Greetings Victor, From Cape Town, South Africa !
Just a letter of thanks for your testimony. Have been a believer in our Messiah Ha Meshiach for many years, 33 to be exact. Have had a ministry, by default to the Jews. Mainly through the Lords doing. As the area I resided in, Sea Point, Cape Town had a very large Jewish community and I owned a gym smack, bang in the middle of it ! That was 1982 the year I gave my life to the Lord. Played a lot of gospel music in the gym and was saturated by the Word. Came to realize the connection to the Old Covenant and NT fairly early, that Jesus was a Jew as were His parents. Go figure !
Had a lot of questions asked by my mainly Jewish clientele about the music, was I a Christen, was I a 'born again' Christian and on and on over a two year period. Managed to share what I knew at the time and did my best to maintain a balance between going bankrupt and pleasing the Lord with my witnessing the Gospel of Christ and clearing out my gym. But amazingly so, that never happened. All these years later am still very much in contact with a number of my late clients. Now 60yrs of age, still humping the irons and doing my best to keep the 'temple' in fairly good order.
Stumbled across your site as a I was scouring the web for some info I needed on Jews not believing in a human blood sacrifice. As I had just had lunch with a Jewish guy, 53 who had 'dabbled' in Christianity, but had subsequently been corralled back into Judaism. Anyhow, he threw a few curved balls in my direction that I needed clarity on. Your site and discussion with a guy called Stuart, (Rabbi ? ) Paul and yourself. It pretty much clarified most of my questions. Thanks to you both !
But, what also amazed me was that many years ago when I left South Africa, early 74' to ignorantly go join the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. After Toronto the first place I landed was Saskatchewan as it was the then headquarters of the RCMP. Maybe still is. Was cordially told that, “thanks for coming, but you're not a Canadian citizen” so “no-can-do”. Was devastated ! Also the place you first went to do your bible course was Saskatchewan I see ! Many of our South African doctors do locums there. Never did get to see much of the place. Then went to Calgary, pestered the Canadian Farm Labour Pool, got a job in Vulcan with a Jim Clark. Learnt a lot about farming 'hands on' driving combines, tractors, hoppers, dump-trucks, all the heavy machinery you could come across. Learnt quick and worked hard, very hard. No labour force here, bubba ! Just me the prairies and the geckos and a visit at midday by the Clark's to bring me lunch. That was my company as a 'hired-hand' for most of the year. Had a great love affair with Canada, still do. But, never managed to immigrate.
Your testimony of coming out of Catholicism and your journey to Israel and the Negev (Mishmar HaNegev) where you led Paul to Christ on the kibbutz, also rang bells. I served as a volunteer with the IDF as a non-combatant (Sar-El) in 2002 during the second intifada and again just outside Tel Aviv in 2010. So we have a few things in common Victor, apart from our love of our Messiah !
Just thought I would let you know that your site, which I will peruse in greater detail later, has been a blessing and your testimony of great encouragement.
May our Father grant you and colleagues a continuing love for His people and the world, as broken as it is and in need of the balm of Gilead through your ministry and commitment to Him.
Please do feel at liberty to keep in touch when and if you find time, Victor. Blessings.
Shalom Aleichem in Christ our Lord.
Hi Victor!
- Posts: 749
- Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am
Re: Hi Victor!
Greetings in Yeshua HaMashiach, Clive!
It's wonderful to receive a letter such as yours in this small world. You may know Vulcan is only an hour's drive or so from where my wife and I live at Moon River Estates, a few miles south of Monarch.
So you were blessed with being a witness to the Jews! Wonderful! Wonderful! I'm also so glad we were able to help you in your walk and ministry. Do you realize how great a day this is we're living in? This is His Day of Vindication, of Vengeance, of Victory! Israel's back to stay and the Lord's Kingdom is about to be established big time over the earth, as per Nebuchadnezzar's dream and Daniel's interpretation.
That being so, all hell is breaking loose as never before, but we have nothing at all to fear, being His and having His grace to be faithful. That's all that counts, no matter where we are in history or what's happening.
You mention South African doctors in Canada. We had one for a while years ago, but we haven't needed a doctor so we just haven't been going; consequently doctors make room for someone else who needs them.
I don't know a Jim Clark but someone here may. You say you never managed to immigrate; sounds like you tried? God has you where He wants you at any time.
Israel? I've wanted to go back. I loved it. Lord willing, it will happen one day, perhaps soon.
We just had a fellow come visit us from Australia for over 2 weeks, as well as a few people from Texas and Alabama. God blessed them by us, meeting their spiritual needs, and us by them. It was very good and we were all very thankful. The Lord is doing a great thing today.
Thank you, Clive for this pleasant surprise. God blesses you as you worship Him in spirit and truth. That privilege itself is the greatest of blessings, isn't it?
Do be in touch; we'll be very thankful for that. Keep feeding at the table spread by the Lord at TPOT and don't get offended! God's doctrine is quite different from religious man's.
You may wish to join us in our Sabbath chats Saturdays at noon (Mountain Time - North America), which go on for several hours; people come and go as they can. You can also be added to our correspondence list. If so, let us know. We also have a forum.
Shalom Aleichem to you, Clive,
It's wonderful to receive a letter such as yours in this small world. You may know Vulcan is only an hour's drive or so from where my wife and I live at Moon River Estates, a few miles south of Monarch.
So you were blessed with being a witness to the Jews! Wonderful! Wonderful! I'm also so glad we were able to help you in your walk and ministry. Do you realize how great a day this is we're living in? This is His Day of Vindication, of Vengeance, of Victory! Israel's back to stay and the Lord's Kingdom is about to be established big time over the earth, as per Nebuchadnezzar's dream and Daniel's interpretation.
That being so, all hell is breaking loose as never before, but we have nothing at all to fear, being His and having His grace to be faithful. That's all that counts, no matter where we are in history or what's happening.
You mention South African doctors in Canada. We had one for a while years ago, but we haven't needed a doctor so we just haven't been going; consequently doctors make room for someone else who needs them.
I don't know a Jim Clark but someone here may. You say you never managed to immigrate; sounds like you tried? God has you where He wants you at any time.
Israel? I've wanted to go back. I loved it. Lord willing, it will happen one day, perhaps soon.
We just had a fellow come visit us from Australia for over 2 weeks, as well as a few people from Texas and Alabama. God blessed them by us, meeting their spiritual needs, and us by them. It was very good and we were all very thankful. The Lord is doing a great thing today.
Thank you, Clive for this pleasant surprise. God blesses you as you worship Him in spirit and truth. That privilege itself is the greatest of blessings, isn't it?
Do be in touch; we'll be very thankful for that. Keep feeding at the table spread by the Lord at TPOT and don't get offended! God's doctrine is quite different from religious man's.
You may wish to join us in our Sabbath chats Saturdays at noon (Mountain Time - North America), which go on for several hours; people come and go as they can. You can also be added to our correspondence list. If so, let us know. We also have a forum.
Shalom Aleichem to you, Clive,