in law in the eyes (his eyes were round like 50 cents an his eyes were sweping from left to right) hum ... did not engage With That look!! I asked my brother in law why he was doing this to my son and he said: "That I had no right to interposed in the way of the Holy Spirit and decided what is good for my son or not in that moment. This is what the Holy Spirit is tellling me to do … mind my business it was not my business to interfere between the Holy Spirit, my son and himself. Ding ding, alarm, alarm. It frisse religious delirium. My sister said absolutely nothing, she was only observing.

Suddenly my sister called aloud the spirit of confusion asks Martin if he wants to convert. Whoa ... I do not understand anything, my son is not even able to understand what is happening he thinks my sister and my brother-in-law are completely crazy. Martin said the prayer of conversion ,,,, :idea:

With all these events, I really wonder if my son was converted , have not stopped praying since last January 2013. It is completely crazy isn’it ! …….. !!!

When I wanted to give a feedback to my sister on that situation , she did not want to talk about it and she told me that her heart is in good standing with Lord Jesus Christ, and she told me to put my heart in good standing with Lord Jesus Christ , that hurts me deeply. :roll:

Re: Introduction

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 9:24 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Hi Rolande!

I respond to your experiences with your brother-in-law and sister and how they conduct themselves. IF (and it's a big if, of course) what you say is accurate, and IF I understand correctly what you are trying to communicate, then I have to say that none of their conduct is of God. They are abusing you, your son and everyone else. It appears as the saying goes: They are "so heavenly-minded they're no earthly good." They have been overcome by a religious spirit that has license to deceive them because they have sought to be spiritually heroic. They are not hearing from the Lord Jesus Christ, our Risen, Living Savior. They follow another Jesus.

Needless to say, your son didn't come to the true faith, certainly not by your sister and brother-in-law.

If you're receptive to what I'm saying and if you have questions and want to hear more, ask.

Re: Introduction

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 7:50 pm
by Rolande
Good evening Victor,

Im glad that you responded to my topic. I really do understand when you are writing the BIG IF.
Thank you for showing me another perspective ( different wordview) i think it is more than a "wordview " of the situation. Can you imagine that I've felt like s... since january because of that situation, and I was going to the Lord with that and was not receiving any answer. That I keep knocking at His door and knock and knock until you answer to me.

At the same time I read an article on your website in regard too: " I don't want to argue" ,,,, that light my eyes too .... ;)

I would lie to you if i pretend i was not hurt by your respond but it is said in respect and love. Sometimes the truth hurt. So, it took me little time to think about it and received what was said, but i do not feel offended.

Something have come to my mind in regards of that event and i'am so happy not to be crasy to think that way too. I ended up reading Matthew 18: 22, Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

So for me that means : The Lord Jesus Chirst is more important than that 'event" and He will take charge of that.

I can not change what happened, but one thing I can do it is to trust the Lord Jesus Christ. He will guard my heart and in return I sahll not trust because its my sister have to look at the fruit in the spirit.



Re: Introduction

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 2:50 pm
by Paul Cohen
Hi Rolande,

Is the sister who came to visit you the same person you went with to the tent meeting in Pembroke?


Re: Introduction

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:59 am
by Rolande
Hello Paul I apologyse I was out of my community for a while. Yes same person.

Rolande :D