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Prayer Request. Need Peace and Fulfilment

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:53 am
by Amal
I am working as an officer in foreign ship. Got married and have 4 yr old son. After arriving home, got to know about my wife having an illegal affair for 3yrs in 4.5yrs of our marriage life. I made her confessed and assured her to start our new life. But she failed to keep her promises and kept on continuing that relationship with him. Later she had lodged an FIR (Dowry Harassment Case 498a IPC) against me and my family in order to hide her illegal affair once I brought this issue to her parents and now we got bail by the grace of God. Also in FIR, she lied that I have injured her body including breast and her private parts with blade in drunken state and bribed Doctor to get the certificate for the same. Later they humiliated our family status by spreading false allegations against us in our locality and through newspaper.
Her parents and families threatened our family and me in many ways for getting reunion with my wife. Later they beaten me up in the main road and went, lodged one more FIR against me. By heart, she doesn't like to live with me. I too don't like, as being forgiven her many times and cautioned about their consequences in the past. Also, my father in law is a businessman who has more money and influence in the society, he is not much bothered about our consent in marriage life, but only for the sake of society and his prestige issue, he tries very hard for our reunion. Now I wish to have peace in my life by forgetting all the incidents and to get away from my wife's families as well and to join back ship soon by getting my surrendered Passport from High court with the grace of God. Pls. pray for me, my families and to get good judgement in the court and police proceedings and deliver us from all evil threats.

With prayers and tears,

Re: Prayer Request. Need Peace and Fulfilment

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:13 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Amal, Jesus Christ is your Answer, THE Solution to your problem. Not religion, church, doctrine, prayer, goodness, earthly wisdom, facts, power, human justice, prosperity, favor of men, luck, skill or any other thing that exists or that comes to mind. The Resurrected, Living Jesus Christ and He Alone is your Answer, your Perfect and Complete Solution.

If you will have peace and fulfilment, seek Him and read at our site and learn the Truth.
