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Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:57 am
by Michael Condit
I re-read some of my posts and I am embarrassed that I posted so many times with the same questioning and confusion, when they were all answered in my first post. But it's like I couldn't see it until now.

An update on my situation:

I have learned a lot about trusting Him and have had the notion to stop asking repeatedly for things, figuring everything out and knowing that God hears my prayers. Which was a very strange feeling. This was later confirmed by reading the teaching on prayer here on TPOT.

I am currently getting my masters in counseling and putting in my two weeks at my job and going to part time. I have had a peace about this, my job has been making me a slave and I was becoming cynical.I am not sure if counseling is the right route or what I just know I want to serve God in whatever I do and I know that I am supposed to be a productive member of society as I have learned on here.

My diet is all organic. I have had moments where I didn't have organic and my stomach did not like it. I have been being corrected still on certain things with my diet. But no caffeine, no dairy, no soy, no pork(never have liked it). I have just recently realized I can't play video games or watch tv, because it causes me to feel anxious.

I am wanting to pick up a new skill such as guitar or something.

Allergies are somewhat better, still flare up at times. But I believe it is more a problem spiritually manifesting physically than anything else. God could completely heal it at any time, but there is obviously a reason for this affliction.

I was really excited at first to get more involved here, but after reading the necessities for being involved in projects here, I know that my heart was not right and still is not fully. I know I need to be seeking Him right now and not work. I have fully come to realize that Jesus is truly all that matters, nothing else. There was a day about 3-4 years ago that I had this revelation, I was very religious and striving for perfection at this time and then one day all of the sudden a peace I had never experience passed over me and The colors brightened and I was warm and content and I knew that if I have Jesus I have everything I will ever need. Then man came up to me at the exact same time apart of hari krishna telling me about his way to enlightenment and I just told him I have Jesus over and over and he scowled at me and ran off but kept looking back at me in anger.

I am still seeking Him and I want to be His and receive His spirit. But Lord willing that will be in His time.

I want to ask for forgiveness from everyone on here for being an annoyance or distraction.

Anyways I just wanted to post a brief update


Re: Update

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 4:14 pm
by Michael Condit
I want to make a correction on this. I stated my diet is all organic. Which is not true. I thought I was. But then I did further research into my diet and what 100% organic means and I am not. So I want to apologize for putting a false image of myself forward due to presumptions and rash thinking with out being 100% certain, even though at the time I thought I was. A reminder to never boast, as if I have anything to ever boast about, which is what I was doing in effect, so I apologize.