Responding to the Slaughter - Glick

Discussions about Israel and the Jew.
Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Responding to the Slaughter - Glick

Post by Victor Hafichuk »" onclick=";return false;

Subject: Caroline B. Glick - Responding to the Slaughter

My reply to Glick's article in that link:

Does this make sense or does it make sense? How should things be as they are in Israel? Why should laws and policies in Israel be even contemplated to be other than how Caroline Glick tells it? Truly, Israel and Jews in the diaspora have been their own worst enemies. They are so stupidly suicidal, rats scurrying for cover. I speak of those leftists like Baskin and so many others; damned fools they are.

On the other hand, these religious Jews have thought they are invulnerable because they study the what – Torah, or Talmud and wear their phylacteries? Is God stupid? Is He impressed? Obviously not. He just lobbed a significant salvo of rebuke to those who think religiosity and self-righteous prayer will save them.

The Jews must realize they need to turn to the God of the Tanakh and His prophets and not to their god of the Talmud and its wise-in-their-own-eyes scribes and commentators. They need to hear and believe their own prophets of old who warned them of these things that should come upon Jews if they didn’t repent of their sins. To this day, the religious Jews proclaim their innocence. Blame it all on the goyim, Rome, Greece, Babylon and the Muslims. Always, always blame someone else.

Has not God promised peace and prosperity to those who love, believe and obey Him? Are not the Scriptures replete with examples of the benefit of obedience and of the consequences of disobedience? Surely! Read the Books of Kings and Chronicles and see for yourself.

Jews are deceiving themselves. Yet for all that, their merciful God, Yeshua HaMashiach, will not permit them to be destroyed. He will write His Law in new hearts of flesh, removing hateful and darkened hearts of stupid stone.

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