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Spiritual Growth

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:25 pm
by Chris
Hello Victor and Paul,

I have a few questions for you, but though I'd give you a brief background on myself and where I am at in my walk with God.

My name is Chris, I am 25 years old, and I'm an organic farmer from Georgia. I have been reading the content on your website and am incredibly thankful that you would share your wisdom.

I was raised Roman Catholic, but never was very involved in the church. In college I became very involved in New Age teachings, yoga, and pantheism. I slowly started realizing how in error and wicked I was, and started seeking The Lord roughly three years ago. I didn't know precisely how or what to do. After reading Gods word more and more I began to repent and beg God to forgive me for everything I'd done, and just asked Him to guide me, forgive me, and give me faith and salvation in the name of Jesus Christ. After a fairly long cleansing process of ridding my life of the many cultural influences ingrained in me, through an act of God my family took ownership of a 6 acre farm,
which is now my livelihood. I am seeking to live a Godly life and have approached you in the hopes that you could counsel me.

The following questions are a few I've had in my mind and would appreciate your perspective on them, and any other guidance you wish to offer me. I will continue reading the articles on your website, and hope to hear from you soon.

1) What is expected of a believer in terms of holidays? Are Christmas and Easter pagan holidays? Should I be keeping Passover and Jewish feast days?

2) Should I be keeping the sabbath? If so, what does it mean to keep the sabbath? Can I feed my chickens and my pigs and my dogs, or is that considered "work?" Can I eat or should I fast? Jesus healed people and ate grain with His disciples on the sabbath, so what is "allowable?" Also, what day is the sabbath, Saturday or Sunday?

3) On the issue of "free will," where do you stand? I am struggling to comprehend the issue of will. If I believe and submit my will to God, does that mean I don't have free will? Or since God knows all things that are and will be, and has knowledge of things yet to pass, does His foreknowledge mean that I am "predestined" as the Calvinists would say? If my will is not free, can I not make choices? Why would God create a soul knowing ahead of time they would be grievous sinners if they did not have free will?

4) Do you believe we are living in the last days? And what is your opinion on what is referred to as the "rapture?" Do you believe in a pre tribulation or mid or post tribulation rapture?

I know these questions are kind of all over the place and for that I apologize, I know each question in and of itself could warrant a lengthy response, so I would be thankful for any information, however brief, you could write me with. If one or more of these topics is covered on your site, I apologize for missing it, and perhaps you could send me the link. Thank you so much for all you do in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Chris D'Alessandro

Re: Spiritual Growth

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:56 am
by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
Hi Chris,

It's good to hear of another soul being drawn to the Son by the Father. We appreciate hearing from you and having the opportunity to give you freely what we have received freely. The following writings will answer many of your questions. Read and re-read them; one gains much more from re-reading materials.

The Lord will show you the way as He has already been doing. If you have other questions, ask the Lord and ask us; we're here to serve Him to serve others.

Victor and Paul


The Feast-Keeping that Is Sin
Free Will (section)
The Sabbath (section)
Rapture before the Great Tribulation
The End of the World