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How I came to read this site

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:01 pm
by Moria Habte
Hey my name is Moria Habte. I come from Amsterdam, the Netherlands.I've been reading this site since around start of 2016. That changed everything... One day I was reading the story about an ex-junkie who started a church. This took place in the eighties. So I was wondering what happened to this "sonny". I googled his name and one of the results was a "false teacher" page on him. I started reading... I kept reading... I wondered 'who are these people that speak with so much autorithy and boldness'? 'Can they back it up?'. 'Sure these teachings cant be true?' I searched the web for people who could point out how they were wrong. How they were just another group of liars. I couldnt find anything convincing. My worldview collapsed. The lies I based my life on I could no longer believe because they crumbled in light of truth. I couldnt go back anymore. The ship of my illusions was no more... I could only go forth onto the path before me... The path of truth.

Re: How I came to read this site

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:31 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Hello, Moria!

Excuse me, but can you give me the link from our site that you found on "Sonny"? Or what am I misunderstanding?

Re: How I came to read this site

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 6:48 pm
by Moria Habte
This is the link. ... inzoni.htm" onclick=";return false;