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This is my story ...........

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:25 pm
by Luigi Di Benedetto
My name is Luigi Di Benedetto and i am from Australia. Both of my parents were originally from Italy. Mother moved to Australia in 1954 (April 20) with her parents and two sisters. They lived in the inner suburbs of Melbourne.

Dad moved to Australia in 1956 (September 29) and he lived in Tasmania, among people from the same village he is from. In 1958, one of his siblings also moved to Australia. The boat docked in Port Melbourne and he went to meet with them. While there, he met his future wife. When he made his intentions known to the father of our mother. His future father in law suggested that they first ought to save up a deposit for a home of their own. They did and in 1960, they got married.

In 1962, they went into partnership with God of the Bible and i was born on October 20, 1962. It was a Saturday at 5:50pm and i was followed by three sisters and one brother throughout the next twenty years. Plus one that did not make a debut into the world.

And in 1979; i began reading the New Testament and my inner being (spirit) was born again on April 20,1979. When i recognized that i have sinned like all and to have my relationship with God of the Bible (The partnership of a Heavenly Father, His Son - Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. They are in one in what they think, say and do) restored. Through repentance of my sins and accepting that God came down to my level through the person of Christ. He died for the forgiveness of my sins and restored my relationship with God. i began to believe this with my entire being and say so with the words of my mouth and that secured my salvation. From that day, i have gotten to know God better and better throughout my life and His perfect will for my life. Thank you Lord Jesus.

Met others with like precious faith and was baptized by full immersion into the water like then and those with like precious faith throughout the New Testament. Also like them in the Book of Acts began touching lives with the love of God and the gospel of reconciliation. All to the glory of God and that is the beginning of my spiritual journey. Thank you.

Hidden In Christ

Luigi Di Benedetto

><000> "He enriches with the Blessing of God." Motto of the DI BENEDETTO family since the 13th century. <000><

Re: This is my story ...........

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:10 am
by Tang Williams
Hi Luigi,

It is good to see another Australian here at TPOT. We do have a small Aussie group here. I live in the Riverina town of Deniliquin NSW. The longer I spend seeking the Lord and His TRUTH, the more I realise I know nothing. Especially, after going to church for the past 40+ years!

I hope you can join us on the chats and Bible readings etc. I am blessed and extremely grateful here with friends who like myself are diligently seeking not only the Truth but the Lord Himself.

Here, the Lord is exposing and rebuking a lot of hidden sin(s) in my heart requiring repentance. But, I am enjoying my walk [because of the Truth] with the Lord as He [slowly] reveals Himself to me.

You are here for a reason as ordained by the Lord.

Again, it is good to see another Australian here at TPOT.

Re: This is my story ...........

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:19 am
by Alan McDougall
The Lord Jesus is truth!

Re: This is my story ...........

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 3:35 pm
by Alan McDougall
The Lord Jesus is Truth, not a path to truth!

Re: This is my story ...........

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 3:53 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Absolutely so. He declared, "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life." John 14:6.